God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1759: Before opening

Zhang Wenhua and Zhao Qiang discussed the next plan carefully. Zhang Ping was listening to him. At the beginning, he didn't think it was a big deal, but the more he listened, the more he felt shocked. He only discovered this time. There is a huge difference between myself, Grandpa and Zhao Qiang.

"Is this the ability that a real master has? Or is it that you want to survive in a highly competitive place like the antique market, especially if you want to make a lot of money, you must have this ability? ?"

Zhang Pingyuan felt that as long as he was able to appraise antiques and his ability to appraise antiques was strong enough, he would definitely be able to make a fortune in the antique collection circle, and he would be able to make a lot of money, far more than his grandfather. The identity and status in the antique collection circle are both fame and fortune, but now he finds that although he may be better than his grandfather in antique appraisal, but when it comes to running antique shops or social experience, etc. It wasn't a little bit, and I couldn't help but feel a little frustrated in my heart. On the other hand, I was simply weak.

"Does it mean that I have to spend another 20 years to learn this aspect of things? Do I have to spend 20 years before I can accumulate enough social experience?"

Zhang Ping has been thinking about this in his mind, especially when he thinks that Song Yun is about the same age as himself, even slightly younger than himself, but he already has a personal fame, and he has gained other people’s reputation in the antique collection circle. Acknowledged and possessed a status, but I was just a little better at appraising antiques. In other respects, he was not as good as Song Yun. Instead, he was beaten when he went to the Zhenbao Pavilion to kick the pavilion. Thinking of these things, I was even more frustrated.

"Maybe I am really very different from Song Yun, or maybe I will never catch up with Song Yun in my life."

Zhang Ping kept muttering in his heart, his eyes were full of expression, but now they are slowly becoming very hollow at this time, and his face has become as white as paper.

When Zhang Wenhua and Zhao Qiang discussed these matters, they did not avoid Zhang Ping. They just hoped that he could get in touch with this area and grow up faster. They did not expect it to be a huge blow. They are paying attention at this time. They were all in the next plan, and didn't notice that Zhang Ping's current mood was very wrong, and missed a good opportunity for enlightenment.

Jumbo Pavilion.

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, Sun Mengyan and Shen Xue sat on the sofa, drinking tea and chatting.

"Song Yun!"

"When the Jumbo Pavilion officially opens in three days, I wonder if all the preparations have been made?"

Sun Mengyan is holding a cup of tea in her hand. Just after making it, the aroma of steaming tea slowly enters the nasal cavity in the water vapor. This feeling is really very comfortable. Recently, she has been very busy and sleeping time. Very little, I drank a lot of coffee, and now I can drink a cup of tea, and I feel that there is no discomfort in my pores.

"There is no big problem. Everything is ready. In fact, for our Jumbo Pavilion, opening is just three things, one is antiques, the second is to greet people who come here to attend our opening ceremony, and third One is to see if someone will come to our antique shop to make trouble."

"The first thing is that the antiques I picked up during this period of time to be displayed have been transported from Ninghua City and stored in the yard. You can bring them here on the day of the opening of Jumbo Pavilion. Other than that. In addition, there are also some antique appraisal activities on site. See how many people will bring antiques for appraisal by then. There were originally some quota restrictions, but now I think I just make this thing bigger and come to the site. If they put all the antiques on the table, I will appraise them all."

"Customers who participated in the opening ceremony of our Jumbo Pavilion will arrive one after another in the past few days. Sun Mengyan and you have taken care of things like entertaining them and eating. You, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue, and I don't need to worry about this. "

"Will anyone come to our Treasure Pavilion to make trouble? It's hard to say, it's very likely to happen, but even if there are no problems, we are ready, and soldiers will come to cover the water."

Song Yun knew that Sun Mengyan attached great importance to the opening of Jumbo Pavilion, put down the tea cup in her hand, and briefly reported what she had prepared during this time.

Sun Mengyan pondered what Song Yun said. The matter of entertaining customers who came to the opening ceremony of Jumbo Pavilion has been handed over to herself, and a professional company is in charge. There is no problem. Someone came to Jumbo Pavilion to make trouble. This has been done. Well prepared, these are good news.

"Song Yun, I have two questions. The first one is the identification of the number of antiques. Don't underestimate your current authority in antiques collection, especially in the identification of antiques. On the day of opening, there will be many people bringing Antiques come to you for appraisal. I don’t think there is any problem with the hundreds of pieces. If it is really like this, can you do this in a very short time? The second question is, come to participate in the treasure box During the opening ceremony, quite a few people were customers you accumulated when you ran Jumbo Pavilion in Ninghua City. These people have been arriving at our designated hotels one after another in the past few days. The question, I think you have to make time to meet with them. I said that before the opening of Jumbo Pavilion, find a time to have a meal with them?"

What Sun Mengyan really worries about is whether Song Yun can identify the antiques brought by people in a very short period of time. There are actually two issues that need to be paid attention to. One of course is that the number may be very large, which will cost a lot of money. Time and energy, and it is very likely that those who are looking for trouble will mix a few very difficult things in these antiques, which will make the whole thing very complicated, in contrast to those buyers The matter of eating is nothing more than a routine procedure. There is no difficulty, no discussion at all, just a mention.

"The purpose of doing this is actually very simple, that is, I hope that everyone can see my ability to appraise antiques. Now in the antique collection circle, it has always been said that I can tell the authenticity of antiques at a glance, and there is nothing special in my heart. Believe that, since this is the case, I just show my hand in front of them. The main purpose of doing this is actually to promote our Jumbo Pavilion. What Jumbo Pavilion now promises is that every antique sold is promised to be true. Buy The family must be very curious, and even have a little doubt in my heart, or even doubt how to do this. If I show this ability in front of them, nothing will be a problem. No one dares to question the sale of Jumbo Pavilion. The antique is not real."

Song Yun’s real purpose in doing this is to sell genuine antique pack tickets for the Jumbo Pavilion. If this ability is revealed on the opening day, everyone will definitely be surprised. This thing will happen in full view. No one can doubt, and no one dares to doubt.

"If you think there is no problem with time, then I agree with you doing it this way."

Sun Mengyan is very aware of the benefits of doing this. What he is worried about is whether Song Yun can complete the identification of a large number of antiques in a short time. Since it can be done, then of course a "show" like this must be presented. .

"Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue have one more thing you have to do. This time you will attend the opening ceremony of the Treasure Pavilion. In addition to your accumulated customers who run antique shops in Ninghua City, there are also some The heavyweights in the circle, these people have to come out and receive them in person."

Sun Mengyan knows that Treasure Pavilion is now very well-known in the antique collection circle. Old seniors in some circles will attend the opening ceremony for various reasons. These people are different from ordinary buyers, and they must ask Song Yun. The shareholders of Treasure Pavilion, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue came forward to greet.

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue nodded, this is what should be done, there is nothing to evade.

Night fell.

Hua Deng is on.

Antique street antique shops in the antique market opened the most lively situation of the day.

Jumbo Pavilion has not opened, and it is impossible to do business.

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, Shen Xue, and Sun Mengyan have been discussing what might happen on the opening day of Treasure Pavilion, or what arrangements have not been made, and must be checked and filled out. All four of them know that Treasure and the opening are important Personally, or for the entire antique market, how important it is, you must be careful and cautious.

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