God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1746: Absolutely uneasy

"Song Yun!"

"Did you really plan this way?"

Zhu Deyuan looked at Song Yun who was slowly drinking tea. If Song Yun did this deliberately, it can only prove that Song Yun is definitely a master and he was well prepared.


"It's absolutely impossible!"

"I am an innocent person, how could I do such a thing?"

Song Yun shook his head and denied it without hesitation.

When Zhu Deyuan heard Song Yun say this, he almost fainted without a breath.

"You are a pure and innocent person? In this way, you are embarrassed to say it? If you are a pure and innocent person, then I will be a blank sheet of paper!"

Zhu Deyuan felt that Song Yun was really shameless, and he could say such things.


"Lao Zhu, I am not particularly clear about whether you are a blank piece of paper, but I can say with certainty that I am definitely a pure and flawless person. When I enter the antique collection circle, I have nothing at all except picking up and leaking. I have sold fake antiques, and have not fooled others. In the antique collection circle, people like me are very rare, and they can’t find them if they want to find them. Or in addition to our Jumbo Pavilion, you still Can you find someone else like us who only sells real antiques?"

Song Yun was right and confident, and didn't feel that there was any problem with what he said just now.

"Yes Yes!"

"Old Man Zhu!"

"There is nothing wrong with what Song Yun said in the entire antique circle. Those of us in Treasure Pavilion are definitely the purest people in the world. Apart from us, you want to find a circle that does not sell fake antiques. It's impossible for anyone who sells high imitation antiques."

Shen Xue nodded immediately to echo Song Yun's words.

"What Song Yun said is absolutely a fact, a fact without any dispute!"

The expression on Tang Miaomiao's face was very serious.

Zhu Deyuan was taken aback for a moment, and then sighed. Song Yun couldn't refute this, because it was indeed a fact. Now in the antique collection circle, he guarantees that the antiques he sells are absolutely genuine, antiques. There is really no shop. The most common thing that many antique shop owners say when selling antiques is that you must have a good appraisal, which means that they will not recognize this antique after it leaves the shop. Song Yun and him Jumbo Pavilion is completely different. It promises that every antique sold is genuine. From this point of view, Song Yun and Jumbo Pavilion are really pure and innocent people, or the antique collection circle There is a clear stream and a representative of conscience.

"Come on!"

"Song Yun!"

"I think you should stop selling melons and boasting!"

Sun Mengyan knew that Song Yun must have done it deliberately. She deliberately bought such an antique. The real purpose was to wait for Zhang Ping to run to the treasure pavilion to kick the pavilion. He did not take it out, but the one brought by Zhang Ping. The gourd bottle didn’t have any challenges at all. It was beaten in a blink of an eye, and the pit that had been prepared for a long time was not taken out. If necessary, Song Yun would definitely take out this Buddha statue to Zhang Ping for identification. It is definitely a huge pit. From this point of view, Zhang Ping should be thankful that he did not jump into this pit, otherwise he would definitely be ruined, at least the impact was much more serious than it is now.

Sun Mengyan told Zhang Wenhua and Zhang Ping about her office.

After listening to Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao and Zhu Deyuan, the expressions on their faces were very serious, and even very angry.

"Zhang Wenhua, this old man is absolutely uneasy and kind! If you get so many people he knows, this antique market will definitely become a group, and it is very difficult to manage it. This kind of thing once appeared in the antique market where he opened an antique shop. , It is very headache, not only against the management of the antique market, but also for those who want to buy antiques in the antique market, they are united to deceive, but because they have more people and have very clean hands and feet, these years In the antique collection circle, although some people murmured behind their backs, they did not have any major impact. The most important thing is that their bad reputation has not been spread, and in the past ten years, they have not really been in the antique collection. With the appearance of the circle, it is estimated that many people have long forgotten what Zhang Wenhua is like."

After Zhu Deyuan heard Sun Mengyan's words, this was definitely Zhang Wenhua's idea to beat Sun Mengyan in this way, or to gain control or influence the entire antique market. This kind of thing was hidden in the antique market where Zhang Wenhua opened the antique shop. There had been some rumors about Yueyue, but in the end it was nothing. The suggestion Zhang Wenhua gave to Sun Mengyan was actually this kind of idea.

"Zhang Wenhua, an old man, has always felt that he is the only smartest person in the whole world. He always feels that others can’t see clearly, or can’t see through his plans, or that the conditions he proposed can bring huge benefits. In fact, I really think too much."

Xu Desheng shook his head. Zhang Wenhua is an incredible senior in the eyes of many people, including those who specialize in collecting. He is highly respected, but old men like himself and Zhu Deyuan know a lot, Zhang Wenhua In fact, it is not a good bird in the minds of a considerable number of people. Some people once said that he sold a lot of high imitation antiques, and all of them were old customers for many years. But this kind of thing is the first to say, anyone When selling antiques, it is impossible to make a real promise to Song Yun and Zhenbaohe like this. Those who buy antiques from Zhang Wenhua, even if they are caught in the future, can only smash their teeth into their stomachs. Tun, there is absolutely no way to find the place. The other is that Zhang Wenhua’s methods are very shrewd. The fake antiques he sells are all high imitations of high imitations, and the quality is very high. Not to mention the average antique collector. Even some professional appraisers may not be able to see it, or even if it is really able to see it, it takes a lot of time to research. In this way, the daylily has already been cooled, and it can only be silently cheated. I swallowed all the bitter water myself. A simple example is the gourd bottle Zhang Ping took out this time. Whether it is used by himself or Zhu Deyuan, he can't immediately notice that it is fake. Such an antique. If it appears in an auction or some other occasions, the time is tight and it is impossible to make a careful identification. It is very easy to win the eye. After spending a huge amount of money, you can buy a high copy of the high copy, or say Even if you buy fakes, you are unlikely to find them in your life.

"I have definitely rejected Zhang Wenhua's proposal. In fact, I think I must be more vigilant. If there are really a large number of old men in the antique market, especially those who have disappeared for many years and suddenly come out want to rent me For the shop, you have to play up the spirit."

Sun Mengyan came to Zhenbao Pavilion to find Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao and others. In fact, she wanted to clarify this matter. More importantly, she had to find a way to deal with it. She had been thinking about it on the way, but she didn't have the slightest clue. , But now suddenly thought of a good way, and immediately said it, wanting to hear Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng's opinions.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng pondered for a while, and they both nodded their heads to agree with Sun Mengyan’s approach. Zhang Wenhua’s status and status in the antique collection circle directly determined that most of the people he knew were older. Even if it’s not as good as his own, it won’t be too far behind. In other words, generally speaking, people are around 60 or 70 years old. When the shop is rented out, pay attention to this aspect to avoid the whole Influenced by Zhang Wenhua in the antique market, there will definitely be fish that slip through the net, but the missing pieces of small fish and shrimps will not have much effect.

"Sun Mengyan!"

"I think your approach is very good. We have to conduct a certain degree of investigation on those who want to get the antique market shops here, and understand their situation. If it really appears or is discovered, Zhang Wenhua's People have to be very careful if they want to come to our antique market and live in shops."

Song Yun immediately agreed to Sun Mengyan's method. In fact, under the current situation, this was no longer a solution.

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