God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1634: Don't look at Sun Mengyan

"Elder Zhu, you don't have to shirk this matter. Since Sun Mengyan said it like this, it naturally makes sense. Just call your old friends and tell them about it."

Song Yun knew that Zhu Deyuan was somewhat scrupulous, but he didn't need to think about this kind of thing. No matter where it existed, the antique shops that Zhu Deyuan could introduce definitely had a certain reputation in the circle. It has a very important influence on the entire antique market, and it is absolutely impossible for Sun Mengyan to suffer from such a thing.

Zhu Deyuan nodded and did not continue to be hypocritical. His old friends have very high status and status in the circle. The antique shop they opened is naturally a famous antique shop. If it is really in Sun Mengyan The antique market has opened a store here, whether it’s a head office or a branch, it’s really good objectively, and it plays a role in improving the visibility and quality of the entire antique market. The role played by Yun and Treasure Pavilion cannot be compared. It is absolutely certain, that is, it is more than the best, not to mention that there are various relationships behind these antique shops.

Sun Mengyan saw that the matter had been discussed and there was still a lot of work waiting in the office, so she stood up and left in a hurry. This time was too busy, and we had to hurry up.

"It must be said that Sun Mengyan is definitely a very qualified businessman. Typically, she can eat with her face, but in the end she has to rely on her own talents. Or in other words, people born in a family like her do not need this at all. Desperately, even if you don’t do anything, you will be able to live at ease, good food and drink for the rest of your life, but you have chosen such a path, you have to run an antique market yourself, and your goal is very ambitious, you want to become the world’s most A famous antique market."

Zhu Deyuan really admires young people like Sun Mengyan very much. To be honest, there are very few people like this in the antique collection circle. Needless to say, this is a girl, and she is a beautiful woman. Children, it is really rare to be able to do things so desperately. It is rare in a century. What is even more amazing is that Sun Mengyan really has unique skills and talents in this aspect of business, which makes people even unconvinced.

"Who said no?! If there are more Sun Mengyan in the antique collection circle, the entire antique market will be able to grow even higher."

Xu Desheng agrees very much. What Zhu Deyuan said, Sun Mengyan is really admirable, but it is a pity that just like there is only one person like Song Yun in the entire antique collection circle, Sun Mengyan is the same, a single seedling in a thousand miles.

"There is nothing to complain about this kind of thing. After all, no matter which field it is in, whether it is a collection of this circle or another circle, geniuses cannot be particularly large. If it is really everywhere, it is the big menu. Cabbage instead of genius."

Tang Miaomiao smiled and shook his head. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng admired Sun Mengyan very much. They hope that there will be more Sun Mengyan in this circle, but it is a good hope.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng smiled at each other. Tang Miaomiao's words are very reasonable.

Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao including Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng and Shen Xue were very relaxed and free. They were drinking tea and chatting. What they didn't know was that they were in another box not far from them. Several people also gathered to drink together. While chatting with tea, the person sitting in the middle is He Wenshi and Yang Xinhe and Li Xuewen next to him. The faces of several people are red. They drank a lot of wine during dinner not long ago. Now they gather for tea, just want to wake up. A drink.

"Have you noticed one thing? Our antique market has many strange buyers recently. I think these people may have something to do with Song Yun. You should know that Zhenbao Pavilion shouldn't take much time. To open, these people might be Song Yun’s buyers in advance to see what the antique market here is like."

Yang Xinhe lighted the cigarette that was chatting in his mouth while talking.

"It is indeed possible, and there are really a lot of people like this. During the day today, there were two people like this in my shop."

Li Xuewen nodded. Yang Xinhe said about this phenomenon. He also noticed that two people came during the day today, and more people came during the first two days. There are three groups of people, each group has two or three. I know that it is a foreign accent, and they are all strange faces. These people have certain experience or ability in collecting and appraising. They must be playing antique collecting. Song Yun’s Treasure Pavilion will soon open. These people said It might be the buyers whom Song Yun invited to attend the opening ceremony of the Treasure Pavilion.

"You guys don't want to tell me that you really did what Sun Mengyan said, or that you didn't do anything to these people like Sun Mengyan warned us?!"

He Wenshi curled his lips. There were also people like this in his antique shop during the recent period. He was not at all polite. He slaughtered him one after another. He was very happy because all the antiques he sold were all. Fake goods made more than 5 million. He never felt that selling antiques was so profitable.

"How is this possible? These people want to buy antiques. We sell antiques. Do you have to give up such opportunities?! I don't know if others listen to Sun Mengyan's words. Anyway, I ignore the opportunity to make money. I definitely can't let it go, and even the chance of making big money can't be let go. I have sold several antiques for these people, and I have to make at least 2 million yuan."

Yang Xinhe's eyes widened, as if he had heard it, as if someone had discovered a new continent.


"He Wenshi, can it be that in your eyes, Yang Xinhe and I have brain problems? How could we be able to do something like this? The opportunity to make money is right in front of us. If we let it go, it would simply be a sin. Since some people want to buy antiques, of course we have to sell them the antiques in the antique shop. How can we make any money from selling real antiques in these years? Of course, we have to fool as much as possible and sell fake antiques. , In this way can make a lot of money."

Li Xuewen laughed loudly. In the past few days, the business in the store is really very good. The number of antiques sold at least exceeds 15 pieces, and the money earned is over 3 million. Opening an antique shop 10 This is the first time I have encountered such a good year.

"Of course you don't have any problems with your brain. People with brain problems can't survive in such a competitive antique market. I'm just worried that you are afraid of Sun Mengyan. Beware that she will retaliate and dare not let it go."

Of course He Wenshi knows very well that Yang Xinhe and Li Xuewen are both excellent at doing business. The only problem is worrying about Sun Mengyan.

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