God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1614: Scold

Li Feng was so angry that his nose was crooked!

Cao Zhong and this clearly don’t make sense at all. They do have Song Yun’s cell phone. They call Song Yun without any problems. This kind of thing is a normal relationship between customers and buyers, but problems. It is because the relationship between himself and Song Yun is not so close. If it is not for the serious business of antiques trading, eating, drinking and chatting should never be done. What’s even more amazing is that Cao Zhonghe actually thought that he called Song Yun to make an appointment. Everything that followed had nothing to do with him. It seemed that Song Yun would not vent his anger on him and Ke Yongliang at all. If it’s someone who has gotten into the brain or someone who has no brains at all, it can be said that this call was made by himself, and the meal was arranged by himself. Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe suddenly appeared, if this matter has nothing to do with himself and Ke Yongliang People with brain problems will not believe it, let alone a smart person like Song Yun, who knows what is going on as long as his brain is moved. Needless to say, he will certainly offend Song Yun. Song Yun is now an antique collector. The real thighs in the circle offend such a person, unless he and Ke Yongliang are not in the antique collection circle, otherwise, no matter if it is now or in the future, he will pay a huge price. All of this or this account, Song Yun was counted on both of him and Ke Yongliang.

"Teacher Cao, do you think of me as a three-year-old child, or do you think of Teacher Song Yunsong as a three-year-old child?"

When Li Feng spoke, his voice was very gloomy. He felt that in order to achieve his own goals, Cao Zhonghe didn't care about the life and death of himself and He Yongliang at all. Since this is the case, there is no need to be polite with him.

Cao Zhong and the old face couldn’t help being blushed because Li Feng’s words were not wrong, and it was true. Talking like this or doing things like this is definitely treating others as three-year-old children, even three-year-old children cheating. No, if Li Feng and Ke Yongliang really did what they said, Song Yun would know what was going on as long as he didn’t have a problem with his brain. This situation is clearly Li Feng and Ke Yongliang’s deception, but he and Zuo Gao just wanted to see Song Yun this time. If he didn’t see Song Yun, nothing could be said, no matter what Li Feng and Ke Yongliang were thinking about, or whether Li Feng and Ke Yongliang would be affected by Song Yun. This thing must be done, such as complaining and swearing.

"Li Feng, what I have just said is very clear. This time, Zuo Gao and I owe you a favor. Your antique shop is in the Beijing Antique Market. The two of us are actually doing this for your good. You and Ke Yongliang will suffer some grievances and things like that, and that is the same thing that should be done."

Cao Zhonghe didn't pay attention to Li Feng at all.

Li Feng and Ke Yongliang were shaking with anger. This is really unreasonable, and the last sentence says that their antique shop is in the Beijing antique market. This is a threat. The meaning is very simple. If you don’t follow what he said Arranging a meeting with Song Yun like that would cause the two to run into trouble at the antique market in the capital.

"Teacher Zuo, do you have the same opinion? Or do you have the same opinion?"

Li Feng turned his head and looked at Zuo Gao who was sitting next to him, his tone as cold as ice.

Zuo Gao did not speak, did not make any movements.



Li Feng smiled furiously. Zuo Gao didn't speak or move at this time, his meaning was very clear, absolutely the same as Cao Zhonghe.

"Zuo Gao, Cao Zhonghe, are you two thinking too much?"

"You two have a very important position in the antique market in the capital, or in the antique market circle of the whole country. They are indeed celebrities. In a sense, they are legendary and respected."

Li Feng originally respected him very much, calling Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe two teachers as teachers, but now he shakes his teeth and decides that he is shameless. If he can manage this, he just calls his name.

Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe's faces became as black as the bottom of a pot. They have now discovered that things are completely different from what they imagined. Li Feng and Ke Yongliang clearly wanted to tear their faces and break the pot, so they called out their names. Everything has been explained and proved.

"Boss Li Fengli, Boss Ke Yongliang, Ke, I don’t know what you want to say next, but one thing must be reminded, that is, your antique shop is still open at the antique market in the capital. You have to consider the water that goes out."

Zuo Gao stared at Li Feng and Ke Yongliang. He knew that if Li Feng and Ke Yongliang said what they said, their faces would really have to be torn apart. He didn't think there was a problem with what Cao Zhonghe said just now. The truth is In this way, he and Cao Zhong and the two people must meet Song Yun this time. If Li Feng and Ke Yongliang are unwilling, they must threaten them to agree to do this.



"Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe, you two really regard yourself as real characters!"

"Do you think everyone in the world must sell your face? Not to mention that what you are doing this time is really unreasonable!"

"Why do we have to listen to you? Song Yun has no close relationship with us. The important thing is that this thing you want to do, even if Song Yun really gives us face to eat out, if I see you, I will understand it. What's the matter, the anger spread on us, and the two of us who ultimately bear the consequences of this kind of evil are the two of us. Not to mention that after the incident spreads, Sun Mengyan must find our troubles when she knows it. This is the most terrible. One thing."

"You have such abilities. Why don't you go to Song Yun directly and have to go through us? To put it bluntly, you just want to keep it secret. You don't want Sun Mengyan to know about your meeting with Song Yun. You are all afraid that Sun Mengyan wants to Let us bear Sun Mengyan’s anger on your behalf. This is simply a horror of the world. There is no such thing in this world. Do you think that we are both people with brain problems, even such simple things? Can't you tell?"

Ke Yongliang had been listening to the side just now and didn't speak. He really couldn't bear it at this time. He patted the table directly and stood up and shouted at Zuo Gaohe Cao Zhonghe.

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