God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1623: Call someone who hasn't seen for a long time

"We feel that if we can become a shareholder in an antique market, in other words, we now have an antique market, and its future development will be a huge success for us. This feeling is far more than operating an antique market. The store has to be more fulfilling."

Song Yun does not think that the antique market can bring him much income. If it is only for the sake of money, he keeps going all over the world and makes more money than running an antique market. Join the antique market. Becoming a shareholder has no direct relationship with money. The main purpose is to participate in the operation of an antiques market and make it the most famous antiques market in the world. This is far more interesting and fulfilling than making money.

"Yes, it’s not wrong. Your idea is very correct. If it’s just for making money, you can’t do it like this at all. If you run an antique shop properly, you make a lot more than operating an antique market, or directly In one point, you guys are really not short of money now, and making money has long been not your first goal."

Xu Desheng very much agrees with Song Yun’s view. Owning an antique market and operating an antique market make it one of the most famous antique markets in the world. For an antique man, this is almost the highest achievement. His reputation, such as being the most famous antique collector and appraiser in the world, may be a bit difficult for others, but for Song Yun, it’s just more time for more people to know him. This is a matter of course. In contrast, it is very rare to get an opportunity to own and operate an antique market. After passing this village, there is no such shop.

"Envy, jealousy and hatred! Really envy, jealousy and hatred!"

"Song Yun, no matter how many antiques you miss, I actually don’t think it’s anything. After all, this kind of thing is for people who play antiques, especially for people like me who have been playing antiques for many years. Many, although the level of the missing antiques is not as high as you, although the missing antiques are not as valuable as you, I have also picked up quite a few."

"If you talk about opening an antique shop, this thing is just for me to open it as I want, but if it comes to owning an antique market, this thing is really impossible, especially Sun Mengyan's antique market. "

Xu Desheng really envied that only people like Song Yun could have a chance for this kind of thing. Although he and Zhu Deyuan are highly respected in the antique collection circle, they want to participate in the daily management of an antique market, especially want to become shareholders. It is really not easy, not to mention that Sun Mengyan's antique market is numbered in the country, which is even more rare in a sense, it is really harder than reaching the sky.

Song Yun took a look at the water and found that it had been boiled and the tea was re-made. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng are all seniors in the circle. They are very good to Jumbo Pavilion and have been doing their best. From this aspect, really It is a rare good senior and must be treated respectfully.

After drinking a few cups of tea, Zhu Deyuan thought of the courtyard in the Ming Dynasty. He just wanted to ask if the renovation is over. The phone rang and saw that the caller ID was high on the left. After a while, he thought about it. Get up, who the **** is this.

"What is going on? Why is this old man calling me all of a sudden?"

Zhu Deyuan is puzzled. Zuo Gao is considered to be highly respected, but one of them is in the antique market in Beijing and the other in the antique market in Ninghua. Although they are both people with important identities and status in the circle, they usually have the opportunity to deal with. Very few, the last time two people met or the last time two people called, it was estimated that it took three years ago.

Zhu Deyuan hesitated, pressed the answer button, hung up after a few words, and the look on his face became even more weird.

"Old man Zhu, what's the expression on your face? Who is calling?"

Xu Desheng heard Zhu Deyuan's strange look after answering the phone, and he was very curious. He didn't know what happened, so he immediately asked.

"Do you remember Zuo Gao?"

Zhu Deyuan patted his leg.


"Left high?"

"Are you talking about the Zuo Gao in the Beijing Antique Market?"

After Xu Desheng frowned and thought for a long time, he finally thought of a name that is both familiar and unfamiliar. The reason for being familiar is that this person is quite famous in the circle. It is unfamiliar because he has not heard of the name for a long time. , And never dealt with.

Song Yun and Shen Xue were sitting next to them. Hearing Zhu Deyuan mentioning Zuo Gao's name, they couldn't help but glance at each other, but they didn't say anything, but they all pricked their ears and listened carefully to what Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were. Say what.

"Yes, there is nothing wrong, it is indeed this high left."

Zhu Deyuan nodded.

"Why did he call you? People who haven't talked with each other for so many years, but just met."

Xu Desheng is very strange. He and Zhu Deyuan have been old friends for many years. They know very well that they have never met Zuo Gao in recent years. They suddenly called, and the legendary courtesy of nothing.

"Ask me and you for dinner tonight, I agreed."

Zhu Deyuan told Zuo Gao's intention to call.

"No? Isn't this Zuogao from the Beijing Antique Market? How could he come here this time?"

Xu Desheng is a little strange.

Zhu Deyuan shook his head. He really didn’t know why Zuo Gao was in Sun Mengyan’s antique market at this time. His colleagues were enemies. Zuo Gao appeared here at this time. It’s probably not a good thing. He suddenly regretted a little. But I have agreed just now, and there is no way to change it.

Xu Desheng knew what was going on by looking at the color on Zhu Deyuan's face.

"But it's just going to have a meal. It's nothing great. No matter what it is, if we can handle it, we will deal with it. If we can't handle it, we will simply ignore it. Could this Zuo Gao still eat us?"

Xu Desheng waved his hand. There are still a few people in the antique collection circle who are older than himself and Zhu Deyuan, but those are real old monsters, and they won’t run out in their spare time. The most important thing is their age. It's really big, even if you want to run out, you can't run, Zuo Gao, himself and Zhu Deyuan's status in the antique collection circle are not much different. If you have to strictly speaking, the identity of himself and Zhu Deyuan And status and even influence are better than Zuo Gao. In this case, there is no need to worry about Zuo Gao secretly playing tricks, or using his status and status to force himself and Zhu Deyuan to do something they don’t want to do. thing.

Zhu Deyuan thought for a moment, and nodded gently. This is very reasonable. It is true. If it is something that you can do, and it is harmless at the same time, then you can reach out. Otherwise, just find an excuse to shirk. .

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