God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1738: Be too polite

Zhang Wenhua walked into Sun Mengyan's office and immediately showed a chrysanthemum smile.

"Miss Sun!"

"Long admiring the name!"

"I have never had the opportunity to visit you, it is definitely my fault."

Zhang Wenhua walked up to Sun Mengyan while talking.

"Teacher Zhang, you are so polite. You are a senior in our antique collection circle. It should be my visit. However, your status and status are very high. We juniors don’t dare to have suitable opportunities. disturb."

Sun Mengyan showed a bright smile on her face, she spoke very politely, but she was sneer in her heart. No matter what you do, Zhang Wenhua is a senior in the antique collection circle. Although he runs an antique market, his position in the antique circle is very important. However, Zhang Wenhua does not need to be so polite to himself and put it like this. The posture can only prove that Zhang Wenhua came here today to ask for himself. Now he puts his posture very low first, but just wants to exert pressure and force himself to save face.

Sun Mengyan glanced at Zhang Ping, who was behind Zhang Wenhua, greeted the two people to sit down on the sofa, and asked the secretary to bring tea up.

"Miss Sun!"

"The antique market here is developing really well. I have been here in the past two years. Although the antique market here is very good in my memory, it is far from the vitality that I see now. This is really exciting. Surprisingly, it can be seen from this that your management ability is really very powerful. If all the antique markets in our country can be as powerful as your antique market, our antique collection will definitely be huge in the world. Influence."

Zhang Wenhua said this to flatter Sun Mengyan, but it is a fact that the development of the antique market here is really unexpected.

"Miss Sun, what my grandfather said is not wrong at all. It is indeed like this. I visited the antique market here half a year ago. It is far from the scene I saw today. You can see the entire antique market during the recent period. Under your management, there has been tremendous development and a qualitative change. This is actually the fundamental reason why our family opened the antique market here."

Zhang Ping was shocked when he saw Sun Mengyan. He has never met a woman who can combine beauty and wisdom so perfectly, with the beauty of a traditional Chinese woman, but with the temperament of a modern woman, neat and tidy. , And at the same time very elegant temperament, both eyes suddenly widened, and my heart was beating faster. There was no room to speak in such an occasion-my grandfather and Sun Mengyan were talking, and as a grandson, I shouldn't speak at this time, but I really can't help but want to show it in front of Sun Mengyan, leave an impression on myself.

Sun Mengyan was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized what was going on, and she secretly curled her lips in her heart.

Zhang Ping is not a person without a background. In a word, he is not a grassroots background. Zhang Wenhua's status in the antique collection circle is very high. This means that he is very rich and belongs to the third generation. He must be well-trained. Education, it should be understood that this time cannot be interrupted, but Zhang Ping abruptly interrupted, no matter what the reason, this time must be controlled, absolutely not able to speak, even this basic quality None, or even the ability to control this point, such a person can only be a flower in a greenhouse, or a spoiled child, who is usually gentle, but it is just an illusion. No quality.

Zhang Wenhua's old face flushed, Zhang Ping said a lot of things, but Sun Mengyan didn't even mean to answer the conversation. This was definitely a very embarrassing situation. Of course he knew what was going on.

"Yes Yes!"

"Zhang Ping is right. The antique market here is indeed developing very fast, which is really impressive."

Zhang Wenhua has no choice but to make such a sentence abruptly, hoping to make the scene less embarrassing.


"Miss Sun, I haven't had time to introduce you. This is my ineffective grandson Zhang Ping. If our antique shop opens here to do business, it will mainly be managed by Zhang Ping. There will be many opportunities to deal with in the future. , You are all young people, there should be more common topics."

Zhang Wenhua sighed in his heart. He could tell from a glance that Zhang Ping might fall in love with Sun Mengyuan at first sight. If Zhang Ping could really catch Sun Mengyan, he would of course be very happy. It is definitely the blue smoke from Zhang's ancestral grave, and Sun Mengyan does not care. It was his appearance, family background, and even ability. But he knew very well that this kind of thing would never happen, and it was absolutely impossible for Sun Mengyan to see her grandson.

"Teacher Zhang, know what is going on with you when you come to me today?"

Sun Mengyan didn't answer Zhang Wenhua's words, as if she hadn't heard it at all.

Zhang Wenhua sighed again in his heart. Sun Mengyan's attitude is already very obvious, that is, she doesn't look down on her grandson at all. Thinking of the real purpose of coming here today, she tidied up her mood, and then she wants to say This matter is very important to the entire Zhan Zhang family, and you have to play with the spirit of twelve points.

Zhang Ping saw that Sun Mengyan didn’t care about herself at all and wanted to talk, but Zhang Wenhua glared fiercely, and could only swallow the words that came to her mouth again, but sitting on the sofa was very anxious and couldn’t sit still. , Twist left and right, it is obvious that I am very dissatisfied.

Zhang Wenhua shook his head. It’s a fantasy to want to be recognized by women like Sun Mengyan, but I don’t care about it now. I have to deal with very important things when I come here today, Zhang Ping. Things can only be put back and then explained clearly to him.

"Miss Sun, the antique market here is developing very fast, very prosperous, and the most important thing is that it is very energetic. This is directly reflected in the operation of antique shops, that is, there is a greater opportunity to make money. No one can deny it at all."

While talking, Zhang Wenhua carefully observed Sun Mengyan, who was sitting across from him, and found that the expression on Sun Mengyan's face was nothing strange, very calm, and a little depressed in her heart. Her status in the antique collection circle is very high. Generally speaking When I said something like this, no matter who heard it, he would be polite, but now Sun Mengyan doesn’t say a word. It is clear that I am very confident in my heart, and at the same time I know that I am here today to ask for help. There is no need to be too polite to yourself.

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