God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1483: topic

"Old Man Zhu, Old Man Xu, I said that the two of you are too much. You asked me if this matter has anything to do with Song Yun. I have already told you clearly that this matter has nothing to do with Song Yun. , But now that you see Song Yun still asking about this, you obviously don’t believe me!"

Shen Xue immediately fought back at this moment, typically being reasonable and unforgiving.

When Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng heard Shen Xue say this, their old faces were a little embarrassed, because there was nothing wrong with what they said. It was indeed like this. At this time, the two of them asked Song Yun directly. They really didn’t believe what Shen Xue said. More importantly, this is in front of Shen Xue, which is clearly a face-to-face slap.



"We didn't mean it!"


"How could we not believe what you said?"

"We just want to finally verify it. Maybe Song Yun lied to you?"


Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng are old fried dough sticks after all, and they reacted quickly and found an excuse immediately. They were very simple, and they pushed the matter to Song Yun.

"Elder Zhu, Elder Xu, I said you two should do it this way, don't you think that doing it like this will really hurt your conscience?"

Song Yun was very helpless.

"We just said that this is just a possibility, not that you really lied to Shen Xue!"


"Song Yun Song Yun!"

"You don't want to be seated right?"


Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng immediately showed innocent looks on their faces.

Song Yun stopped talking about it altogether, but he couldn't laugh in his heart. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng must have believed that the news of the leaks this time had nothing to do with them, but the facts were just the opposite, the antique. It means picking up the leak by himself, picking up the leak from Zhang Feng's shop through Shen Xue's hand.

"If this thing really breaks out in the future!"

"That's really fun!"

Song Yun couldn't help but muttered something in his heart. He knew about this. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng would know sooner or later. This is not to say that he and Shen Xue will reveal flaws, but that Shen Xue will definitely tell Zhu De about this at some point. Yuan and Xu Desheng, you must know that if Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng have not been aware of this matter, and the fun is less, the most important and fun part of this matter is of course to tell Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng the truth about this matter one day. Then see what their reaction looks like, that part is the most exciting.

Song Yun opened the door of the yard and walked inside. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng followed behind. At this time, the yard was brightly lit and construction was ongoing day and night.

Song Yun and Shen Xue took the entire yard around and found that 99% of the area had been repaired, and the remaining 1% would not take much time. It is estimated that it would only take three or five days.

Song Yun and Shen Xue, including Zhu Deyun and Xu Desheng, did not stay in the courtyard for too long. They came every once in a while. They were already familiar with everything. There was no need to stay for a few hours. They left the courtyard of the Ming Dynasty. After that, I walked two streets, found a place where I could drink tea, and sat down to chat.

"Song Yun!"

"The repair of this yard is very fast, and the most important thing is that the quality of the repairs is very high. If you don't already know it in your heart, I definitely don't think this yard has been repaired!"

Zhu Deyuan drank Longjing tea. He liked the taste very much. As soon as he and Xu Desheng had time or nothing to do during the recent period, they would come to this yard. They knew the situation very well. The yard repaired this time is not only Only the speed is fast, and the quality is very good. It is really the top level.

"Who said no?"

"This yard is really well repaired, it can definitely serve as a model project!"

Xu Desheng nodded in agreement. This is indeed the case. I have seen a lot of old yards. Almost every old yard has to be repaired after it is bought. But if you have to find the best one, it is definitely Song Yun's yard.

"Put a large sum of money in. If there is no effect at all, then it will be troublesome!"

Song Yun didn't think this result was any strange. In order to complete the repair as quickly as possible, the money he, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue had put in was definitely tens of millions and not one tens of millions. There were so many. If the money comes out or the final result is not ideal, it is really hell.

When Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng heard Song Yun say this, they couldn't help but laugh. Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue, in order to repair the yard, really paid a lot of money into this yard. The effect after the final repair was completed. It's so good. In fact, the most fundamental reason is that there is too much money to make trouble. Even if the average person really buys such a yard, it is impossible to spend so much money on repairs, naturally there is no such perfect result.

"Money is really a good thing!"

Xu Desheng touched his chin, and couldn't help but say, this is definitely a sentiment, and the courtyard that Song Yun repaired is the best proof.

"Old man Xu, you are obviously nonsense. Everyone knows that money is a good thing. Without money, you can't do anything, and you can't buy anything."

Shen Xue didn't give Xu Desheng any face, so she just screamed.

Xu Desheng shook his head. There was no way to refute Shen Xue's words. The most important thing was that he and Zhu Deyuan directly questioned Shen Xue's words in front of Song Yun. Now this is clearly looking for opportunities to retaliate.

"Song Yun, when do you plan to open the Treasure Pavilion? Has the specific time been set?"

As soon as Zhu Deyuan saw that this situation was not so wonderful, he and Xu Desheng had a share in this matter. If Shen Xue found an opportunity, she would never let herself go, and immediately changed the subject.

"The specific time has not yet been finalized. There are two main reasons. One is that we want to wait for the Ming Dynasty yard to be repaired, especially after the security systems are all in place, and then the antiques will be delivered directly from Ninghua City. Here, it will never be placed in an insurance company or the like. Another is that this time there are more than 300 buyers who want to come from Ninghua City to participate in the opening ceremony of the Jumbo Pavilion. It has to be arranged properly. Before this matter is finished, there is no way to open the Jumbo Pavilion."

Song Yun saw Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng desperately changing the subject, he felt really funny in his heart, but this kind of thing is definitely not allowed to leak, otherwise, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng are very experienced people. It was easy to perceive and see through, and he simply changed the topic following Zhu Deyuan's words.

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