God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1444: Who is the unlucky ghost? !

Song Yun walked ahead, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng followed, followed by Tang Miaomiao, Shen Xue and Sun Mengyan.

"Are Teacher Zhu and Teacher Xu both like this?"

Sun Mengyan saw Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng closely following Song Yun, and found it a little funny. These two old men have a very high status in the antique collection circle, and they have a very famous appraisal vision. That is absolutely First-rate, but if Song Yun is next to him, the two old men seem to have suddenly become attendants.

Tang Miaomiao understood Sun Mengyan's meaning in seconds, and immediately nodded.

"That's the way it is. If Song Yun is there, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng will not appraise antiques at all, or the two of them will not look at the antiques around at all, and just stare at Song Yun to see if Song Yun is right. Can pick up the leaks."

Tang Miaomiao didn’t pay much attention to this matter, but now Sun Mengyan brought it up and thought about it carefully, and found that it was really like this. If Song Yun was not around, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng would be a pair of masters. But if Song Yun was right by, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng seemed to have lost their own opinions, brains, and eyes. They were definitely looking forward to Song Yun.


"No way?"

Sun Mengyan finds it a little unbelievable. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng are both highly respected masters in the antique collection circle. Song Yun is just a younger generation. The identities and status of the two are completely different. Under normal circumstances, they should It was Song Yun who became Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng's follower, but now it looks like what Tang Miaomiao said, their relationship and status are completely opposite.

"This is something that can't be helped. Song Yun is really good at picking things up. If it is one or two times, it makes sense. The problem is that every time, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, two old men, are really lacking temper in front of Song Yun."

Tang Miaomiao looked at Song Yun, Zhu Deyuan, and Xu Desheng who were walking in front. The expressions on their faces suddenly became very strange. Perhaps even the three of them did not notice this.

"This thing is so interesting!"

Sun Mengyan smiled and nodded, knowing very well what was behind this, that is Song Yun's powerful ability to pick up leaks, no matter which circle he is in, which industry master is a master, but his strength has reached a certain level. Age is no longer a problem. Song Yun is indeed relatively young, and his seniority in the antique collection circle is relatively low, but it is too scary to hold Song Yun to pick up the leaks. Over time, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng have recognized Song Yun. I respect Song Yun’s strength and status. As long as Song Yun appears, he immediately regards Song Yun’s horse as his head. For example, when three people are walking in the front, Song Yun is the one in the middle, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng. Separate left and right sides, and a little half a step behind when going forward. This instinctive or subconscious behavior is enough to prove Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng's recognition of Song Yun.

Song Yun, Zhu Deyuan, and Xu Desheng didn't even know that Sun Mengyan and Tang Miaomiao, who were walking behind, were whispering quietly. All three of them focused on the antique nearby.

"Song Yun, what do you think of the antiques here tonight?!"

Zhu Deyuan looked at a piece of bronze not far from him, and asked Song Yun that the bronze roof in front of him seemed very good to him. At the same time, he felt a little problematic, but he couldn't judge it for a while. , Where is the problem? Simply ask Song Yun directly.

"There is no need to buy this kind of things. To be honest, I think bronzes are more troublesome to store."

Song Yun shook his head. Bronze is of course a very good antique, and the price of good bronzes is very high. But when it comes to collecting, he really doesn’t have a good feeling for bronzes. One of the biggest characteristics of metal is of course. It will corrode, or the degree of corrosion of metal antiques will be faster. Relatively speaking, porcelain is relatively safe. Although it is easy to break, generally speaking, as long as it is antique porcelain, everyone will be very careful. In fact, the possibility of damage Very low, not as easily affected by the environment as bronzes.

"You don't need to talk about this. I mean, what about the bronze roof not far in front of us?"

When Zhu Deyuan heard Song Yun's words like this, he knew immediately. He must have not understood what he meant.


"Which bronze cauldron do you mean?"

Song Yun raised his hand as he spoke, and clicked the bronze cauldron on the left front.

"I didn't say that it was the one. I think it's still good, but it's a bit weird!"

Zhu Deyuan nodded softly.

Song Yun had just wanted to speak, but suddenly remembered something. He looked around and found that several people were chatting not far from him, but it was obvious that those people were clearly talking. Absent-minded, and some people even looked at him from time to time.

Song Yun smiled. He immediately understood that the few people might know he or Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, and he just wanted to hear his opinion on that bronze cauldron. If he accidentally said something just now, Those few people can definitely hear it.

Song Yun didn't speak, and walked straight forward. Both Zhu Deyuan and Xue were very experienced people, and they immediately understood what it was like. After closing their mouths, they followed and walked forward.

"Song Yun can now say that there is no one within four or five meters around us."

Before Zhu Deyuan spoke, he looked around carefully and found that there was no one, so he was relieved.

"That bronze tripod is fake in my opinion!"

Song Yun unceremoniously directly stated the result of his own judgment. It is absolutely impossible to make mistakes in this kind of thing, because although the bronze cauldron looks very good on the surface, it is actually problematic.


"What the **** is going wrong?!"

Zhu Deyuan asked Song Yun while thinking about the bronze cauldron he saw just now.

"I don't think there is a big problem with that bronze cauldron, Song Yun, why do you think there is a problem with that one?"

Xu Desheng shook his head, a little wondering why Song Yun made such a judgment.

"The problem with that bronze tripod is on one of the feet, and that foot has been repaired, but because the level of repair is very high, it is definitely the highest level in the world. I want to see It’s definitely not easy to come out. What’s more important is that the repair position is on the inner side of the top foot. Unless it’s at a special angle, you want to see clearly. It’s not likely because of that position, unless you pick up the tripod. Come directly to the sky, otherwise it will be very difficult to see."

Song Yun said the key points, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng only then understood what was going on. The brows of the two people immediately started. In such an auction, there is rarely a chance to sell a bronze Kanae turned upside down to observe carefully.

"It seems that many people will be fooled!"

Zhu Deyuan knows that this kind of thing is very likely to happen. Song Yun said that the location is indeed relatively secret. It is mainly limited by the auction environment. Basically, there are not many opportunities to conduct such detailed identification. Even people with rich experience like myself and Xu Desheng are unaware of this, let alone others, among the people who participated in this auction tonight, there are not many people who have appraisal experience than themselves and Xu Desheng. From this, it can be seen that this bronze cauldron may murder a lot of money in a person's pocket tonight. The only difference is to see which one is the real hapless man.

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