God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1481: The impact is really coming!

Song Yun arrived at the Treasure Pavilion, and Shen Xue was already inside. It seemed that she should have been here for a long time, and she was looking left and right.

"How do you like this decoration?"

After seeing Song Yun, Shen Xue pointed to the decorated treasure pavilion around him.

"Not bad!"

"Really very good!"

Song Yun has just returned from Ninghua City. This is the first time I have seen a fully renovated Jumbo Pavilion. It must be said that the renovated Jumbo Pavilion is much better than the renderings, and it is also better than Ninghua City. The decoration of Jumbo Pavilion is very high-end. It is definitely designed and constructed carefully, which is indeed very, very satisfying.

"I never thought that I would own such an antique shop. This is really unexpected."

Shen Xue had never thought that one day she would have an antique shop. She thought that she would only eat in the auction circle for the rest of her life. How could she have imagined that she would open it with Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao? An antique shop, the key is that this antique shop is still very powerful from now on, it is very likely to become one of the most famous antique shops in the world, even if it will exist 100 years later.

"This kind of thing or the future of life can't be predicted by anyone at all! Anyway, you still work in the auction circle after all. Now it is logical to open an antique shop. I used to work on a construction site. From this point of view, the turning point in my life is far more tortuous than what you are about to come. If you have to say the unexpected, my life is even more unexpected!"

Song Yun hadn't thought about working on a construction site for a long time. At this time, when Shen Xue said it, she immediately recalled that she found that her life had really changed drastically.


"If you compare it to you, this point of mine is really not enough to see. If you have to say a fundamental turning point, yours is really better!"

Shen Xue shook her head, Song Yun was indeed more unexpected than herself.

"Does the furniture we ordered have to be delivered today?"

Song Yun looked at the inside and out of the Treasure Pavilion, up and down. The very careful one could not find any flaws at all, and this one was more satisfied.

"Yes, it's not wrong. It will be delivered today. It is already an appointment. I stay here now just to wait for them to deliver the furniture and arrange it in the position according to our requirements."

Shen Xue nodded. One of the main things she came here today was to arrange the furniture.

Song Yun had no other plans for the time being. He simply stayed at Zhenbao Pavilion and waited for the furniture to be delivered with Shen Xue. After a short while, a huge truck stopped outside Zhenbao Pavilion. The furniture is arranged neatly according to the location determined by Tang Miaomiao before. Of course, the next thing is to clean and hygienic. At this time, Zhenbao Pavilion is actually ready for official opening. The only thing left is of course. The most important thing is some small decorations or decorations, but the value of the antiques in the treasure pavilion is put on the antique.

"It looks like Jumbo Pavilion should open soon!"


"Who said no?"

"The speed is too fast!"


"The sooner the renovation is completed, the sooner the opening, the sooner you can make money!"

"Who will delay making money?"


"Jumbo Pavilion is finally about to open. I don't know how it will affect our business after opening!"


"Who knows?"

"I can't imagine this!"


"The opening of Jumbo Pavilion has both advantages and disadvantages for our antique shops. It is definitely a double-edged sword. The only problem now is to see if the benefits are greater or the disadvantages are greater!"

"Which one must be left for time to prove!"


After the decoration of the Jumbo Pavilion, the news has spread. Now this is the time when the furniture is placed with great fanfare. People in the entire antique market don’t know if they don’t know. After the furniture is placed, the next step is definitely to open soon and do business. We all know that it is impossible to procrastinate forever, not to mention rent alone is already a huge expense, not to mention that Jumbo Pavilion is very famous in the antique collection circle, and the business is doing very well, the later Open, the less money you will make. From this point of view, Jumbo Pavilion will definitely open for business in the shortest time.

The owner of the antique shop here in the antique market saw that Jumbo Pavilion was about to open for business, and his heart became very uneasy. At the beginning, they all felt that Jumbo Pavilion’s move here would definitely cause a fatal blow to everyone’s business. , Because the market for antique collections is such a big one, buyers are just so few people. With the addition of a very competitive store, it will surely attract a large number of buyers, which is equivalent to what others can sell. There will be fewer antiques, precisely because of this. At the beginning, almost everyone opposed the treasure pavilion, but what happened next proved that after Song Yun picked it up a few times, the ghost market became very prosperous. The business of the antique shop has been affected. Everyone can see that the purchase of the antique shop is too good before. All of this was brought by Song Yun and Zhenbaoge. From this time on, some people felt that the treasurehouse moved here. For everyone, it’s not only bad. In fact, it’s also good. Now Jumbo Pavilion is ready to open. The only question is whether it’s good or bad. But no one can judge this kind of thing. No one can be sure. Time has proven, but anyway, the owner of the antique shop here is very worried when he sees that Jumbo Pavilion is about to open soon. He doesn't know what will happen to everyone next, and he is very worried about his business. While being affected, there is still a little hope in my heart. I hope that the arrival of Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion can further promote the prosperity of the entire antique market. If this is the case, then everyone will not be affected, but can make money. More money, it's just that although this possibility exists, no one is fully certain.

Song Yun and Shen Xue have been busy at Jumbo Pavilion for a whole day. All the furniture has been placed and cleaned. It is already night when they leave Jumbo Pavilion. The whole antique street is brightly lit, people come and go, and the business is definitely very good. it is good.

"I wonder if these people will oppose the arrival of our Jumbo Pavilion as before?"

Song Yun and Shen Xue walked forward slowly, not knowing if it was their own illusion. Whenever passing by an antique shop, I always feel that the owner of the antique shop inside will see it and stare at themselves and Shen Xue. It feels like she has been paying attention to Zhenbao Pavilion, paying attention to the movement of herself and Shen Xue.

"This thing is hard to say!"

"I think people like them may really have been reluctant to move Jumbo Pavilion here until now, but their emotions are definitely different from when they first started, because they can now see that between you and Jumbo Under the influence of Ge, their business has improved compared to before. Although they are not too refreshed in their hearts now, it is definitely impossible to resolutely oppose it as before!"

Shen Xue looked at the antique shops on both sides of the antique street. She felt that the attitude of the people in the antique market towards Jumbo Pavilion had changed a lot during the recent period. Although it is impossible to completely reverse it, these people will definitely not. I was firmly opposed to it before the line.

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