God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1495: Three heads

Song Yun and Shen Xue finished their breakfast very quickly. The two of them still have things to do, that is, they have to go to Zhenbao Pavilion. Although Zhenbao Pavilion has not determined the final opening time at this time, some preparations must be done. It may be completed early.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, at this moment, wishing to be as far away as possible from Song Yun, especially Shen Xue, did not have the slightest interest in going to Zhenbao Pavilion.

Of course Song Yun understood what was going on, did not say anything, and the two left in a hurry.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng stayed and continued to eat breakfast, but at this time they still have no intention of eating breakfast.

"It was originally a triumphant thing, but now let Shen Xue say this, how do I feel that the two antiques in front of me are getting more and more unpleasant, do we really have to smash them all? ?"

Zhu Deyuan was drinking porridge. After Song Yun and Shen Xue left, they couldn’t hold back anymore, they just put the spoon aside and looked up at the two boxes placed on the table. Inside were themselves and The two antiques that Xu Desheng had missed were really not pleasing to the eye as he looked at them. Now he felt that the two boxes contained in them were not antiques at all, but two pieces of **** that smelled bad.

"It's not necessary to smash it, no matter how you say it, after selling it, you can buy a million-class car, look back and just find a place to throw it away. It's a blessing to see it!

Xu Desheng was very upset, but there was no way. Shen Xue was talking about the facts. Song Yunhai really didn't care about the two antique pieces that she and Zhu Deyuan had missed. She wanted to show off, but she was ruthless by Shen Xue. Slap hard.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng looked at the box placed on the table, dumbfounded, and didn't know what to say for a while.


"I said what the **** are you two old men doing here? Staring at the two boxes, what are you looking at? Is there any treasure in these two boxes?"

Shi Tiezhu walked into the tea house. This tea house is near the antique market. Many people who open antique shops come here to drink morning tea in the morning. He is no exception. He used to hand over the antique shop to Shi Xiaozhu for a long time because of his retirement. I haven’t come to this teahouse for morning tea for a while, and I have been staring at the antique shop recently, so this habit has recovered. When I walked into the teahouse this morning, I saw two old men Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng sitting at a table in the corner. On the side, if two people are eating breakfast, it is not surprising, but Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng stared at the two boxes placed on the table. They didn’t know what they were doing. They didn’t even notice when they walked to them. After several minutes, I couldn't help but speak.


"Old man Shi, when did you come?"

Zhu Deyuan was taken aback. He looked up and found Shi Tiezhu standing behind Xu Desheng with all doubts on his face.


"We are eating breakfast, and we are thinking about where to go after breakfast. There is no good place to go after thinking about it. We are very tangled in our hearts."

Of course it is impossible for Zhu Deyuan to pick up things that he missed, especially the words Shen Xue just said. He told Shi Tiezhu that he had already been slapped in the face by Shen Xue. If he stabbed this matter out at this time, it would simply be for himself. Uncomfortable, because he knew very well that if Shi Tiezhu knew what Shen Xue said, he would definitely not give face to himself and Xu Desheng, he would definitely ridicule him a hundred times.

"Old man Shi, what are you doing here?"

Xu Desheng also reacted at this time. He and Zhu Deyuan were simply connected to each other. Knowing what had just happened, it was absolutely impossible for Shi Tiezhu to know.

Shi Tiezhu looked at Zhu Deyuan and then at Xu Desheng. He always felt that something had happened, but he couldn't figure out what happened. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng had very expressions on their faces at this time. He is very weird, his old friend for many years knows very well that something must be hidden from him, but he seems to know that Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng don't want to tell them this matter.

"If you have nothing else to do in a while, sit in my antique shop. I have an idea and I need to discuss it with you."

Shi Tiezhu came here because he wanted to have breakfast. Since Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng are here, there is no need to find another place. After ordering, they sit down and eat.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng don’t know what Shi Tiezhu’s gourds are sold in, but they know that there are a lot of people in places like teahouses, especially those who eat breakfast here. They are basically people in the antique collection circle. , I simply didn’t ask much, so I didn’t really want to let others know about it.

Shi Tiezhu, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng returned to Shi Tiezhu's antique shop after breakfast.


"Old man Shi, what are you crazy about? The antiques on this shelf are all good. Could it be that you moved all the things in your home?"

Zhu Deyuan walked into the antique shop, and before he had time to sit down on the sofa, he found the antiques on the shelf of the antique shop. The quality was very high. After 20 minutes of careful inspection, he found that his judgment was correct. These antiques are basically real, completely different from what I saw when I came here before. At that time, 99% of the antiques on the shelf were fake, which was simply unsightly. Now suddenly there is a 180 The radical change of the degree, there must be something in it.

Xu Desheng didn’t pay attention to this. The impression left by him the last time he came here was so bad that he didn’t want to look at the antiques on the shelf at all. At this time, when he heard Zhu Deyuan’s words, he still didn’t believe it, but when he was like Zhu Deyuan looked at the antiques on the shelf as seriously as possible, and found that Zhu Deyuan was not wrong at all. It is true. The antiques placed on the shelf at this time are of very high quality, although they are not. Each one is very valuable, but every one is true.

"Old man Shi, I think you are really crazy, right?"

Zhu Deyuan could not understand why Shi Tiezhu did such a thing after thinking about it. To be honest, the antique shop doesn’t need every antique to be genuine. Fifty percent or 30 percent is already incredible. .

Shi Tiezhu knew very well why Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng had such a reaction.

"There is a reason for me to do it like this. In fact, I don’t know if it’s really useful for me to do it like this. I don’t know much about it. I brought you two here today just to ask you to help I study and study or think about it to see if my approach is appropriate, or what I should do to achieve my goal."

Shi Tiezhu explained his thoughts in detail.

Only after Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng heard what was going on did they understand why Shi Tiezhu did it this way.

"Do you think my approach like this is not feasible, or whether it is effective, or even whether it can achieve my goal."

Although Shi Tiezhu had decided to replace all the antiques in his antique shop with real ones last night, and this thing was done by Shi Xiaozhu early in the morning, this is definitely good, but is it possible to achieve his own The purpose is whether to restore the reputation of my antique shop, I don’t know anything about it. During breakfast, I met two old friends, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, in the teahouse. They simply invited them to their antique shop. Old man, ponder this matter carefully.

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