God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1671: Thinking too much?

"So it is!"

"I feel strange, how do you recognize Feng Feibai?"

"You know this is an old man for many years. It hasn't appeared in the antique circle for too long. I just heard of this person's name. I don't know what this person looks like, let alone can't deal with."

Only then did Sun Mengyan understand what was going on. If Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng recognized it, it would not be surprising. In a sense, Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng and Feng Feibai are not just people of the same age. , And more importantly, they are still friends, or even good friends in a sense.

"Sun Mengyan, your handwriting is really big. It's incredible that such a simple little thing can touch an old man like Feng Feibai to do it!"

While drinking tea, Tang Miaomiao looked at Sun Mengyan, with smiles all over his mouth.

When Sun Mengyan heard Tang Miaomiao say this, her eyes widened, it was obvious that she was making fun of herself on purpose.

"Feng Feibai is an old senior in the circle, such a person, I would dare to let them do such a thing, unless my mind got into the water."

Sun Mengyan has no idea about this matter, and she is a little helpless now, because Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng recognized Feng Feibai, and it is very likely that others will recognize it as well. There are still many people in the antique collection circle of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng in the same generation. The most important thing is that in this era, whether it’s taking a photo or a video, it’s very simple. Just take out your mobile phone. What happened at the He Wenshi antique shop has pictures and the truth. Now everyone’s attention is all They are all focused on dealing with He Wenshi's antique shop, and it won't take a long time to turn their attention to what kind of people run into He Wenshi's antique shop to make trouble. Someone will recognize Feng Feibai's true identity.

"It's a headache, it's a headache!"

Sun Mengyan rubbed her temple vigorously. After this incident got here, a little accident happened and she didn't know how to deal with it.

"Miss Sun, I didn't fully consider this matter. I feel that Feng Feibai and the others haven't appeared in the circle for so many years. No one should recognize it. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen."

When Zhou Ling stood by and saw Sun Mengyan look like this, she knew that she hadn't considered this matter very thoroughly, and she had a chance to save herself.

Sun Mengyan waved her hand. Zhou Ling was indeed wrong about this matter, but it’s no harm. Old people in circles like Feng Feibai can’t control anyone who wants to come out and play, even if she knows it’s impossible to persuade. To criticize Zhou Ling about this matter is actually meaningless, not to mention that Zhou Ling just wants to do things well and has no other intentions or purposes.

"What's the problem with this?"

"Sun Mengyan, I think you just get cheap and sell well!"

"The troubles in He Wenshi's antique shop seem to be very simple on the surface, but if you want to make it seamless, or want to get very good results, most people really can't do it, like Feng Feibai. The real **** figures in China’s antique collection circle do such things. Although they are overkill, the effect is absolutely extraordinary, dripping water and no accidents."

Tang Miaomiao knows very well that going to the gym looks simple on the surface, but it is really difficult to do. Only experienced old fried dough sticks like Feng Feibai can make this thing drip-proof. If you change one person, Maybe he wants to show his feet or the effect is not good. He Wenshi has opened an antique shop for many years. It is impossible to have no experience at all. This situation must have happened before and knows how to deal with it. If you are not facing a person like Feng Feibai, Maybe you will be able to seize the opportunity to fight back. Whoever will be the winner or what the final outcome will be, no one can tell.

Sun Mengyan thought for a while, and found that it was really the case. This kind of thing is simple on the surface, and it is not easy to achieve perfection. No matter what the reason is for Feng Feibai's old rivers and lakes, but let him take the initiative, the matter is absolutely correct and there is no problem. It is impossible for accidents to happen, He Wenshi must want to die now, and changing another person may not have such a good effect.

"My headache now is, once others recognize Feng Fei and come again, how will it end then!?"

Sun Mengyan’s headache was this. Feng Feibai had no problem with handling such things, but if people in the antique collection circle could recognize Feng Feibai’s true identity, she might be drowned in saliva.

"Sun Mengyan, in fact, you think more about this matter. It's not as complicated as you think. Even if someone recognizes Feng Feibai's identity and knows the true origin of Feng Fei's card, there is no problem. Feng Feibai goes to He Wenshi's antique. In the shop, it was not unreasonable to make trouble, but it was actually found that the gourd bottle was fake. With full evidence, there is nothing to say. When others know Feng Feibai’s identity, it is very likely that you will feel that you are too arrogant and even the circle The seniors in it dare to call, and they do such things, but everyone must admit it. From this incident, you can see how strong the relationship between you and Feng Feibai is. Isn’t this good for our antique market?"

Song Yun shook his head. Sun Mengyan got a bit of a horn on this matter. Even if someone recognizes Feng Feibai’s true identity, it can prove that Sun Mengyan’s antique market has a close relationship with a top expert like Feng Feibai. In this sense, it is definitely a good thing.

Sun Mengyan nodded. Song Yun’s analysis is very reliable. It is true. If he or the antique market has a bad relationship with Feng Feibai, it is of course impossible for such an old senior to do such a thing. Reverse thinking can tell. Feng Feibai is on his side. From this perspective, no matter how much money is spent, it is worthwhile, not to mention that Feng Feibai is absolutely voluntary labor.


"It must be admitted that our antique market is taking advantage of Feng Feibai's seniors!"

Sun Mengyan said that she couldn't help but laugh. In fact, that's what happened. People like Feng Feibai who want to invite them out of the mountain must pay a huge price. She doesn't have a penny in front of her. Hua, Feng Feibai has handled the matter properly, there is nothing better than this.

"Sun Mengyan, we know that you sold a total of three antique shops today?"

Tang Miaomiao suddenly thought of this.

"Yes, it's not wrong, it's exactly like this. Today I started with He Wenshi's antique shop, two other antique TVs, Li Xuewen's antique shop, and one is Yang Xinhe's antique shop."

Sun Mengyan looked at Tang Miaomiao a little strangely. She didn’t know why she suddenly asked about this. There were three people in the antique market. They didn’t listen to her greetings, and they did it very clearly. They were He Wenshi, Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe. This time, it is impossible to only deal with He Wenshi, but also to deal with Li Xuewen and Yang Xin, and let the other people see their own means and determination.

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