God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1753: Rare guarantee

Li Tenglong spent an entire afternoon strolling in Antique Street. Half of the time, he wandered on various streets. During the next half of the time, he went into a few antique shops to check. He believed that all the rumors in the antique collection circle were It is true that Sun Mengyan's antique market has developed very fast in the recent period, and it has been completely different from before.

"It's not an exaggeration to describe such an antique market as a daily jindoujin."

Li Tenglong just walked out of an antique shop. When he stood at the door and looked forward, he happened to see the second phase of the antique market under construction. He had heard about this before he came here. A business person, and a person who does a very large business, knows exactly how much money can be made in an antique market like this, and more importantly, what kind of antiques market has in the antique circle. Influence, if the former is simply money, then the latter is a very rare influence, which is truly valuable or truly terrifying and valuable.

"Could it be that all this is because of the young man named Song Yun?"

Li Tenglong has some doubts. Sun Mengyan's antique market has developed rapidly. This matter has already been circulated in the entire antique collection circle. Many people are analyzing why this situation occurred. The final result is that Song Yun's leaks are caused. .

Can one person really influence the development of the entire antique market?

Li Tenglong found it very incredible, but apart from this, there was no other reason.

"It seems that I really have to go to Song Yun's Zhenbao Pavilion. It will open in a few days. I want to see what an antique shop looks like."

After Li Tenglong muttered a word, he continued to move forward. Seeing is believing. Now no matter what he thinks, I can’t figure out what’s going on. The only way to go next is to see with my own eyes, especially to see what Song Yun is like. People who meet people may be able to understand what all this is all about.

After traveling a few times in Antique Street, Li Tenglong finally stopped at the entrance of Baoyutang and looked inside and found that several people were watching the antiques.

"The antique shop here has a really good business!"

Li Tenglong lifted his foot and walked in.

Shi Tiezhu was sitting on the sofa, chatting with a few clients, standing beside him cautiously, Shi Xiaozhu holding two antiques in his hands, motionless.

"The antiques sold by our Baoyutang are all genuine. There is absolutely no problem with these two antiques. Here I can assure you. The most important thing is that if you take these two antiques back to find someone else for appraisal and find If you have any questions, you can get it back at any time. I will definitely pay 10 for one fake!"

Shi Tiezhu talked and hit the one who was sitting in front of him. The two people knew that this must be very exciting. The only problem is that these two people don't seem to be particularly familiar with antiques, or that they are not particularly certain to watch. Whether the two antiques on the list are real, simply give them a guarantee.

"Is it really like this?"

"Can you really guarantee that this antique is real?!"

A fat man sitting on the sofa knew that he was a little boss. Hearing Shi Tiezhu's words, his eyes suddenly widened. Of course, for the fat man, his eyes were still a little smaller.

"There is no problem!"

"When you buy the antiques, you will bring my autograph with me, as well as a fingerprint of the guarantee. If you have any questions, you can come back to me at any time."

Shi Tiezhu nodded without hesitation. The two antiques in Shi Xiaozhu's hand are all genuine. This guarantee is not a risk for him. If he can make a business and make money, why not do it?


"If this is the case, then we have no problem, and these two antiques will be wrapped for us."

When Shi Xiaozhu heard this, he immediately packed the two antiques with his hands and feet. At the same time, he took the certificate of guarantee for Shi Tiezhu to sign, and handed it to two customers.

The two customers left the antique shop with their antiques contentedly.

"Boss Li!"

"when did you come?"

Shi Tiezhu finished the business and picked up the tea cup. He just wanted to drink a sip of tea to moisturize his throat. When he raised his head, he saw a person standing in front of his antique shop. After seeing it clearly, he was shocked. Nothing at all. Thinking that Li Tenglong would appear in his antique shop, he immediately stood up and walked quickly over. Li Tenglong is a well-known collector in the antique collection circle. He is very generous, but although he knows him, he doesn’t have many trading opportunities. It was really unexpected to appear suddenly in his antique shop.

"Boss Stone!"

"You don't need to be so polite!"

"I went into the antique shop a few minutes ago and just saw you doing business. This is a critical moment. I'll just stand here and wait."

Li Tenglong waved his hand. Shi Tiezhu didn’t need to be so polite. He walked to the sofa and sat down with Shi Tiezhu. He was still thinking about how Shi Tiezhu wrote the guarantee to the two antique buyers. This kind of thing is really true. It’s very rare. If the Baoyutang with Shi Tiezhu is just a small antique shop, it’s okay to do this, but Baoyutang is a well-known antique shop in the antique collection circle. Such a thing is really true. It is a bit surprising.

Shi Tiezhu immediately boiled water to make tea. A few minutes later, a cup of steaming Longjing was placed in front of Li Tenglong.

"Boss Li!"

"You are a real distinguished guest. I didn't expect that you suddenly ran into my antique shop. It was really brilliant!"

Shi Tiezhu’s words are not false at all. Li Tenglong spends more than 200 million dollars on antiques every year. Such a big buyer is very important to any antique shop, but before Li Tenglong basically Everyone will only look for Zhang Wenhua to buy antiques. Although other antique shops are coveting, there is no way at all. They will only occasionally buy antiques in other antique shops, and even the chances of entering other people’s antique shops are very few. Now they suddenly appear. In my antique shop, on the one hand, I was very confused, and on the other hand, I felt that this might be a rare opportunity.

"Boss Shi, you are so polite. I'm just an antique buyer. You are an antique shop and a well-known antique shop in the circle. It is normal for me to appear here."

After taking a sip of tea, Li Tenglong put down his teacup and hesitated. He was still thinking about Shi Tiezhu's letter of guarantee just now, and couldn't restrain his curiosity.

"Boss Shi, to be honest, I really can't figure out why you were willing to write a guarantee to the two antique buyers just now. You must know that this kind of thing is not particularly common in the antique collection circle."

Li Tenglong looked at Shi Tiezhu sitting opposite him, and asked this question very seriously. Generally speaking, in the antique collection circle, there is only appraisal, which is the appraisal conclusion of a certain antique issued by a certain appraiser. When the boss sells antiques, he only relies on his own reputation or the reputation established in the antique collection circle to ensure the authenticity of the antiques. Very few people will directly write a guarantee letter like Shi Tiezhu, in the antique collection. This is the first time I have encountered such a thing in so many years. If you consider that Baoyutang and Shi Tiezhu are very famous antique shops and antique shop owners, this kind of thing is even more rare.

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