God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1732: Lang Shining

The people watching the excitement all around did not speak at this time, and listened very quietly to Zhu Deyuan’s words. The people who appeared here at this time were not antique collectors or the owner of an antique shop here. They knew very well what was in front of them. This situation is really rare. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng are all real old-timers in the antique collection circle. Normally, ordinary people can't meet each other, let alone listen to people like Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng appraising antiques.

Situ Kongming hid in the crowd, staring at the boss with both eyes, staring at Zhu Deyuan all the time, with both ears pricked up, very worried that he would miss a word Zhu Deyuan said. As an antique shop owner and general For antique collectors, the difference is that both experience and vision are much better. Now, listening to Zhu Deyuan's words can comprehend or learn more. This kind of opportunity is very rare and should never be taken lightly.

"Double lotus pattern?!"

"What's wrong with the double lotus pattern on this gourd bottle?!"

Situ Kongming whispered, turned his head, took a very serious look at the gourd bottle placed on the table, although it is a little far away, but in broad daylight, the gourd bottle placed on the table I can see it very clearly, there is indeed a double lotus pattern on it, and I can't see where the double lotus pattern is wrong.

"Song Yun!"

"You can talk about this!"

Zhu Deyuan turned around to look at Song Yun.

Song Yun nodded his head without being polite. Now this situation is a good opportunity for him to promote himself and Zhenbao Pavilion. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng are both old men. They have already had their own in this circle. Identity and status are completely useless, not to mention that this opportunity was won by myself, and there is nothing polite.

"This matter is actually not complicated at all. You only need to check some relevant information to know something, and these things are directly related to the authenticity of this gourd bottle."

"In 1723, Castiglione, a painter from the Italian Jesuit court, came up with a painting called "Jurui Tu" and dedicated it to the Emperor Yongzheng. It was mainly composed of bunches of flower plants, such as lotus, lotus, and corn. Use this as a metaphor to ascend to the throne and descend to auspicious fortune. Later, the pattern on the porcelain imitated this painting, which gave the "double lotus" pattern in the history of porcelain. This is the real Qing Dynasty Qianlong light yellow ground foreign color icing on the cake "Longevity" 'The characteristics that the long-necked gourd bottle should have, unfortunately, we didn't see the bottle in front of us at all."

"From this point, it can be judged that the gourd bottle in front of you is fake."

Song Yun didn't sell Guanzi anymore, so he directly explained the main points of his appraisal, or where the problem with the gourd bottle was.

The bottle of gourd brought by Zhang Ping is indeed very difficult to identify. In fact, if it is not very difficult to identify, it is impossible to bring it into your own treasure pavilion. If you meet another person, it may be true. I was able to succeed, but my luck was very bad. I ran into an expert appraisal like my own. The authenticity of the antique can be seen at a glance, and then come back and carefully scrutinize it. I want to find the antique. Flaws are not particularly difficult.

Zhang Ping’s face is really black now like the bottom of a pot. Song Yun knew it was not good when he proposed the double lotus pattern, but he held the last glimmer of hope in his heart. I hope Song Yun can’t elaborate more. The reality is very real. The cruel and sincere hope cannot be realized. Today I came to Jumbo Pavilion to find faults and want to slap Song Yun in the face. I didn’t expect that it was me who would be beaten in the face. More importantly, Song Yun also took advantage of this opportunity. , Well publicized a wave of Jumbo Pavilion that is about to open. There are so many people watching the excitement. The whole thing will soon spread throughout the antique collection circle. Song Yun’s reputation and Jumbo Pavilion’s reputation will be astonishing. As the speed grows, the only loser is himself.

"Boss Zhang Ping Zhang, I don't know if there are any problems in my appraisal. If there are other appraisal opinions, you might as well speak out and listen to them and study them together to see what is going on."

Song Yun spoke in a very ordinary tone, just like an old friend of many years had met, but Zhang Ping heard a lot of meaning and gritted his teeth with hatred, but there was no way. I thought that the antiques he brought could be It caused a huge trouble to Song Yun. I don’t think the trouble didn’t appear, but the fame of Liwan was real. If I had to say that there was trouble, then I really encountered a huge trouble this time. One is stealing chicken this time. In the event of an eclipse, I and the antique shop in my upcoming home lost a face in front of everyone, and the whole circle would know what happened today, and would know that the level of their appraisal was far Not as good as Song Yun. Another very scary thing is the gourd bottle I brought today. Someone originally wanted to take it for 50 million, but now because they want to bring Song Yun’s antique shop, they are directly in front of everyone. Being dismantled is a fake. In other words, it can't be sold and it loses 50 million directly.

Zhang Ping was trembling all over, and his face was pale. This time he came to Treasure Pavilion to find faults and kicked the restaurant. He suffered a lot of sorrow. Now it is really unbearable, but what he did was like splashed water without any recycling Possibly, there will be no regret medicine in the world.

Zhang Ping picked up the gourd bottle placed on the table and turned away. The people watching the excitement slowly left. The calm at the gate of Treasure Pavilion was restored, but this matter is far from over. The lively people spread out slowly, and more and more people knew about it. Not only the antique market and the local antique circles, but even the antique circles across the country knew about this. Some people just discussed and discussed it. Discuss and make fun of Zhang Ping as if it had never happened, but besides these unrelated personnel, there are many people who have something to do with this incident. After hearing about this incident, different people have different reactions.

Tenglong Building, an office building with more than 70 floors, all belong to one person. This person is called Li Tenglong. He started from scratch 30 years ago. He doesn't even know how much money he has today. The top floor is his office. , Such an office not only has invincible beauty, but also because it has a huge space, even a small golf course is arranged here, as a person who likes to play golf, as long as there is In the half of his spare time, as long as no one comes to meet with him, or report to work, he will carry a golf club in his hand and will play a ball from time to time. There is no one in the office at this time, except Outside of him, it is very quiet. There is a tablet in front of him, and a video is playing on it. The shaking picture and the very poor shooting angle can be seen. It is definitely a non-professional person, but at this time The expression on Li Tenglong’s face is very serious, not even a smile. Although the entire office space is very huge, it is now like the sky about to rain. The atmosphere is very solemn, and it has reached a terrible level. .

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