God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1662: irony

"Did Sun Mengyan really do such a thing? Could it be that he would really let those old men run into our antique shop to continue making trouble?"

Li Xuewen feels that he is really a little frightened at this time. What He Wenshi said is very likely to happen, and the most important thing is that if Sun Mengyan really does this, her antique shop will never continue to open.


"Do you think Sun Mengyan would do it like this? Everything we did before has severely slapped Sun Mengyan in the face. If he doesn't do it like this, will anyone listen to her in the future? We have actually become Sun Mengyan is a very tough person after the chicken that killed the chicken and the monkey. If he doesn't make a move, he has already made a move. If he does, he must drive us out of the antique market."

He Wenshi sighed, this kind of thing will definitely happen, if Sun Mengyan did not do it like this, it would not be Sun Mengyan at all.


"If Sun Mengyan really dared to do this, don't blame me for being polite, I must make a riot in her office."

Yang Xinhe is desperate. Once this kind of thing happens, it will be a fatal blow to his antique shop. He will really have no choice but to sell the antique shop and go to other places. Road is absolutely unbearable.



"Yang Xinhe!"

"If you can really run into Sun Mengyan's office and make a big fuss, I really admire you as a man and think you are very capable. Do you think that one of us who runs an antique shop can compete with someone like Sun Mengyan. Did you guys do it right? This antique market is under her management. If she couldn't deal with such things, she would have been chewed by others without leaving any bones!"

He Wenshi glanced at Yang Xinhe disdainfully, but just said that it was impossible to do it. If Yang Xinhe really ran into Sun Mengyuan’s office to make a fuss, he would end up being thrown outside by others. On the street.

Yang Xinhe didn't know what to say, because he knew that what He Wenshi said was not wrong. He really couldn't do this, it was just madness.

"Sun Mengyan does something like this, it really doesn't conform to the rules. No one says that antique shops can't sell fake antiques, and no one's antique shops are all real antiques."

Li Xuewen took a difficult sip of water. When the old man ran into his antique shop to make a fuss, he didn't realize that the matter would be so serious. Those who opened antique shops would always encounter such a situation. I feel that over time, people will forget about this, but if the old man runs into his antique shop to make a fuss every other time, the consequences will be very serious. There is no other choice but to close the door.

"It doesn't conform to the rules to do this?"

"There is nothing wrong. Indeed, no one stipulates that all the antiques in antique shops must be real. Most of the antiques on the antique shelves of many antique shops are fake. The problem is that Sun Mengyan has not said hello before. Individuals can do whatever they want according to their own abilities. Now Sun Mengyan has already greeted him in advance. We don’t listen to him at all. At this time, it doesn’t make any sense to talk about the rules and irregularities, let alone the old man coming to us. Make a noise in the antique shop. Nothing is out of the rules. Who told us to sell fake antiques? There is no problem selling fake antiques. If you can really cheat others, no one talks, but selling fake antiques is found to be fake by others. , And there is no way to refute it. It is only natural for people who buy antiques to make a noise. No matter who is judged on this kind of thing, no one will be on our side except us antique shop owners who sell antiques. To use this matter to discuss with Sun Mengyan, it is not in line with the rules, it is simply a stumbling block.

He Wenshi knows what Li Xuewen is thinking, but it is impossible. If you have to say it, Sun Mengyan did it according to the rules. It is impossible that it is not in compliance with the rules. Even if everyone has said hello in advance, Knowing that those old men were hired by Sun Mengyan, there is nothing to say. Sun Mengyan just asked everyone not to sell fake antiques as much as possible during this time, instead of asking everyone to stop selling fake antiques from now on. To put it bluntly, it was to give him face during this period of time, but people like myself did not give face, and there was no way at all, which made Sun Mengyan do such a thing.

"Could it be that we really have no choice at all?"

Yang Xinhe took a hard sip of water. If this is the case, if there is really no better way, the only thing that can be done is to sell the antique shop and move to another place.

"There really is no better way. What we can do is to wait and see, see tomorrow or this afternoon, will anyone come to our antique shop to make trouble. If there is, it means that Sun Mengyan wants It’s better for us to obediently leave."

He Wenshi sighed long.

Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe were silent, not knowing what to say, the whole antique shop fell into silence, and the atmosphere became more and more depressing.


Shi Tiezhu was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed gently. He was holding two walnuts in his hand. He was turning around, very dexterous. No matter what, it would be impossible to collide with each other. The walnuts were crystal clear. , Just like jade, you can tell at a glance that if you sell it for a long time, one hundred and hundreds of thousands are not a problem.

Shi Xiaozhu sat on the **** of the sofa opposite Shi Tiezhu, as if he had pierced a nail, fidgeting, constantly moving around, his complexion was even more ugly, like white paper, with a layer of sweat on his forehead the size of a bean. bead.

What happened in Li Xuewen, He Wenshi, and Yang Xinhe antique shops has spread throughout the entire antique world and the entire antique market, and even the local antique collection circle. This kind of thing is like a gust of wind, and it is a typhoon. It is very powerful and short. Within time, everyone knew what had happened.

Shi Xiaozhu remembered that he had persuaded Shi Tiezhu to sell high imitation antiques. At this time, I am very grateful that I did not do such a thing. If I did this kind of thing, Sun Mengyan’s big knife would have been cut on him at this time. On his neck, thinking of the serious consequences of this kind of thing, he really felt that the sky was about to collapse.


"Don't you want to say something?"

Shi Xiaozhu couldn't help but opened his mouth, and if he continued like this, he felt that he would go crazy.

"What do I want to say?"

"Do you want me to comment on what happened in He Wenshi's antique shop?"

Shi Tiezhu slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Shi Xiaozhu, who was sitting opposite him. There was no expression on his face, but if you look closely, you will find that his eyes are now showing a sneer with a very strong sneer. The smell of sarcasm.

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