God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1695: Enemies have always had narrow roads

Feng Feibai was very embarrassed. He found that this shop was He Wenshi's shop that he used to play.

"Boss He, it's really a bit embarrassing."

Feng Feibai rubbed his nose vigorously. Although he was extremely experienced and thick-skinned, he also didn't know how to deal with this situation.

"Teacher Feng, you are an old senior in our circle. Although the matter this time has something to do with you, in the final analysis, I am too greedy. It doesn't make any sense to discuss things at this point."

He Wenshi sees it very openly. One is that the most important reason for this incident is in his own body. The person he offended is Sun Mengyan and Feng Feibai has nothing to do. The other is that although he is not young, he is in the antique collection circle. It has been rolling for more than ten years, but compared with the old monsters in the circle like Feng Feibai, the identity, status and influence of the two parties are simply incomparable. To put it bluntly, it is in fact not to be offended. Offended another person.

"Teacher Feng, I think you are here for my antique shop. If this is the case, this matter today is not so easy to handle."

He Wenshi knew that Feng Feibai must have been eyeing his antique shop when he hurried here.


"Boss Ho, why do you say this?"

"You want to sublet the shop, I want to take this shop down, this kind of thing is incredibly simple, as long as the price is negotiated, it can be dealt with right away, no big deal."

Feng Feibai was a little curious about what He Wenshi said like this, unless He Wenshi posted a notice, but he was flicking and would not sublet the shop at all, or he would not get Sun Mengyan's permission at all.

"Ms. Feng, it’s not what you think. There is no problem with the procedures of this shop. Since I dare to sublet, I can guarantee that the person who rents this shop from me will be able to operate normally and will not suffer any damage. Obstacles."

He Wenshi is also a human spirit, and at a glance, you can tell what Feng Feibai is worried about, or what is doubtful in his heart.

"If there is no problem in this regard, I really can't imagine any other problems."

Feng Feibai knew that He Wenshi was telling the truth. He Wenshi would definitely not dare to sublet the shop if he had not obtained Sun Mengyan's permission.

"My sublease notice was just posted, and a lot of people called right away. If you want this shop, you came here earlier, but there are already someone earlier than you. In addition, there are Many people are on their way."

He Wenshi said as he pointed to the sofa and tea table not far away.

Feng Feibai, Yang Hongfei, and Jiang Wensheng looked in the direction of He Wenshi’s pointing, their faces suddenly gloomy, there have been more than five people there, needless to say, they all want this shop from He Wenshi’s hands. The important thing is that He Wenshi just said that there are more people on the way.

"How come there are so many people?"

Yang Hongfei shook his head. This situation is definitely not what he wants to see. The more people want to get this shop, the more intense the competition, and the higher the price it will have to pay to win this shop. Big.

"The antique market here is developing very fast and prosperous. The chance of buying and selling antiques is very high. There is a shop in this place like a hen that can lay golden eggs. It is not surprising that so many people come here."

He Wenshi reluctantly squeezed a smile on his face, he was confused for a moment and took a wrong step. Now he has to sublet the shop out, as if he was stabbed by someone else in his heart, he kept dripping blood.

"Boss He, I don't know how you deal with this shop? There are so many people who want to get your shop now. There must be a charter, right?"

Feng Feibai was very calm. This situation is actually normal. The most important thing now is to find out how He Wenshi plans to rent out the shop.

"There are a lot of people who want this shop. They are all people in the circle. It is not good to offend any one. My method is very simple, that is, the higher the price."

He Wenshi shook his head vigorously and drove out all the emotions that shouldn't have. It is a good thing that so many people want to get their own shop. Sun Mengyan gave him this opportunity to make another money.

When Feng Feibai heard He Wenshi say this, he couldn't help but want to yell at him. What is meant is that people in the circle offend any one of them, which is not good. This is obviously to make more money. The higher price is actually In the auction, you can get this shop if you see who has the higher price. The original 200,000 donation fee can solve the problem because there are too many people who want to get it, and the atmosphere of the scene is affected, especially when it is crazy. For those of you, you might have to pay 500,000 in the end.

"This is reasonable. It is not suitable for people in the same circle to sublet directly to anyone. Just be straightforward. Give it to whoever pays the higher price. Everyone speaks on their strength."

Although Feng Feibai wanted to scold his mother, there was a smile on his face. He has been rolling in this circle for many years and has rich experience. At this time, no matter what kind of thoughts he has in his heart, he must control his emotions.

He Wenshi smiled and didn't say anything. He led Feng Feibai and others into the antique shop and sat down on the sofa. It was still early, and there were still several groups of people on the road who had to come over. Don’t worry, people come. The more the number, the higher the resale fee of the store, why not do it.

Feng Feibai sat down on the sofa, raised his head to look forward, and was a bit stunned. The person sitting opposite turned out to be an old acquaintance, and to be precise an old opponent.

"Ding Shan!"

"Why are you here?"

Feng Feibai was very surprised, and even a little can't believe his eyes. Ding Shan, like himself, closed the antique shop and left the antique market seven or eight years ago. He has since disappeared. He did not expect to be in such a place today. It's definitely not a good thing to meet on occasion. Ding Shan and himself are rivals, especially now that he appears in He Wenshi's antique shop. Needless to say, he is definitely planning to return to the world like himself and wants to open the antique shop in Sun Mengyan. Antique market, antique shops that want to get Ho Wenshi.

"Old man Feng, you are able to appear here, why can't I appear, but the world is really small, and I never thought that we had not met in the past ten years. Our brothers met for the first time in such a place. Occasionally, in other people's antique shops, this is really fate."

Ding Shan put down the tea cup he was holding, narrowed his eyes, and looked at Feng Feibai, Yang Hongfei, and Jiang Wensheng who were sitting across from him. Yesterday he had actually heard about Feng Feibai and knew that he would meet sooner or later. I encountered it in He Wenshi's antique shop.

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