God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1510: sell

Sun Mengyan sat in her office and just discussed one thing with Tang Miaomiao, that is, after the buyers who participated in the opening ceremony of Treasure Pavilion arrive at the antique market, they will come out and invite them to dinner, even if they feel suitable or those If you are interested, you can personally bring those people to the antique shops here, including the ghost market.

"Not bad, very good!"

Sun Mengyan's mood is very good at this time. Tang Miaomiao actually gave her face to this matter, because these customers or buyers are all from Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao and Zhenbaoge. Do it yourself. It’s like robbing Song Yun’s customers and buyers. If it’s not for their own face, it’s absolutely impossible for ordinary people to agree to such a thing, knowing that they are absolutely in this matter. I owe Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao a great favor.

Sun Mengyan stood up and just wanted to make herself a cup of coffee. Recently, she has been too busy and rarely has time to rest. She was a little tired and wanted to refresh herself. At this moment, her mobile phone rang and there was a message. I picked it up and looked at it. I found that Situ Kongming had sent it to me. I clicked it and asked if I was free tonight. If I was free, I would like to visit the office.

"What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd?"

Sun Mengyan is a little strange. I don’t know why Situ Kongming suddenly wanted to meet him at this time, but he knew there must be something, otherwise Situ Kongming would not send a text message to herself, so he simply responded with a message. Say yes, and set the time at eight o'clock in the evening.

"Could it be that it has something to do with convening these people for a meeting last night? Can anyone really dare not listen to me?"

Sun Mengyan replied to Situ Kongming’s message, went to the sofa and sat down, and began to wonder what Situ Kongming wanted to see herself. She had already forgotten what she wanted to make coffee just now, almost in an instant. Thinking of this possibility, although he and Situ Kongming know each other, they don’t have much friendship with each other. Sending messages has never happened before. Now this time, it’s all of a sudden. The most important thing is only last night. Just after the meeting, I was thinking about meeting myself today. There is almost no other possibility other than this.

"It seems that these people really didn't see the coffin and didn't shed tears. They really thought what I said was a joke. If this is the case, don't blame me for being rude."

Sun Mengyan sneered, and Situ Kong clearly looked for herself. If it was something like this, or if someone really wanted to be ugly to herself, then there was nothing to say. Just deal with it, even if it is. The slightest sign is not acceptable. When I was discussing with Tang Miaomiao, one of the conditions was to ensure that those buyers would not be deliberately fooled in the antique market. If the antique market really has an antique shop owner To do such a thing, not only did his plan to promote the antique market failed, but at the same time, he could never raise his head in front of Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao.

Sun Mengyan thought for a while and took out her mobile phone to call Zhou Ling. The thing was simple. It was to let him stare at Situ Kongming to see if there was anything unusual. At the same time, he had to settle down the owner of some antique shops around. , To see if there was any discovery, and at the same time, it was even more clear to Zhou Ling that the news must be fed back to herself before 7 o'clock in the evening.

After Sun Mengyan finished calling Zhou Ling, she remembered that she just wanted to make a cup of coffee. This matter was interrupted by Situ Kongming’s message. Now that the matter has been dealt with, she must make herself well. A cup of coffee, otherwise, I really don’t have the energy to sustain it. I still have a lot of things to deal with, and I have to bite the bullet.

After receiving the call from Sun Mengyan, Zhou Ling knew that the matter was very serious, and immediately arranged someone to make Situ Kongming customized. Another more important thing was to find a way to find out who Situ Kunming had met with. Over.

After Song Yun and Shen Xue got up early in the morning, they went to the auction site to see the antiques to be auctioned tomorrow. Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, and the three old men Shi Tiezhu together, they didn’t even know that something was happening in the antique market. The field is fighting secretly, but even if you know it, you may not be particularly concerned.

Shen Xue had participated in this auction several times, and was very familiar with the situation here. He quickly found the place, and after walking in, he went straight to the exhibition hall with the theme of tea sets.

Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, and Shi Tiezhu. They came here today without any special purpose. On the contrary, they prefer to watch porcelain, so they are divided into two groups.

Song Yun and Shen Xue walked to the exhibition hall of tea sets, walked in, and immediately found that the exhibition hall was very large, with many tables, and on the tables there were one or a set of tea sets, although they came It's early, but there are already some people in the entire exhibition hall. Needless to say, these people are definitely potential buyers, scattered in front of various tables to admire the tea sets above.

Song Yun's brows wrinkled a little. Anyway, from the scene in front of you, you can tell that if you really have a fancy tea set here, it is definitely not a simple thing to take it down. , There will be many competitors, which is not a good thing.

Shen Xue also discovered this.

"It seems that if we are really looking for something good this time, the competition will be very big."

Shen Xue said, pointing at those not far away, and introduced Song Yun. They are all good auctioneers or professional buyers, even some very famous collectors. Very familiar.

Song Yun couldn't help shaking his head straight after listening. When he saw these people just now, he already felt uncomfortable. Now after listening to Shen Xue's introduction, he knew that his intuition was not wrong. This time if he really liked it. With a certain tea set here, the competition is really fierce.

"What shall we do now?"

Shen Xue saw so many familiar competitors, she was really at a loss. This time she was really looking for a good set of tea sets. Now suddenly she found that even if she could find a good tea set, there were all Many competitors, her heart was lifted at once.

"There is nothing to say about this kind of thing. Let's see if there is the tea set we want to find. If so, the next thing is to compete with others.

Song Yun was really depressed when he first started, but he quickly adjusted his mood. The situation in front of him must be accepted. No matter how many buyers and competitors there are, if he really finds himself There is nothing to say about the tea set you want. Even if you spend a little more money, you have to buy it. Of course, if the price is too ridiculous, just give it up.

Shen Xue sighed softly, a little helpless, but knew that Song Yun was right. No matter how depressed she was, the situation in front of her could not be changed. There were many people who wanted to get good things. This is reasonable. As it should be, or something very normal.

Song Yun walked forward and Shen Xue followed. What the two of them should do now is to see if there are really good tea sets here. If there are no good tea sets, then there is no need to have a headache. Once you have a good thing, you can think about what you should do in the auction tomorrow.

Song Yun walked forward slowly and looked at all the tea sets in this exhibition hall. There was no special expression on his face. After reading it, he immediately left and walked into another exhibition hall. It feels like although he came to participate in today's auction, he is very interested in everything and has no specific goals.

Song Yun didn't notice. He had just left the exhibition hall of tea sets, and immediately two people got together.

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