God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1620: Shock

Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe left the box of the tea house. They agreed to eat in the evening. It is impossible to stay in the tea house. Everyone in the circle is now saying that Sun Mengyan’s antique market has developed recently. Very fast and very prosperous. Two people have been to Sun Mengyan’s antique market before, but they have not been there for more than half a year. Since this time they came over because of such a thing, let’s just take a look at what happened. See if the legends of the people in the circle are true.

When Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe first looked at Sun Mengyan’s ancient director with a very critical eye, they felt that the antique market here could not be compared with their own antique market. There is a fundamental difference between the two. The difference, but it didn't take long for them to find that the inherent impression in their hearts had undergone earth-shaking changes, and the prosperity of the antique market in Sun Mengyan was far beyond imagination.

Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe found a lot of people in the entire antique market. Although this time is far from the golden time, there are people walking around almost the whole street. These people have a very obvious characteristic. There are a lot of them. The other is that more than 30% of the people in their hands are carrying boxes. The most important thing is that these people are very good in their clothes and show on their bodies, which means that these people are all rich bosses. , Or someone with a background, if you look inside the open door of an antique shop, you will find that almost all antique shops have people choosing antiques.

Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe were shocked in their hearts. They are both people who have been in the antique business for many years. They know very well that if someone walks to the shop to buy antiques, at least three of the ten people have to sell. Antiques are not ordinary consumer goods. , As long as you walk into the store, there are many such demands. More importantly, the owner of the antique shop has a talking mouth. The guests who walk into the antique shop are basically the meat on the cutting board. Just cut it anyway. If you don’t even have this kind of ability, it is impossible to survive in such a highly competitive place in the antique market, especially those antique shop owners who live better. It is simply a legend that can kill you. Those who have died say they are alive.

"Why are there so many people here?"

Zuo Gao continued to move forward, while looking at the surrounding antique shops and the people on the antique street. The expression on his face was very shocked. I really didn’t expect to hear people in the circle say that Sun Mengyan was here. The antique market is no longer what it used to be. I don’t believe it. No matter how developed, Sun Mengyan’s antique market is just a little more prosperous than before, with a little more people. But seeing all this in front of me, it subverted my expectations. There are definitely more people here, and the development here is not even a little more prosperous.


"I also didn't expect that there would be so many people here!"

Cao Zhonghe is no less shocked at this time than Zuo Gao. People in the circle are saying that Sun Mengyan's antique market is very prosperous. He knows that such remarks can never be groundless, but he feels that such remarks are true. A certain foundation, but most of them are flickering, but they are advocating. It may even be Sun Mengyan’s promotion strategy for promoting the development of the antique market. But in just half an hour, all this in front of me proves the circle. The words circulating in it are very distorted, and the prosperity of the antique market here in Sun Mengyan far exceeds those legends.

"Could it be said that all this was brought about by Song Yun? Or was it caused by Song Yun?"

Zuo Gao rubbed his temple vigorously. I can't believe all of this. There is a generally accepted saying that the prosperity of Sun Mengyan's antique market is because of Song Yun. Could it be that a person really has such a big influence? force?

"If it weren't for Song Yun, what would it be? During this time, Sun Mengyuan's antique market, the only external factor is Song Yun and his leaks, even if there are some other accidental factors, it is the slightest thing that really promotes all of this. It is Song Yun without a doubt."

Cao Zhonghe really regretted it at this moment. When he saw Song Yun in Beijing, he had to make good enough and sincere conditions to dig Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion to the Beijing Antique Market. If this is enough, all of this will not appear in Sun Mengyan’s antique market, but in the antique market in Beijing. He firmly believes that if Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion appear in the antique market in Beijing, they will bring it. The driving force must be stronger than that of Sun Mengyan's antique market, because the antique market in Beijing far exceeds Sun Mengyan's antique market in terms of scale and foundation. It is a pity that such a person is such a person. A person with great energy and influence appeared in Sun Mengyan’s antique market instead of the antique market in Beijing. Although he and Zuo Gao realized that Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion were very important, they did not know enough about Song Yun’s importance. Profound, I missed the best opportunity. Now it is impossible to dig Song Yun into the antique market in the capital. Just now, Sun Mengyan was so calm, it is clear that she has adequately handled it, and she does not worry about herself and Zuo Gao. Poach Song Yun away.

"I think Song Yun has such a powerful ability. We simply have to pay a huge price to dig Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion to the antique market in the capital. Anyway, Song Yun opened an antique shop to prove that he just wants to make money. , As long as we can provide good enough opportunities, as long as our **** wields well, I don’t believe that there is a wall in this world that we cannot dig."

The left and right hands clenched into a fist and flicked vigorously. The scene in front of me proves that Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion are important to an antique market. I can feel how powerful this power is when I see it with my own eyes. More importantly, , Now that I have torn my skin with Sun Mengyan at this time, I will simply do everything and do everything possible to get Song Yun to the antique market in the capital.

"It's useless. We have missed the opportunity, and it's an opportunity that will never return. It is impossible for us to dig Song Yun away now."

Cao Zhonghe shook his head. If the opportunity were to come again now, he would definitely try his best to offer the most convincing and attractive terms to dig Song Yun to the antique market in Beijing, but he really couldn't do this now.

"How is this possible? As long as our conditions are good enough, Song Yun can't fail to agree, and ignore us now, just because we haven't provided good enough conditions."

Zuo Gao looked at Cao Zhonghe in surprise. He didn't know why this old friend for many years made such a judgment. In his opinion, the solution to this kind of thing is actually very simple, that is, to provide Zhao Tian with more than Sun Mengyan can provide. Better conditions.

"Sun Mengyan was so calm in front of us just now. One of course is that he has decided to take action against us and there is no need to talk about us anymore. The other most fundamental reason must be that Song Yun can no longer be dug into other places by anyone. Sun Mengyan is very clear about Song Yun's abilities. In fact, as long as Song Yun does not leave, as long as Zhenbao Pavilion does not leave, other things are not important."

Cao Zhonghe remembered how Sun Mengyan was calm in front of him and Zuo Gao just now, and his heart was very depressed. Now even if Zuo Gao and himself are willing to provide very attractive conditions, they have no effect at all. It was the most terrifying and sad thing. He and Zuo Gao violently offended Sun Mengyan, and finally got nothing.

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