God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1678: Something wrong

Song Yun glanced at the painting on the wall and nodded invisibly.

"what happened?"

"Is there anything wrong with this painting?"

When Sun Mengyan saw Song Yun like this, she couldn't help being a little curious about this place. Actually, it was not the first time she came to eat. I heard that the painting on the wall was the work of a famous person. There were quite a few people. Everyone here will find this painting very good.

"No problem, it is indeed a good painting, between 5 million and 8 million."

Song Yun knows that the painting on the wall is indeed a good painting, but if it is a rare treasure, it is another matter, the painting in front of you can really only be considered a good painting. It is not a treasure painting, there is a very big difference between the two.

Sun Mengyan shook her head, Song Yun said this lightly, as if 5 million to 8 million is just a number, or it feels like 500 yuan and 800 yuan, and it doesn’t look at it at all. Maybe someone else I think Song Yun is very arrogant to say this, but Song Yun is really qualified to say this. For Song Yun now, antiques between 5 million and 8 million can indeed be ignored, even if The antiques of 10 million and 20 million will not be placed in Song Yun’s eyes. There are too many antiques at this level. If you want to pick them up, you can pick up a lot. In this case, Song Yun really cannot be because of this. There are emotional fluctuations in the price of the painting, this is completely impossible, and it will never happen to Song Yun.

Song Yun, Sun Mengyan, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue drank tea for a while, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng walked in with a few old men.

Song Yun raised his eyebrows and found that apart from Feng Feibai, there were two old men who had never seen him before, but seeing that they were talking and laughing with Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, he knew they must be old friends for many years.

"how did this happen?"

"Two more old men!"

"It is these two old men who went to two other antique shops to make trouble!"

"It should be Yang Hongfei and Jiang Wensheng."

Song Yun glanced at Sun Mengyan next to her, looking helpless.

"This old man is called Yang Hongfei, this old man is called Jiang Wensheng, and this is called Feng Feibai. They are all old people in the circle. You young people may not know their names, and it is even more impossible to recognize what they look like. There are definitely famous figures in the antique circle."

Zhu Deyuan knew that Sun Mengyan and others probably didn't know these old men, so he simply gave an introduction.

"Old man Zhu, what you said is really polite. Even if we people have some reputation, it's just a matter of the past. We haven't appeared in the antique circle for more than ten years. No one has known our name for a long time. On the contrary, Song Yun, Sun Mengyan, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue, but now the young generation who are well-known in the antique collection circle, we old men are already out of date."

Feng Feibai looked at Song Yun, Sun Mengyan and others in front of him, and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. The waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves forward, and the new generation replaced the old. This time he came out and didn’t think there was anything at the beginning. It’s very special. Just like Chinese medicine, the older you get, the more valuable you are. After dealing with a few young people, you know that even if these people have not appeared in the antique collection circle for ten years, if they come back out of the arena, these young people are not opponents at all. , But Song Yun in front of him is definitely not something he can handle. Sun Mengyan, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue, none of these young people are good, and they are very polite at this time.

Xu Desheng heard Feng Feibai say this, and couldn’t help but smile in his heart. Feng Feibai’s personality is very clear. To put it more directly, Feng Feibai is a very arrogant person and wants to convince him. It's not that simple, but now when facing Song Yun, Sun Mengyan and others, the attitude is relatively low. This is definitely not a simple and easy thing. From this we can see that Song Yun has already gotten it. Feng Feibai’s respect and recognition, considering Feng Feibai’s character, especially Feng Feibai’s identity and status in the antique collection circle, is definitely not a simple matter. No matter what kind of circle, strength is the most important thing. Yes, as long as your strength is strong enough, age is not a problem.

Zhu Deyuan froze for a moment, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Feng Feibai. Song Yun must be very respected. This is because Sun Mengyan manages an antique market. If respect is more reasonable, Tang Miaomiao This may not be the case with Shen Xue. In general, Feng Feibai's performance at this moment is a bit wrong.

"how did this happen?"

"Why did Feng Feibai put his posture so low?"

Zhu Deyuan had doubts in his heart, but he didn't say it. The expression on his face didn't change a bit, he was still smiling, but he did pay attention to this matter slowly in his heart. This dinner tonight, I originally thought It's just a gathering of old and young friends, but he has now realized that it is definitely not that simple. The eventual development of things is likely to exceed his expectations, but now everyone has come here to eat, no It may really be going back and shooting, only to see how the situation is.

Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, Hong Feibai, including Song Yun, Sun Mengyan, etc. are all very smart people, and they are all people who have seen the world. The whole process of eating is full of laughter, and the atmosphere is very harmonious. There is absolutely no problem. After dinner, everyone sat up and had tea. Sun Mengyan brought some good tea tonight.

"Not bad!"

"This is very good!"

"Sun Mengyuan, this tea you have tonight is definitely the top class. I haven't had such a delicious Pu'er for quite a while, but the only thing I am worried about now is the set in the treasure pavilion, Gu Jingzhou's tea set. If you use such a cup and such a tea set to make tea, it will definitely taste better."

After Xu Desheng took a sip, he kept nodding his head. He immediately remembered the set of Gu Jingzhou's tea set in the Treasure Pavilion. If he could use that set of tea sets to make this tea, he thought it would definitely taste better.

"Old man Xu can't stop your mouth with such a good tea?"

"Gu Jingzhou’s tea set, now we have put it up, there are too few cups. If so many people go there, there are only four cups, and we don’t know who to drink it. Unless there are only four people, we That set of tea sets can only be placed there, which is not very practical. I later bought a set of tea sets worth about 2 million yuan. Now if we go to Zhenbao Pavilion, it is impossible to use Gu Jingzhou's tea sets."

Song Yun smiled and shook his head. The only problem with Gu Jingzhou's tea set was that there were too few cups. It was unrealistic to use it to take care of several friends.

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