God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1556: Sudden discovery

Song Yun didn't know what happened after Sun Mengyan left. After a heavy sleep, he opened his eyes and found that it was already eight in the morning.

"I was thinking about going to the ghost market again, but I didn't expect to sleep till this time."

Song Yun shook his head and got up. Before going to bed last night, he planned to go shopping in the ghost market. He didn't expect that it would be this time when he woke up. The ghost city should have been closed. There is no need to go shopping anymore. , After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she called Shen Xue and asked her to go for breakfast.

After Song Yun and Shen Xue finished their breakfast, they hurried to the antique market. Their goal today is to visit all the antique shops left in the antique market in Beijing and see if they can find a suitable one. The antique tea set, if there is one, is the best thing, but if there is no next thing, it will become very troublesome, because you have to go elsewhere.

When Song Yun arrived at the antique market, he first called Ke Yongliang and Li Feng and asked if they had any news.

"how about it?"

"How is the situation with Ke Yongliang and Li Feng?"

Shen Xue had no expression on Song Yun's face. In fact, she already knew that the news from Ke Yongliang and Li Feng was not particularly beautiful.

"Ke Yongliang and Li Feng said they haven't looked for that person because they had an appointment yesterday, but something happened temporarily."

Song Yun is a little bit helpless. There is really no way to do this. He has money in his pocket now, but it is not easy to find the right things to buy. A bit of irony, money is really not a panacea at this time.

"We don't have a better way. We can only visit antique shops one by one, hoping to have good luck."

Shen Xue was a little disappointed. If Ke Yongliang and Li Feng could find a good enough antique tea set, he and Song Yun would have saved a lot of things, but the news from there is not particularly good, so what is left is The only way is to visit the antique shop with Song Yun and see if he can have good luck.

Song Yun and Shen Xue went forward. There was really no other better way. They could only visit antique shops one by one.

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Song Yun and Shen Xue walked into an antique shop with a very good area. For a whole morning, the two of them visited more than 30 antique shops. They had nothing to gain. They simply ate lunch and continued shopping.

After Song Yun walked into the antique shop, he looked around and found that the decoration of this antique shop is very good, typical magnificent, the whole layout is also very flat, you can see it when you enter the door, and the counter is next to the wall. The antique shelf in China has a dazzling array of antiques. There are all kinds of antiques, such as porcelain and bronze, etc. There are a very complete variety. There are several sofas and tea tables in a corner. Now this Several people were drinking tea and chatting there.

"The business in this antique shop should be very good."

Song Yun turned his head, glanced at Shen Xue who was standing next to him, and said a word in a low voice.


"How is the business in this antique shop? Can it be compared with our Jumbo Pavilion?"

Shen Xue simply didn't take it seriously. In her eyes, no matter what kind of antique shop it looks like, no matter how good the business is, it is impossible to compare with Zhenbao Pavilion.

Song Yun touched his nose. The antique shop in front of him looks like it should have a good business. Otherwise, it would not be able to support such a large shop, but if such an antique shop has to be compared with Zhenbao Pavilion It is definitely not an equivalent level, and there is absolutely no way to refute this sentence of Shen Xue.

Song Yun quickly glanced at the antiques on the shelves in the antique shop, and the expression on his face became more and more disappointed. After visiting so many antique shops in the morning, there is no antique tea set that can meet his requirements.

"Does it have to be lowered?"

Song Yun was really a little discouraged. He came to this place in the capital specially. He felt that there were a lot of antiques in this place, and there was a greater chance of finding antique tea sets, but in reality, he slapped himself severely. Tea sets are very rare. At least until now, there has been no discovery at all. If you continue like this, unless you compromise and buy a set worth two or three million, otherwise, this problem will definitely not be solved. Zhenbaoge can The opening was postponed for a few days, but it is impossible to postpone it forever. If Tang Miaomiao delivers the antiques from Ninghua City, the opening time of Zhenbao Pavilion has actually been fixed, or just around the corner, which means that she and Shen Xue Not too much time can be wasted here.

"Two days!"

"If we still have nothing to gain tomorrow, we will buy a set of around two or three million yuan."

Song Yun made a decision after thinking about it for a while. She and Shen Xue must not waste too much time here. Treasure Pavilion opens and there are many things that must be dealt with. If you can’t find a suitable antique tea set, you can’t find it. When it comes to antique tea sets worth about 10 million yuan, the only thing that can be done is to buy a set of one to two million or two to three million.

Shen Xue nodded and agreed with Song Yun's decision, knowing that she and Song Yun would definitely not be able to spend all their time looking for an antique tea set worth about 10 million yuan.

"There is nothing we want here. Change to an antique shop."

Song Yun shook his head after scanning the antiques on the antique shelf in the antique shop. Although there is a set of antique tea sets here, it is relatively poor, but it is about 500,000. This kind of thing is definitely not in his eyes. I just wanted to go out with Shen Xue, and suddenly I saw a shelf full of dozens of large and small antiques. This shelf was placed beside the door of the antique shop. When I walked in, Because of the angle, I didn’t pay attention to it at all. If I want to leave the antique shop at this time, I can see it at a glance.

Song Yun's eyes suddenly became bigger, and the steps he was about to walk out suddenly stopped.

Shen Xue was right next to Song Yun. She was very familiar with Song Yun and immediately understood that she must have seen something good. This discovery came suddenly, without any mental preparation, and her heart suddenly accelerated, just like the speed of a car. Starting from zero, it has broken through a hundred in just 10 seconds. This feeling is like an adrenal gland. In that one or two seconds, I feel my brain is even blank.

Shen Xue glanced at Song Yun and found that Song Yun had already recovered her calm by this time. There was no expression on her face, as if the suddenly changed expression just now was like an illusion, which had never appeared before.

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