God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1476: doubt

"Old man Zhu, old man Xu, I said it was too much for the two of you to do this. If Song Yun really missed it, how could we not show you that antique?"

"What I have just said is very clear, it is really not what we said, Song Yun is no longer here, how could he still go and miss it?"

"Song Yun told you he missed it?"

"If there is such a thing, did you not know that Song Yun is not here? You two old men must not fool me. Although I read few books, the basic common sense is still true. This kind of deception It’s an old and disrespectful thing, you guys have done it. This is simply a thief for being old!"

Shen Xue was not polite at all, and immediately criticized Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng for being innocent.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Dezhen were flushed with old faces. They said that they were indeed fooling Shen Xue. They didn’t get the news from Song Yun at all. They were thinking of snarling and fooling Shen Xue. How could they want Shen Xue to be very smart, fundamentally? Not fooled.

"It's really not you picking up the leak, really it's not Song Yun picking up the leak?"

Zhu Deyuan looked suspicious. He always felt that this matter must be related to Song Yun, Shen Xue and Tang Miaomiao, but there is no evidence at all, especially Song Yun. At this time, people are not here at all. Instead, he went back to Ninghua City. Under normal circumstances, it was indeed as Shen Xue said that it was impossible to pick up the leak. Song Yun's hand was definitely not that long.

"Old man Zhu, old man Xu, I said what happened to the two of you today. Didn't I have already said it? If Song Yun really missed it, there is no need to hide this kind of thing from you. When did Song Yun and us do this? The child?"

Shen Xue replied solemnly.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, look at me and I will look at you. Although they still don’t believe it in their hearts, they still feel that this matter has something to do with Song Yun, but there is no evidence in front of them, and what Shen Xue said is right. If Song Yun really There is no reason to deny it if it is missed. It is completely unnecessary. Song Yun has never concealed the antiques that Song Yun had missed before.

Shen Xue saw the expressions and actions on Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng's faces, and his face was really about to laugh. He knew that the two old men Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were definitely caught by himself. Flickering, I don't know the south, east, and northwest. If I thought that this time the leak was related to Song Ming, now my heart is definitely full of doubts, at least there is no way to be sure.

"I want to go to that small courtyard in the Ming Dynasty at this time to see if you are interested. If you are not interested, then I can't control you!"

Shen Xue wanted to leave now at this time, worried that if she stayed here, she would not help but laugh. At that time Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng would find the clues, of course the best way is to leave quickly.

The main purpose of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng who came here was to see if Song Yun found it. If Song Yun found it, he would study the antique carefully. At this moment, he suddenly found the whole piece. The matter has nothing to do with Song Yun. His mood has been greatly affected. It can even be said to be a shock. He has no interest at all and shook his head.

Shen Xue didn't pay attention to this, turned her car, stepped on the accelerator and left after starting it. After leaving for tens of meters, she finally couldn't help but laugh. This thing is really fun. Just now, it was just an idea to lie to Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, where they wanted to get such a good effect.

Shen Xue didn't mean to debunk the mystery right away. Of course, this kind of trick must continue to be played. Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao will talk about it after they come back, and Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng will let them dry first.

"If these two old men learn the truth later, they might jump up with anger!"

Shen Xue thought as she drove the car. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng must know what happened sooner or later. Of course they understood at that time that if they lied to them, they would be angry, but they were not afraid at all, if it really happened. If Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, two old men, dared to be angry in front of them, don't blame yourself for being rude.

While humming a song, Shen Xue drove the car, went to the courtyard of the Ming Dynasty and looked around, feeling that there are still three or five days to complete the work. This time she feels even better, because it means that it will not take much time for herself If you can move to this courtyard, your own villa is of course very luxurious, but compared with this ancient courtyard with a very strong flavor, it still has another flavor, which is completely different. It is for people who are deeply influenced by traditional culture. Said that the attractiveness of this kind of courtyard is extremely great.

After seeing the yard, Shen Xue drove to the Treasure Pavilion at the Antique Market. At this time, the entire renovation was completely over. After checking inside and out, no problems were found. The two parties handed over the keys. A paragraph.


"It seems that the furniture must be pulled over!"

Shen Xue watched the whole shop inside and outside very carefully several times, and was very satisfied with the decoration this time. Although the time is relatively short, the money spent is more, and the effect is very good. I believe that whether it is Song Yun or Tang Miaomiao, if he sees the shop at this time, he must be as satisfied as himself. Everything is ready now, and the legendary thing is ready but Dongfeng.

Shen Xue made a phone call to Tang Miaomiao. Now that the decoration has been completed, the furniture has to come in. She wants to ask Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao when they will be able to come back. Knowing Song Yun and Tang Miao Miao still has three or five days to be able to come back, so he decided simply and let the furniture be pulled over tomorrow. Anyway, it’s a matter of placing furniture, it’s already been determined where to put the furniture, Song Yunhe It would be best if Tang Miaomiao was on the scene, but if they couldn't come back in time for something, there was no need to postpone it. They could do it alone.

After Shen Xue, Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao had discussed the matter, they simply settled the matter down. It was fine without waiting for them to come back. It was not too difficult.

Shen Xue immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call to the furniture factory, so that they could send the furniture to Zhenbao Pavilion tomorrow for display. Just after the call, he heard a sound of footsteps at the door. It's very crisp, I know it was a woman's high heels. I was a little curious. I looked up and saw that at this time Jumbo Pavilion has not really opened. In theory, it should not be possible for anyone to come at this time, but look clearly After knowing who it was, I felt that this incident was not strange at all, because it was Sun Mengyan who came to me.

"Miss Sun, you came here to find me today. Wouldn't it be that you want to tell me that Jumbo Pavilion will open in advance?!"

Shen Xue looked at Sun Mengyan, who had already walked in front of her, and felt that she really didn't know how to talk about this matter. Sun Mengyan was really a little too persistent in this matter.

"As you can see, although the decoration of the shop in Zhenbao Pavilion has been completed, and the sanitation has been cleaned up, but the furniture and other things are still not known where, let alone Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao, they both returned. In Ninghua City, there are many things that must be prepared for the opening of Jumbo Pavilion. It is impossible to officially open in three or five days as you said."

Shen Xue didn't have the mind to confront Sun Mengyan with you on this issue, so she just said it to death and blocked Sun Mengyan's mouth.

"Until now, I still hope that Jumbo Pavilion can open in advance, and it has never changed, but I came here today to find you and it really has nothing to do with this matter."

Sun Mengyan knew that Shen Xue was using words to block her in advance, and she didn’t need to mention the advance opening of Jumbo Pavilion. She was not angry at all. She knew that her request was indeed a bit embarrassing. They were sure when Jumbo Pavilion opened Song Yun Tang Miaomiao. It is necessary to prepare first. Of course, you can express your hopes, but what you do in the end is definitely Song Yun and the others' business, and there is absolutely no way to influence it.


"No way?!"

"Do you have anything else to come here to find me today?"

Shen Xue was really a little surprised at this. She thought she had come to persuade Zhenbao Pavilion to open ahead of schedule, but now she found that she had guessed wrong.

"Yesterday there was a rumor in our antique market that someone picked up a leak in an antique shop and the value of the lost antique is very high, at least ten million or more."

"After knowing the news, I inquired about it. I didn't know who was the one who picked it up. I wanted to ask if this matter has anything to do with Song Yun?!"

Sun Mengyan actually received the news last night. By this morning, almost everyone in the antique collection circle was talking about it. Recently, there have been some leaks in the entire antique market from time to time, but they are all concentrated in the ghost market. This is the first time that an antique shop has happened. On the surface, this matter seems very simple, but in fact, for smart people, they immediately realize that this matter is actually more complicated than it seems. The antique stalls are all informal guerrillas. The antique shops are different. Everyone who can afford to open an antique shop has a certain ability to identify. Although they may not be experts in the circle, the vision is absolutely impossible. Too bad. At the same time, the antiques in the antique shop are relatively high-end. In other words, it is much more difficult to pick up the leaks in the antique shop than the antique stalls in the ghost market. Now this happened. , Which means that people who want to pick up the leak can not only go to the ghost market, but also go to the antique shop, and the scope of the leak can be greatly expanded.

After Sun Mengyan learned about this, she immediately began to inquire, trying to figure out whether the incident was true or not, or who was the person who found it, but it took a long time to gain nothing at all. Unclear, finally had to doubt Song Yun's head.

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