God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1668: I'm afraid I don't know

"Song Yun, you're so nice and lively, why don't you call me and let me come over and take a look?!"

Shen Xue started complaining immediately.

"How is this possible? Even if I call you, you can't have time to watch this kind of excitement. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng came back to Zhenbao Pavilion after eating morning tea. What they didn't expect was that they would encounter something like this. , I just watched it by the way. If I called you and waited for you to come from the villa, the excitement would have already ended."

Song Yun shook his head. At that time, even if he called Tang Miao Miao Shenxue, it would be too late.

"Song Yun, who do you think did this thing?!"

Tang Miaomiao is very curious about this. Others may think that this kind of thing is just accidental, but knowing that this kind of thing is definitely premeditated. You have to know that there are three antique shops at the same time, and they have encountered the same thing. Moreover, the trouble was very serious. There were more than one or two hundred people watching in front of every antique shop. This situation is not small. If it happened by accident and no one specifically designed it, it is absolutely impossible.

"Sun Mengyan did this thing, and Sun Mengyan found those people."

Song Yun had already made a judgment when she saw Zhou Ling. This incident was definitely Sun Mengyan's handwriting. What she didn't expect was that Sun Mengyan's shot would be absolutely shocking when she didn't make a move. It was definitely a stick that hit seven inches. Above, He Wenshi's antique shop is really cool.

"Sun Mengyan did it?! Why did Sun Mengyan do such a thing?!"

Shen Xue was drinking tea. The cup was just picked up. He was taken aback when Song Yun said this. She immediately stopped and raised her head to look at Song Yun. There was an incredible expression on his face. Miao had discussed it on the way here, and came to the unanimous conclusion that someone must have premeditated, but he did not expect to have a relationship with Sun Mengyan.

"What's weird about this? Jumbo Pavilion will open soon. Many buyers and buyers will come to our opening ceremony. These people are very likely to come to the antique market in advance, and they may join our opening again. Continue to stay here after the ceremony. No matter what the situation is, these people will definitely have to buy antiques. Sun Mengyan once convened some antique shop owners in the antique market and held a briefing. It was probably for these people to spend a while. Don’t sell fake antiques inside. The purpose of doing this is to establish the reputation and credibility of the antique market.”

Song Yun knew the whole thing very well. The reason Sun Mengyan did such a thing was very simple and straightforward.

"Killing chickens and curbing monkeys! Needless to say, this must be killing chickens and curbing monkeys."

"Sun Mengyan has already greeted everyone, but He Wenshi and the antique shops don’t take Sun Mengyan’s words in their eyes. They are definitely selling fake antiques openly. They clearly slap Sun Mengyan in the face. It’s impossible for Sun Mengyan to bear this kind of thing, and it’s not surprising to teach them—if Sun Mengyan let them go, this would be the most amazing thing in the world."

Tang Miaomiao immediately guessed what was going on.

Song Yun gave Tang Miaomiao a thumbs-up and nodded. This is indeed the case. If Sun Mengyan didn't take the initiative to teach He Wenshi and the others, it would definitely be the sun coming out from the west.

"Sun Mengyan is really amazing. If she doesn't make a move, she is so ruthless and accurate."

Tang Miaomiao sighed, this kind of thing seems simple, it's just asking a few people to run into the antique shop to make trouble, but most people want to calm down the trouble, seeing He Wenshi they have to sell fake antiques, at most they are warnings For a moment, Sun Mengyan didn’t warn at all, she just went to the door to make trouble, in order to severely hit the reputation of He Wenshi and their antique shops, which was tantamount to directly cutting off He Wenshi and their financial avenues. People like Sun Mengyan did nothing. Just do it, just hit it hard.

"Unexpectedly, I never thought that Sun Mengyan did this thing. I have to say, but I really admire it. If it were me, I couldn't do such a thing."

Shen Xue shook his head straight. He knew that even if he was very angry about this kind of thing, He Wenshi and the others would not listen to him, and would not directly attack him with cruel hands. He would definitely give them another chance, but he had to say The reason is that Sun Mengyan’s approach is definitely the most correct reason. It is very simple. Since such people dare not to give face and do not listen to greetings, even if they are given more opportunities, they will never change, and most directly kill them. Drive these people out of the antique market. The most important thing is that after such a thing happened once, the owners of other antique shops must have seen all of them, and never dared to steal the dog.

"Who said no? Sun Mengyan used the most direct, simple and rude way to solve this problem, but the effect is definitely the best!"

Tang Miaomiao was also very impressed. If he were to deal with this kind of thing by himself, he would probably warn once again that He Wenshi definitely couldn't find someone to run into He Wenshi's antique shop to make trouble immediately.

"These antique shops are now notorious in the antique collection circle. It is estimated that there will be no way to open their doors for business during this period of time. This period of time is a very prosperous stage of the entire antique market. There are many buyers. Buyers, especially our Jumbo Pavilion, are preparing to open. Buyers and buyers who come to participate in the opening of our Jumbo Pavilion will choose antiques here. He Wenshi and the others are really regretful now that they missed such an opportunity, and their intestines are green."

Shen Xue is gloating. If this kind of thing makes trouble, He Wenshi's antique shop will not be able to open the door for business in the next few days, or even the next seven or eight days, even if it does. Someone went inside to buy antiques, and they would not be able to reopen the door to do business after the turmoil passed, and they had missed a golden age of selling antiques, and it was absolutely heartbroken.


"He Wenshi and his antique shop are not just as simple as closing their doors for a period of time. Since Sun Mengyan has already taken action, it is impossible for He Wenshi and his antique shop to continue to stay in the antique market. It is definitely going out."

Tang Miaomiao sneered, He Wenshi, Yang Xinhe, and Li Xuewen’s antique shops can no longer continue to open in the antique market. Since Sun Mengyan did such a thing, she must force them to sell the antique shop. If these people are allowed to stay, it is absolutely impossible to have a good effect of killing chickens and monkeys. The character of people like Sun Mengyan is absolutely nothing to do, and the whole thing must be done.

"No way?!"

"Is it really like this?!"

Shen Xue's eyes widened and she couldn't believe what Tang Miaomiao said. In her opinion, finding someone to make a fuss was already a very heavy punishment. She didn't expect that He Wenshi would have to be driven out of the antique market.

"Song Yun, do you think it really would be like this? Do you think Sun Mengyan would really do something like this?"

Shen Xue turned her head and looked at Song Yun who was sitting next to her.

"There is no doubt about it. There is nothing wrong with what Sister Tang said just now. That's it. Since Sun Mengyan has found people to make trouble in He Wenshi's antique shop, they must be driven out of the antique market. The method is very simple. , That is, people are constantly making trouble in He Wenshi's antique shop. If this happens, their antique shop will never continue to open. You have to sneak away with your tail."

Song Yun nodded, Tang Miaomiao's judgment did not say at all that Sun Mengyan would definitely do such a thing.

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