God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1462: On the issue of leaving and leaving antiques

"Sister Tang!"

"When it opened here, you definitely didn't expect that one day you would move Jumbo Pavilion to another city."

Song Yun said, while looking at the treasure pavilion, everything here is very familiar, he entered the antique circle from this place, and a lot of leaks occurred during the treasure pavilion here. To be more hypocritical, that’s here. This Jumbo Pavilion is the place where my life has changed and where I started my career. Now I have to move Jumbo Pavilion to another city, and I feel filled with emotion.

"Who said no?"

"When Jumbo Pavilion opened, I really didn’t expect that one day I would leave here and move Jumbo Pavilion to another city. My idea at that time was very simple. It was to manage Jumbo Pavilion well, support myself, and at the same time You can keep yourself in the circle of antique collection. After 10 or 20 years, Jumbo Pavilion can become a reputable antique shop."

"Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, we have made Jumbo Pavilion a very important antique shop in the entire antique collection circle. We have made countless money, which will be spent in ten lifetimes. That kind, and at the same time, our antique shop has accumulated a lot of treasure-level antiques. At this time, it is even more for achieving a greater goal, preparing to move the treasure pavilion to another city to face more intense competition."

Tang Miaomiao's inner feelings are far more than Song Yun's. The treasure pavilion in front of him is the first antique shop he established. It is the result of his own hard work. Song Yun invited to join him, in a sense. It is said that Jumbo Pavilion is an antique shop founded by oneself. Now that it has grown to another level, it must be moved to another city to have a higher growth space. This means that its own success also means I have to face new challenges, and I can do this in a short time. It is absolutely very powerful, I have never thought about it.

"Song Yun, in fact, Zhenbao Pavilion has all of this today, and the main reason is because of you."

Tang Miaomiao is very clear about this. The biggest contribution to the treasure pavilion today is, of course, because of Song Yun. If Song Yun had not joined the treasure pavilion, this antique shop would definitely be able to develop in his own hands, but What is certain is that it is absolutely impossible to have today. Without Song Yun, Zhenbao Pavilion would not be fundamentally different from other antique shops. It has become stronger during the years of slow development, but the speed will never be. It is very fast, and it is absolutely impossible to go to the current business model and sell antiques by accepting the entrustment of buyers.

Song Yun shook his head. The development of Treasure Pavilion was definitely not the result of her alone. Although on the surface it seemed that she did exert a lot of effort. Picking up leaks is very useful for the development of Treasure Pavilion. I feel that Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue have no use in the development of the treasure pavilion. It is really silly and naive. Their position in the treasure pavilion is irreplaceable, but Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue are in the treasure pavilion. The status is also irreplaceable. The Jumbo Pavilion can have today is definitely the result of the joint efforts of three people. Each person’s role is different, and each person’s role is different, but if there is no one person, Jumbo Pavilion will never go smoothly. Keep going.

"Sister Tang, there is no need to go on like this. No one can really run smoothly without the treasure pavilion. This is very clear in my heart."

Song Yun said as he picked up the teapot beside him and poured a cup of hot tea for Tang Miaomiao.

Tang Miaomiao smiled and didn't talk about it anymore. The relationship between each other has reached a certain level. If you have to care about everything and say it very clearly, it is actually not a good thing. So to say this is just to recall the process of the development and growth of Zhenbao Pavilion, and feel a bit emotional.

"Song Yun, it's the same strategy we have set down just now. In the last few days, our main focus has been on inviting buyers from Jumbo Pavilion. In theory, of course, we hope that all big buyers will appear, but if there are If others are willing to go, there is no problem."

Tang Miaomiao knew that Song Yun's main energy must be concentrated on the big buyers, but she felt that if it was an ordinary buyer who wanted to see the new Treasure Pavilion, there would be no problem.

"I think it's better to let out some wind on this matter. As long as people who have bought antiques in our Jumbo Pavilion, if you want to see the new Jumbo Pavilion, there is no problem. All the accommodations will eat and drink. We are responsible for all kinds of things."

When Song Yun first started, he really only planned to invite some big buyers. For example, he once commissioned more than 10 million antique buyers in Jumbo Pavilion, but after Tang Miaomiao reminded him, he felt that things could be done more securely. One point, that is, anyone who has bought antiques in Jumbo Pavilion can go and see what the new Jumbo Pavilion looks like. The cost of the Jumbo Pavilion is the responsibility of it. If there are a lot of people who want to go, this is absolutely It is a huge expense, but such a sum of money can definitely be spent, and the spent is very valuable. In fact, in a sense, whether it is Zhenbao Pavilion or Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao, etc., Such a sum of money is not in the eyes, but the effect that such a sum of money can produce is very far-reaching and it is definitely worth the money.

"Of course this kind of cost must be borne by us, and we must arrange a five-star hotel."

Tang Miaomiao didn't need to think about it.

Song Yun understood what Tang Miaomiao meant. Five-star hotels must be prepared. If you don’t do such things, you must do it to the extreme, so that you can better maintain customers. There is no doubt about it.

Song Yun saw that he was in charge of the matter, and he had talked very clearly and thoroughly. The next step was to deal with it. This time he and Tang Miaomiao returned to Ninghua City. Another very important matter is to compare some things. Regular antiques, it can even be said that all precious antiques are transported to the new treasure pavilion. The value of these antiques is very huge, and you must be very careful. There must be no mistakes in the way. Tang Miaomiao Responsible for this matter, I don't know if there is a complete plan.

"We now have a lot of antiques in Jumbo Pavilion, which are mainly composed of two parts. One of them is of course the antiques we prepared to complete the client's entrustment. The number of these antiques is relatively large, although the value of each antique It is not particularly high, but it is definitely an astronomical number when added up. The risk of this type of antique is not particularly high, but it must also be very careful. Regarding this part of antiques, my thoughts are the vast majority The antiques stay and stay in our branch of Jumbo Pavilion. This batch of antiques was originally intended to satisfy the current Jumbo Pavilion’s entrusted business and preparations. In this case, most of the antiques stay here, even if there is no way to fully digest them at present. But it won’t take much time. All these antiques will have new owners. We don’t need to get them to a new place and then have to send them back. This is completely useless labor."

Tang Miaomiao had already considered this matter in its entirety.

Song Yun had no objection. There was nothing wrong with Tang Miaomiao’s arrangement. He didn’t say anything. The antiques Tang Miaomiao just said were only in the Treasure Pavilion. They were very ordinary antiques, not the highlight. They don’t care about such antiques. There is no problem with how to deal with it. Even if it is first concentrated in the new Jumbo Pavilion, there is no problem with sending it back when necessary. The total price of this batch of antiques is only relatively high, and the unit price of the single product is nothing surprising. , Simply don’t pay attention to it, put it in the eyes.

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