God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1649: Something wrong

"On the shelf in the east corner, counting from above, show me the thing on the second floor."

Jiang Zhonghua pointed his finger at it. The antiques in the antique shop were all fakes. The one on the shelf in the east corner of the corner that he liked was not because it was true, but because the one was the closest to being true.

He Wenshi followed Jiang Zhonghua’s hand and looked at it. The smile on his face was originally brilliant, but at this time it was a bit stronger, because the antique on the shelf was a high imitation antique that was just taken out this morning, although It’s fake, but the price of this one is much higher than the average one. This means that when the antique is real, the price is really high, and the price of fake selling is also rising. It must be equal to the market price. It can be less but definitely not too much, otherwise others, especially those who are familiar with the market price of antiques, will immediately know that there must be a price far below the market price. problem.

He Wenshi immediately went to the shelf and carefully took down the antique Jiang Zhonghua wanted, and placed it gently in front of Jiang Zhonghua.

"Sir, is this antique the one you want? It is definitely a good thing. You are an expert, so I won't say much. You can take a look at it yourself."

He Wenshi has been in business for many years and has very rich experience. He knows that some people have to fudge hard, and have to tell him what is good about antiques and how much room for appreciation in the future is. But for some people, he can't talk too much. The more you talk, the worse the effect will be. Such people are often masters. They have been playing antiques for many years and have enough ability to identify antiques. They have to be chirping by the side. They keep talking, and they are easily disgusted. , Once this kind of thing happens, the business will definitely fail. The old man in front of you is undoubtedly such a master. There is no need to say too much. Even if you want to talk, you have to wait for the old man to finish reading the antique before making a decision based on the situation. You have to be careful to let the old man feel that he is in control of the whole situation instead of being fooled by others.

Jiang Zhonghua came here today to slap his face, but he did a full set of acting. Although the antique in front of him is fake, he still has to take a look and go through the scene.

"The shape is full, the neck is tied, and the lines are very smooth."

"The abdomen of this bottle has a large area of ​​carmine red color, and the color is thick and luster, and the painting on it is a lotus flower with a delicate brushstroke, which is very realistic."


"The seal script'the reign of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty'."


"Good! Really good!"

"Qing Qianlong Yangcai carmine red gourd vase."


He Wenshi was sitting next to drinking tea, his expression on his face remained unchanged, but he was already happy in his heart. Although the old man's muttering voice was relatively small, he heard it clearly, and things were going in the direction that he hoped. Development, obviously, the old man does have a certain appraisal vision, but he is definitely not a master, and he can’t see that the gourd bottle in front of him is a fake or high imitation thing. He thought it was A genuine Qing Qianlong Yangcai carmine red gourd bottle.

"It looks like I can sell this gourd bottle today!"

He Wenshi raised his head and took a look. The old man sitting across from him had such a thought flashing in his mind, and his heart was suddenly hot. If such a gourd bottle can be sold smoothly, it will cost at least 300. Ten thousand, or even five million, this is a huge number. Today, as long as you can sell such a bottle of gourd, you can complete the task.

"Don't worry!"

"Never worry!"

He Wenshi is now anxious to sell this gourd bottle to the old man right away to get the other party's money, but he knows that the more he is like this, the less he can be anxious. If he is too anxious, he will definitely show his feet. The more calm he is , The more likely it is to sell this gourd bottle. Now that the old man has fallen into the pit at this time, he doesn’t need to say anything, he doesn’t need to do anything more. When the old man speaks first, the initiative will be In your own hands.

"What price do you plan to ask for this gourd bottle?"

Jiang Zhonghua put down the gourd bottle in his hand, looked up at He Wenshi, and said the first sentence of today seriously.

"Old man, your vision is first-class. This is indeed a Qing Qianlong Yangcai carmine ground gourd bottle. It is absolutely good. Now I want to find such a perfect color carmine ground gourd bottle. Although it cannot be said that it is harder than climbing to the sky, it takes at least three to five years before it is possible, and it must have enough luck, or his master is willing to make a move."

He Wenshi didn't pick up Jiang Zhonghua's words immediately, but just said a flicker.

Jiang Zhonghua curled his lips. In fact, this is to set a foreshadowing for the next wild asking price. The meaning is very simple, that is, this thing is very good and very rare. If you want to buy from other places, it is basically impossible. , The only choice is the one in front of me. The price is definitely not low. These tricks have been used frequently by myself 20 or 30 years ago. He Wenshi now dares to play cleverness in front of him. It is simply a big sword in front of Master Guan. Know life and death.

Jiang Zhonghua didn't speak, and there was no expression on his face. He just looked at He Wenshi, wanting to see what the younger generation in this circle can do. He hasn't encountered such a thing for many years, suddenly It's kind of fun.

He Wenshi was originally talking about his interest, and there is still a long paragraph to say below, but I don’t know why he always feels that the old man sitting across from him is a bit different. After taking a sip of water, he took it forcibly. All the words coming down were swallowed back.

"Old man!"

"This is indeed a good thing. If you really want to buy it, then I will give you a true price."

He Wenshi was distressed and restless. He always felt that something would happen today, but now that there is such a big deal in front of him, there is no time to think about it. He simply went straight into it, and immediately opened his mouth to get into the subject, that is, the offer.

Jiang Zhonghua didn't speak, just looked at He Wenshi.

He Wenshi suddenly felt a tremendous amount of pressure, and a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead. He was very guilty. I don’t know why, but he always felt that the old man sitting opposite him was different from the average antique player. It was those two eyes, although they looked old and dim, but in front of him, it seemed that he was seen transparently, and there was no secret.

"What the **** does this old man do? Why are these eyes so sharp and so terrifying?"

He Wenshi was really worried in his heart, wondering if he would not do the business today. He looked down at the gourd bottle placed on the table, gritted his teeth, and hurled his worried thoughts hard. In the back of my head, the calabash bottle in front of me, if it is true, the market price is between 3 million and 5 million. If it can be sold smoothly and make a fortune, even if you really feel the old man in front of you It's not quite right, but now the arrow is on the line and I have to send it. In any case, even if it is risky, in order to earn 3 million or even 5 million, this kind of risk must be tolerated.

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