God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1507: accurate

When Sun Mengyan saw Zhou Ling look like this, she knew she knew what she meant. People like Zhou Ling have a very good characteristic. They may be stubborn sometimes, but once they understand what you mean, they will be absolutely 100%. % Implementation without compromise.

"Recently you have to pay attention to one thing, that is, you have to pay close attention to the owners of those antique shops to see if they do anything."

Sun Mengyan told Zhou Ling in detail about the fact that more than 300 buyers would come to the antique market when Song Yun's Treasure Pavilion opened, and focused on her requirements for those antique shop owners.

After Zhou Ling listened to it, she immediately understood the meaning and requirements of Sun Mengyan's words, or what she wanted to do. This kind of thing was originally what she should do. At this time, Sun Mengyan reminded her that she must of course pay great attention to it. .

"Miss Sun, don't worry, I will let people stare at these people. No matter what kind of disturbance, it is impossible to hide it from our eyes. If there is anything special, I will let you know for the first time. "

Zhou Ling nodded immediately and agreed to the matter.

Sun Mengyan is very relieved, no longer talk about this, Zhou Ling may not be able to do other things, but doing such things is definitely a good hand, ghost market and antique market, what kind of troubles are there, I help Zhou Ling Next, you can definitely know the first time.

Sun Mengyan didn't stay in the ghost market all the time, she left her hands after walking around for half an hour, and there were so many things to deal with, it was impossible to stay in this place all the time.

After Zhou Ling sent Sun Mengyan away, she immediately called her subordinates over to arrange things. The most important thing was to have two things, one of course was to expand the manpower, and the other was to let people stare at the antique shop. Those bosses, she is very familiar with the situation here. She knows which antique shop bosses are likely to have something to do under this situation, and focus on guarding. Since she has agreed to Sun Mengyan, there is Whatever the trouble is, it will be notified as soon as possible, and it must be done 100%.

The sky is getting brighter!

The number of people in the ghost market is slowly decreasing, because it will end here at eight o'clock. All the stalls have to leave, but most of these people who leave the ghost market leave the ghost market directly, and these people have to go back. Going to work, or something else, but more than one-third of them, although they left the ghost market, did not leave the antique market. They walked towards the antique shops of all sizes and finished shopping. It’s already a habit of many people to go to antique shops after the city. The antique shops have already opened their doors and are ready for someone to enter the shop to select antiques. It doesn’t take much time. These antique shops are all lively, even if there are none. Well-known antique shops, or antique shops no matter how bad their location, are slowly picking up antiques. The main reason is that there are too many people in those big antique shops and those with better locations. As a last resort, a considerable number of people can only choose relatively small antique shops that do not have much reputation.

He Wenshi walked on the antique street, looking at the antique shops on both sides, they were busy doing business, and he couldn't help but sigh. Anyway, Song Yun and his treasure pavilion are indeed made for the prosperity of the antique market here. If it weren’t for the news that Song Yun was the first to pick up the ghost market, it would be impossible for so many people to come to the ghost market, nor would there be so many people to visit the antique shop. Without these people, the business of your own antique shop would never be as good as it is now. The past ten days and eight days have calmed down, and they have been able to make five to six hundred thousand yuan every day. This is definitely a very surprising number. The money I earn in a few days is even more than the money I have earned in the past five years.


"Sun Mengyan, if it is really like what you said, 30% of the antiques in the antique shop must be authentic, and it must not be able to fool people. The most important thing is not to fool those who come to participate in the opening of Song Yun’s Treasure Pavilion. Buyers of the ceremony, do we people have to drink northwest wind?"

"Such a good opportunity to make a lot of money, you dare to let us give up, do you think that you really are the reincarnation of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and everyone has to listen to you?"

He Wenshi sneered as he walked. Sun Mengyan really didn't know that her mind was caught by the door panel, or what it was like, so she made such a request. What's more ridiculous is that Sun Mengyan felt that everyone listened to him.

"More than 300 buyers will come to participate in the opening ceremony of Song Yun’s Jumbo Pavilion. This is a good opportunity, not to mention that you won’t encounter it in 5 or even 10 years. In the days before and after Jumbo Pavilion’s opening, earn The money that arrives may exceed 10 million, because those who come here to attend the opening ceremony are all real rich people. As long as they can fool two or three of them, it is enough to make a lot of money."

"The reason for this, as long as anyone who runs an antique shop here knows, how could they give up such a good opportunity?"

"The most important thing is if you sell real antiques, how can you make a lot of money?"

He Wenshi really can't imagine anyone who has a brain problem and would give up such a good opportunity to make money, just because the antique market will become more prosperous in the future, and selling real antiques will definitely make money. Not much money, the reason why I was able to make a fortune during this period of time is actually because of selling fake antiques and selling high-quality imitation antiques. Only this kind of business is truly profitable.

He Wenshi slowly walked to the entrance of Situ Kongming's antique shop. At this time, the business in Antique Street is very good. Someone in his shop is also picking antiques to buy antiques. He gave up such a good opportunity to come here. In fact, I just want to talk to Situ Kongming about what happened last night.

He Wenshi stood at the door and watched for a while, and found that the business in Situ Kongming's shop was very good. Several people were picking antiques there. After waiting for a while, those talents finally left and then walked in.

Situ Kongming did not expect to encounter He Wenshi in his antique shop, or that he did not expect He Wenshi to find his antique shop directly.

Situ Kong knew that He Wenshi came to him, and it must have something to do with what happened last night.

"Boss Ho"

"At this time, the antique market is definitely the best time to do business. Maybe you can earn hundreds of thousands or even 1 million in these two or three hours. What kind of wind is it like to bring you to me? ?"

Situ Kongming certainly knew why He Wenshi would come to him, but he did not expect He Wenshi to choose such a time to find him. There was no one in the shop at this time, so he let He Wenshi sit on the sofa and make tea. He just came up straight to the point and asked He Wenshi what he wanted to do in his antique shop, or what it was like.

"Situ Kongming, the business in your antique shop is really good, much better than the antique shop in my own house."

He Wenshi ignored Situ Kongming’s question, but began to sigh. While speaking, he was still looking at Situ Kongming’s antique shop. It is not as good as his own antique shop. At the same time, he does not have a large area of ​​his own antique shop, but just now All of that shows that the business of Situ Kongming’s antique shop is much better than his own, so he feels a little sour in his heart. To put it bluntly, it is actually envy and hatred. Of course he knows Situ Kongming’s antique shop. The reason why my business is better than myself during this period of time is actually very simple. The root cause is that Situ Kongming’s leakage has not dissipated until now. At this point, my antique shop is essentially different from Situ Kongming’s antique shop. Antiques There is no doubt that the people in the collection circle are very good.

"A good way to go!"

"It's just a bite of food. As long as I can support my family, I will continue to drive."

Situ Kong didn’t smile. The antique he just sold made 300,000 yuan. This is the second antique he sold today. The first antique is cheaper, and he made only about 50,000 yuan. But today’s harvest is considered very good, because I made 350,000 from my two antiques. It can definitely be said that in just a few hours, I have earned 300,000. This is definitely a steal. Exist, but he would never say something like this. His peers are enemies. This statement is very accurate no matter what age he is in. He Wenshi and himself are peers. If he makes real turnover or earns himself The money that arrived told He Wenshi, He Wenshi was absolutely jealous and envy in his heart. Under this distorted psychology, He Wenshi is likely to do something, based on the principle of making more money than less. , I fudged a few words casually, planning to pass the blunder, not discussing this issue.

He Wenshi knew that Situ Kongming didn't want to discuss this issue with himself. In fact, this is not surprising, because any business person does not want to tell another person the real situation in his shop, let alone that this person is himself His colleague is his own competitor, but even so, he can still see that Situ Kongming’s business in the antique shop has indeed far surpassed him during this period of time. There are some things that don’t need to be said explicitly. Experienced People can judge it naturally.

When He Wenshi came here, he was very calm and calm in his heart. The reason was simple. He felt that his antique shop was larger than Situ Kongming’s, and the location was better than Situ Kongming’s antique shop. Naturally, he makes more money than Situ Kongming, and he has a condescending mentality in front of Situ Kongming, but now when I visit here at this time, I find that it is completely different. The business of Situ Kongming antique shop is very obvious. It is better than my own antique shop. In this way, the difference in status and status that I have always been proud of has suddenly changed dramatically. If I was in the sky before and Situ Kongming was on the ground, now it has changed. I became Situ Kongming, looking up in the sky, and felt very uncomfortable. However, I came to Situ Kongming today to talk about what happened last night. At this time, no matter how uncomfortable I am, I have to be hardened. Scalp finished the work, but he didn't realize it, because he found that Situ Kongming's antique shop had a better business than his own, and vague signs of anger emerged in his heart, and the anger became more and more prosperous.

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