God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1502: Song Yun's Antique Values

When Shi Tiezhu heard Song Yun's words, he couldn't help shaking his head in his heart. Treasure Pavilion was absolutely awesome in this respect. You must know that the antique tea set that Song Yun bought was not there to appreciate, but to be used. To take care of the guests, it is not for collection at all, but for practical use. If it is a million-level tea set, he doesn't think it is any strange, because at this time or the current status of the treasure pavilion is destined to have some gimmicks, especially For Song Yun, a master leak picker, it’s not surprising that a million-level antiques can be used for a while. On the contrary, it must be done in this way to be worthy of the treasure pavilion and Song Yun’s identity and status. But now At this time, I heard that what Song Yun really wanted was an antique tea set of tens of millions, and it was to be used. It was a bit shocking. No matter such a rich person, he faced a set of tens of millions. The usual way of antique tea sets is to collect them, not to make tea.

"Song Yun, don't you think it is too extravagant to do it this way?"

Shi Tiezhu had come here by himself. After seeing Song Yun and Shen Xue, he could not speak without speaking, but he couldn't help it.

"There is nothing extravagant or extravagant? If only in terms of price, tens of millions of antique tea sets should not be used in daily life. Such antiques are actually very rare antiques, but for me In terms of a person like me who can often pick up antiques, let alone tens of millions of antiques, even billions of antiques, there is nothing particularly precious in my eyes. These antiques In my eyes, it’s just antiques. I have to say the difference is that some antiques are more expensive, and some antiques are lower. That’s it, I don’t think it’s worth tens of millions. How extravagant antiques drinking tea are. The reason why such an antique is not precious in my eyes is because if I want it, I can find such an antique anytime, anywhere. It’s probably It didn’t cost much at all to pick up the leaked ones."

Shi Tiezhu was speechless. Whether it is a tens of millions of antiques, or a billions of antiques, if you only have one, or even none, you will of course feel that such an antique is. It is very precious, but if you have ten or eight pieces in your hand, you can sell tens of millions or even more than one hundred million antiques at will. Of course, you can’t regard such an antique as a real treasure, because The quantity is really a lot. No matter what it is, as long as the quantity reaches a certain level, it is impossible for others to think that he is very precious. Among the antiques that Song Yun picked up, there are tens of millions of grades abound. So it’s not a luxury or a great thing to take a set of antique tea sets of tens of millions to drink tea, or to say that people like myself feel very luxurious and great, but in Song Yun’s eyes But it is usually one.

"Old man Shi!"

"There is no need to discuss things like this with Song Yun. People are more irritating than others. Those of us are reluctant to use a tea set worth 100,000 yuan. Song Yun plans to Using a set of tens of millions of antique tea sets, this is what a local tyrant can do."

Zhu Deyuan shook his head and sighed. Perhaps only Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue would do such a thing. Other people, including themselves, if they have a set of tens of millions of antiques, they would like to offer them like their ancestors, absolutely not. May be used.

"Who said no?"

"Those of us want to find a set of tens of millions of antiques, it is very difficult, and even have to pay a huge price to be able to get it, naturally we must take good care of it, we simply reluctant to use it, Song Yun This kid is completely different. All of his antiques were collected and missed. To put it bluntly, it is like an empty glove white wolf. You can make money without paying any capital. It is definitely impossible to cherish it as carefully as we are. "

Xu Desheng was also very helpless, because only a leak picker like Song Yun, and only someone like Song Yun who often picks up leaks can do it. Shen Xue and Tang Miaomiao two people, although not often picking up leaks, they follow Being accustomed to seeing Song Yun picking things up by his side, his attitude towards antiques will naturally be affected. In addition, two people are not short of money at all. It is not surprising that something like this can be done.

Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng and Shi Tiezhu came all the way, and the most important thing was that they were older and it was quite late now, so all three of them felt a little tired. After talking for a few days, they simply went back to the room to rest. .

Song Yun and Shen Xue went back to each house to find their mothers and returned to their rooms to rest. Although the auction has not yet started tomorrow, it has been publicly exhibited, so it means that you have to get up early in the morning and go to the auction site. See what's going on and see if there are really antique tea sets that you want to buy.

The night is quiet.

The antique market has become very quiet, this time is approaching midnight, no one will come here to buy antiques and visit antique shops.

Situ Kongming locked the door of the antique shop. It was late at night now, and no one came to buy antiques in the antique shop anymore. He was in a very good mood at this time because he sold 5 antiques today. The antique that I sold made a sum of money from the boss. If you add it all up, it earned more than 1 million today. The business in the antique shop has been really good during the recent period.

Situ Kongming drove the car. After leaving the antique shop, he walked forward. After turning a few streets, he parked the car in front of an unobtrusive teahouse and walked into a box inside, with seven or eight people sitting inside. Everyone is the owner of an antique shop in the antique market, and they are all famous ones. They are definitely not small antique shops. Directly speaking, each has an annual income of more than 2 million. It is pure income, it is profit. Such income is no longer in the antique collection business or in other industries. After all, like Song Yun, an antique shop owner who makes a lot of money is really Rarely.

The people in the box all opened antique shops in the antique market. They were very familiar with each other. After Situ Kongming greeted him, he found an empty place to sit down and started drinking tea and chatting with the people around him. After an hour, another five or six people came one after another. This time there were more than fifteen people in the entire private room. Everyone was talking and chatting. For a while, the voice in the private room was very loud and at the same time very lively. .

Situ Kongming was chatting with the people around him, while secretly looking and wondering what would happen in this game tonight. After paying attention, he knew the owners of these antique shops in this box. If it is united, although it cannot be said to occupy half of the country, it must have a certain degree of influence on the entire antique market.

"It seems that these people really want to unite to deal with Sun Mengyan tonight. At least it is a violation of the Yang Feng Yin. They all want to make a fortune by taking advantage of the influx of buyers when Song Yun's Treasure Pavilion opened.

Situ Kongming guessed the psychological thoughts of these people at once. He didn't change his expression. He came here tonight, in fact, to see what was going on. Whether to listen to Sun Mengyan's greetings or not, this matter is in his I've been circling in my heart, and I haven't made up my mind until now. I want to see if these people have any clear plans before making a decision.

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