God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1720: Avoid the heavy and light the trick


"Mr. Zhang, isn't what I just said wrong? Zhang Wenhua Mr. Zhang is an old senior in our antique collection circle. His appraisal ability is very terrifying. I have heard a lot of this kind of thing. If he thinks this If an antique is real, it is absolutely true. If it is absolutely false, then it must be false."

Song Yun showed a very sincere smile on his face.

Zhang Ping looked at Song Yun, who was right in front of him, and when he watched Song Yun's words, he could see a very innocent look. Both eyes, the anger in his heart could not be suppressed, and he rushed to his forehead with his mouth. I just wanted to swear, but when the words came to my lips, I finally gritted my teeth and swallowed it back. The situation in front of me is very unfavorable to me. If I get angry, I will definitely fall into the trap of Song Yun. I came here today, not Not being able to hit Song Yun in the face, but embarrassing in front of everyone.

"Antique identification is very complicated, especially for some antiques. It is difficult to determine whether it is true or false. Different people have different opinions. It’s not uncommon in the history of antique appraisal."

"This antique I brought today is just like that. It is very complicated. I want to hear your opinions and opinions from Teacher Song Yunsong."

Zhang Ping tried his best to control his emotions, forcibly squeezing a smile on his stiff face, avoiding the importance of it, and not mentioning Zhang Wenhua's opinion.

Song Yun smiled. If such a trick can be tricked, it would be silly and naive.

"Mr. Zhang Ping Zhang, Mr. Zhang Wenhua Mr. Zhang is an old senior in our antique collection circle. His appraisal ability is just like what I just said. Many people know that this antique is very powerful. I think many people want to hear what he thinks. If you find it inconvenient to say too much, I think you can at least say that Mr. Zhang Wenhua thinks this antique is real or fake. Many people What I care about is just this. It is not much practical where it is or where it is. After all, not all people are very professional."

"Or does Mr. Zhang Wenhua feel that the antique you brought in front of you has no way to determine whether it is true or false?"

Zhang Ping realized that this matter today is really not as simple as he thought before he came. For example, now he must clearly state his grandfather Zhang Wenhua's appraisal opinion.

"Yes Yes!"

"Boss Zhang Ping and Zhang, what we want to know is whether this antique is real or fake, how to fight and how to be fake. In fact, we don’t really care about it. In that way, those of us are nothing but antique collectors, not professional appraisers, and there is no need to talk with us about more things."


"Boss Zhang Ping Zhang!"

"Since you have already obtained this antique, its authenticity is not an important matter, and there is no need to keep it secret. In other words, even if it is told, it will not have a big impact."


"Boss Zhang!"

"Is there anything weird about this antique? Or is it that you brought this antique to Teacher Song Yunsong's antique shop for other purposes?"


"Boss Zhang!"

"Can't tell?"

"Could it be that Mr. Zhang Wenhua and Mr. Zhang himself cannot be sure of the authenticity of this antique?"


The people eating melons were not afraid of the big things. Seeing Zhang Ping hesitated for a long time without telling the conclusion of Zhang Wenhua's identification, the crowd began to boil.

Zhang Ping's expression became even more ugly. He knew that his own explanation just now couldn't quell "the anger" at all. It was obvious that he had put Song Yun on the fire.

"For this antique, my grandfather Zhang Wenhua has not yet made a final appraisal conclusion. To be precise, he already has an appraisal conclusion, but he did not tell me. I hope I can study it by myself and make my own appraisal conclusion. "

After Zhang Ping pondered for a long time, there was really no way he could only say something like this.


"This is obviously to avoid the heavy and light!"


"What is this? If you have an appraisal conclusion, you have not said it clearly, it is simply impossible to appraise it!


"I just asked about it like a senior in the circle. Zhang Wenhua is a very powerful senior in the antique collection circle. He has a first-class appraisal. Many collectors of the older generation know this person's name. Unexpectedly, faced with such an antique, it is impossible to identify it at all. It seems that people's appraisal skills are slowly degrading over time. Zhang Wenhua is already very old, and maybe he is now dim-eyed. ."

"Who said no? It must be like this, but it's not surprising that when you think about it, you might not even be able to see things at such an age, how could you still be able to identify an antique?"



"If Zhang Wenhua is really dim-eyed, after the opening of his antique shop, I would not dare to buy antiques from him. Who knows whether the antiques in there are real or fake, I originally wanted to go to him for Zhang Wenhua's identification skills. Look inside the antique shop, now it seems that it’s actually unnecessary."


"The wave behind the Yangtze River pushes the wave forward, and the new generation replaces the old ones. Although Zhang Wenhua is really awesome, it was only a matter of decades ago. Although antique appraisal or antique collection must pay attention to experience accumulation, if he even has things If you can’t see clearly, how can you identify an antique?"


Zhang Ping was anxious and angry while listening to the discussion of the people around him. He did not expect that his words would lead to such a result. He did not say the conclusion of Zhang Wenhua’s appraisal because he came to Song Yun to trouble him today. For the sacrifice, I never imagined that the people around me would react like this, thinking that Zhang Wenhua was dim-eyed and could no longer identify antiques. If this matter is really accepted by many people or recognized by others, he will have an interest in his upcoming antique shop. To cause a fatal blow, any antique shop must have a reputation and must have a master appraisal. Although his appraisal ability is not bad, he is even stronger than his grandfather in a certain way, but in the circle of antique collection He doesn't have his own reputation yet. In other words, Zhang Wenhua must be in charge after the antique shop opens. Now some people start to wonder if Zhang Wenhua is dim-eyed. This is definitely a fatal effect.

Zhang Ping was angry and anxious in his heart, but this kind of thing could not be explained because it would give people a darker feeling. At that time, it was really yellow mud falling into the crotch. It was not shit, it was shit, only tight. He closed his mouth tightly, didn't dare to say anything at all, gritted his teeth, but there was no way.

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