God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1688: Disillusionment


"Old man Zhu, why do you say this?"

"If Sun Mengyan really thinks that Feng Feibai has played a trick on her like this, shouldn't it be a little revenge? The simplest thing is not to let Feng Feibai open an antique shop in the antique market here?!"

Shi Tiezhu's heart flicked, and then it continued to sink like a stone. Today, he asked Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng to inquire about this, and see if Feng Feibai really wants to open an antique shop here, Sun Mengyan Will it be prevented? Now it seems that this kind of thing is impossible to happen.

"Old man Shi, I think you are really in it, and you can't see the whole thing. If Feng Feibai and his antique shop are really opened in the antique market here, the impact on your Baoyutang will be very obvious, you I definitely hope that Sun Mengyan can prevent Feng Feibai from opening an antique shop here. In fact, this kind of thing is impossible to happen, you just because it has a close relationship with you, you can’t see clearly, or you don’t I am willing to admit it."

"Feng Feibai is an old senior in the antique collection circle. He is very famous. Although he hasn't really appeared in the antique market for such a long time in the past, now that he has run out at this time, those who know him are now here. It was about sixty years ago. I have been playing antiques for many years and have money in hand. There will definitely be many people looking for Feng Feibai to buy antiques. At least they will sit in their antique shop to see if there is anything good. Things, you are aware of this kind of crisis and hope that Sun Mengyan will not let Feng Feibai open a store, so that there will be no threat to your Baoyutang."

"I tell you the truth, this kind of thing is impossible. Anyway, Sun Mengyan will never stop Feng Feibai from opening an antique shop in the antique market. One reason is, of course, that Feng Feibai is a celebrity. One of my sons opened an antique shop in the antique market, which definitely recognized Sun Mengyan’s antique market, not to mention that Feng Feibai is still a person who has left the antique market or the antique circle for more than 10 years. This time he returned to the world and chose Sun Mengyan. As the place to open a store, the antique market in China clearly proves the strength and attractiveness of the Sun Mengyan antique market. In the current words, Feng Feibai’s antique shop will be a good proof that the Sun Mengyan antique market is indeed very good. It's amazing."

"The appearance of Feng Feilai's antique shop here has another very important function, that is, the catfish effect. The antique market here is very calm, and it can even be described as stagnant water. This is before Song Yun and Zhenbaoge appeared here. After Song Yun and his treasure pavilion appeared, the antique market here has undergone earth-shaking changes, but in any case, the owner of the antique shop here has opened an antique shop here for many years. How to do business has been With certain rules, such as the ratio of real antiques to fake antiques in antique shops, etc., there have long been established rules. This kind of thing does not change because of the appearance of Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion. The reason is very good. Simple, that is, Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion are relatively high-end, and the operating methods of ordinary antique shops are completely different. In fact, Song Yun and his Zhenbao Pavilion pose a very small threat to the operation of other antique stores. The situation is that the appearance of Song Yun and Zheng Baoge has brought huge opportunities to other antique shops, but Feng Feibai’s antique shops are different, everyone’s business methods are the same, and Feng Feibai is more qualified than other antique shop owners. , It will form very huge or fierce competition. If other antique shops, including Baoyutang, want to survive, or if they want to keep their business and customers, they must change. That’s why Feng Feibai The antique shop is a catfish. If their antique shop is really opened in the antique market here, including your Baoyutang, as well as other antique shop owners, they must make changes. Undoubtedly, the easiest The most direct way is to increase the proportion of genuine antiques in the store, and dare not be so blatantly deceived."

After one night, Zhu Deyuan has actually calculated the whole thing very clearly. Sun Mengyan may really feel that Feng Feibai has played a trick on this matter. She feels a little unhappy in her heart, but she will never refuse or refuse. Feng Feibai is allowed to open an antique shop here. There is nowhere to find such a good catfish under a lantern. If he refuses or is not allowed, it is really a brain drain.

Shi Tiezhu did not speak. He knew that what Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng said was right. Feng Feibai came to the antique market here to open an antique shop, which is of great benefit to Sun Mengyan or to the entire antique market, whether it is from improving the image or the catfish effect. On the one hand, they are all very powerful. Sun Mengyan is a very qualified or even very good businessman. There is nothing wrong with the management. It is impossible not to see this. Feng Feibai and the others are in the He Wenshi antique shop. It's just a trivial matter. It is impossible to have any bad influence. It is even more unlikely that Sun Mengyan is very angry and refuses Feng Feibai to open an antique shop in the antique market here.

"Old man Shi, we have actually asked Sun Mengyan and even Song Yun clearly."

"None of them would object to Feng Feibai opening an antique shop here."

"Song Yun has no objection. Feng Feibai's antique shop is a huge competitor to others, but for Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion, if it is a bit ugly, it is not to be considered."

Xu Desheng glanced at the silent Shi Tiezhu, and continued on.

"Sun Mengyan will not refuse. The reason has already been said. Under this situation, it is basically impossible to hope that Sun Mengyan or Feng Feibai will not open an antique shop here, unless Feng Feibai does not want to open an antique shop here, but Feng Feibai and others are like this. After seeing the situation of the antique market in Sun Mengyan, the old fritters and old foxes in China might not open an antique shop here unless they have no idea of ​​opening an antique shop at all."

Shi Tiezhu’s only disillusionment is indeed just like what Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng have said. No matter from which aspect, as long as Feng Feibai wants to open an antique shop here, he will definitely be able to open an antique shop here. The only one can stop Sun Mengyan. Neither Song Yun would object to it. This matter is actually already fixed. The only variable is that Feng Feibai and the others feel that Sun Mengyan's antique market is not suitable for opening antique shops. This kind of thing simply cannot exist.

"Baoyutang will definitely face fierce competition next. In our antique collection circle, there are more than one old fox and old monsters like Feng Feibai."

Shi Tiezhu sighed deeply and shook his head vigorously. Feng Feibai, who had been out of the antique collection circle for more than 10 years, all ran out. It was really unexpected.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng didn't quite understand what Shi Tiezhu's words meant at the beginning, but they reacted quickly.

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