God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1493: A different mind

Shi Tiezhu is very excited at this time. He originally thought that his antique shop would have to spend a long time in order to restore its reputation. Even when he closed his eyes, he might not see the arrival of this day. He did not expect this. It turned out to be a very good opportunity, and it was an opportunity that I didn't expect. If I seized this opportunity and used it properly, I would definitely be able to fight a beautiful turnaround in the shortest time.

"Shi Xiaozhu!"

"This opportunity is very rare for us. It must be seized. No accidents can happen. I must warn you that you must never do anything. If you let me find that you are here this time. Among the things, if there are any thoughts that shouldn't be there, I would rather smash all the antiques in the house than leave it to you!"

The expression on Shi Tiezhu’s face is very serious. He knows that this opportunity may be the only best opportunity he can encounter in his life. If he can’t seize it, his antique shop in this circle can definitely only be like The mud is as smelly as it is, and he will never allow any mistakes in this time. The most important person in this is Shi Xiaozhu. This is his own son. It is impossible for him to stay in the antique shop 24 hours a day. If Shi Xiaozhu did something famous, he would have missed this opportunity and simply waited to die.


"Do not worry!"

"I am very aware of the importance of this time, and I will never do anything confused again!"

Shi Xiaozhu nodded vigorously.


"It's good if you can understand this!"

"The next thing you have to do is to take stock of all the antiques in our house, see which ones can be sold and which ones can be kept at home, make a list and show them to me. If there is no problem, Just put all those antiques on the shelf."

Shi Tiezhu looked at the antiques on the shelves of the surrounding antique shops. The proportion of real antiques is already very high, but it is far from enough. He really intends to make all the antiques in his antique shop real. Only then can we achieve our goals and enable the antique shop to turn things around in the shortest time.

Shi Xiaozhu nodded.

Shi Tiezhu looked at the time and found that it was not too early, so he stood up and left the antique shop first. People are getting older and can’t stay up late. The important thing is that this time, you must go back and think about it. Do it.

Shi Xiaozhu slowly cleaned up the antique shop, and soon had to close the door, and can continue to do business tomorrow, after half an hour of busy, everything has been put back to the original position, originally wanted to leave the antique immediately Shop, but after hesitating for a while, I sat down on the sofa and made a cup of hot tea, but I didn't mean to drink it. The whole person was motionless like a stone.

"Is it really going to be done like this this time? Do you really want to fill the shelves of the antique shop with real antiques?"

"This is a very good opportunity to make a lot of money, can you just let it go?"

Shi Xiaozhu has just agreed to Shi Tiezhu, but now he is staying alone in the antique shop at this time, and suddenly feels very entangled. Shi Tiezhu's words are not wrong at all, it is indeed like this, this time it is definitely an antique from the house. The best opportunity for store business, but at the same time, it is also a very good opportunity to make money. If you miss an opportunity like this, next time there will be so many buyers, especially those with purchasing power. In the antique market, I don’t know the year and month, and it will never appear again.

"What should I do?"

"Do I follow the old man's words, be safe and secure, do nothing, save the reputation of the antique shop inside, or make a fortune by taking advantage of such a good opportunity? "

The expression on Shi Xiaozhu’s face was cloudy and uncertain, and the heavens were fighting in his mind. Until three or four in the morning, he still could not make up his mind, but he knew that he had to go back at this time and could no longer stay in the antique shop. Go down.

Shi Xiaozhu drove the car back home, looked at Shi Tiezhu's room and found that the light was still on. After hesitating for a while, he walked over, knocked on the door lightly, and then pushed aside and found Shi Tiezhu holding a book in his hand. , Sitting in a chair and looking attentively.


"When is it now, why haven't you slept yet?"

As Shi Xiaozhu said, he walked to the side of Shi Tiezhu, took a look, and found that he was reading an antique appraisal book, and the cup of tea next to him was already cold. It seemed that he should have been watching it for a long time.

"When people get older, if there is something in their heart, they will not fall asleep. Just get up and read a book, and go to sleep when you are a little tired." Shi Tiezhu said as he raised his head to look at Shi Xiaozhu, "Why are you doing this? Are you just coming back?"

"There is something in the store. Two friends came over to watch antiques and chat. Before they knew it, it was late."

There was a little emptiness in Shi Xiaozhu's heart, and he dared not look at Shi Tiezhu when he spoke.

"Go and rest early!"

"It’s almost four o’clock in the morning at this time, and you will have to open a store to do business in a few hours. The business in the antique market is very good now, and other antique stores open their doors to do business early in the morning. We cannot make exceptions."

Shi Tiezhu waved his hand, making Shi Xiaozhu hurry to sleep at this time.

Shi Xiaozhu nodded, did not say anything, turned around and left, gently closing the door of the room when he left.

The expression on Shi Tiezhu's face suddenly became very serious.

"It seems that I really thought my wings were hard, and I didn't even listen to what I said!"

Shi Tiezhu suddenly sighed slightly. Shi Xiaozhu’s behavior just now was very strange, even including his tone of voice when he spoke. Needless to say, he must be thinking about something that shouldn’t be there, thinking of his return from the antique shop just now. When I said that, plus those things that Shi Xiaozhu had done before, it was easy to guess that Shi Xiaozhu must be hitting some ideas that he would never be able to do.

"Do you think that being Laozi is really a fool? If you really don't listen to me and do those things, then don't blame me for being rude."

Shi Tiezhu sneered, knowing his son Mo Ruo father, what kind of person Shi Xiaozhu really was, he knew very well, what he didn't expect was that Shi Xiaozhu would dare to make those ideas even under the circumstances of his own advice. He definitely didn't know. Do not put yourself in the eyes of life and death.

"It's going to rain and my mother is going to get married. No one can care about this, but as long as you are my son, you won't be able to fly out of my palm."

Shi Tiezhu threw the book he was holding on to the table. At this time, there is no mood to read. This opportunity is very rare for him. After missing such an opportunity, the reputation of his antique shop is really It is very likely that he will never be able to save it again. The antique shop is the painstaking effort of his life, and it is absolutely impossible for others to toss it away in vain, even if this person is his own son.

"Unless I die, unless I close my eyes and can't open them again, otherwise, this antique shop will still be mine, and everything in this house will be mine."

Shi Tiezhu stood up, walked slowly to the bed, lay down and closed his eyes. In fact, he was not unable to sleep at all, but found that Shi Xiaozhu hadn't returned home for such a long time and knew that something must have happened. I've been waiting here all the time, just want to see what time Shi Xiaozhu will come back home. Discovering this fact really disappointed him.

After Shi Tiezhu lay on the bed, he could not sleep a lot for a few minutes. He has been rolling in the circle of Antiques all his life. He has encountered everything. The time before him is just a small matter among small things. He has already thought about it in his mind. Know what to do next.

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