God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1761: Shocked to believe

"There are too many people here. I have never seen so many people in any ghost market. It is a rare thing that people who visit the ghost market here are antique collectors or people who know some antiques. So far, I haven’t seen any tour groups or anything."

Li Tenglong held a small flashlight with a strong light in his hand, twisted it bright but kept facing the ground, and looked at the surrounding crowd with the weak light. He has walked twenty or thirty meters ahead. The people who come to the ghost market are the same as him. Everyone knows something about antique collection, which can be judged from what people say. The ghost market in many places has actually been reduced to tourist attractions. The ghost market in the antique market here is obviously not so very original. Original.

"Who said no? Our ghost market is indeed very good in this respect!"

"I have heard that many tour groups know that our ghosts here have become very lively. They find Sun Mengyan and want to cooperate. For example, they can let the tour group come here to meet the world, and they can pay a certain fee. "

Shi Tiezhu remembered what had been circulating here in the antique market during the recent period.


"Is there really such a thing?"

"How did Sun Mengyan deal with this matter in the end?"

Li Tenglong is very curious. The ghost market is very lively. It is not surprising if there is a travel agency looking at this place. He really wants to know how Sun Mengyan handles such things.

"Sun Mengyan refused to cooperate with travel agencies. The ghost market is open. Anyone can come here. Of course, people who travel here can visit the ghost market here, but they absolutely cannot appear here in the name of a travel agency. It is not possible to have a tour guide or the like pulling a large group of people, let alone holding a small speaker in your hand and shouting there."

"Sun Mengyan's reason is very simple. If such a person appears in a ghost market in a place, it will definitely affect the atmosphere of the ghost market greatly, and the gain will not be worth the loss."

When Shi Tiezhu talked about this, he praised Sun Mengyan's decision in his heart.

"very good!"

"Anyone can come to the ghost market, this is undoubtedly a matter, but if there is a tour group, the tour guide yells loudly and gathers there with a horn, this feeling is really too bad."

Li Tenglong nodded his head, approving Sun Mengyan's practice very much. In fact, this is because Sun Mengyan's ghost market is very prosperous and he has enough confidence to refuse such a thing. If it is another ghost market in the antique market, I would like to have it. For tour groups, increase income and popularity a little, and make more money by selling crafts.

"Boss Stone."

"People in the circle have been saying that Sun Mengyan's antique market can develop to such a degree in such a short time. The main reason is that it has something to do with Song Yun. I don't know how you think about this problem?"

Li Tenglong walked forward slowly, even if he wanted to go faster, it would be impossible, because the ghost market was full of people, all around were people, one after the other, one next to each other, it made people feel just like It's incredible like the train station during the Spring Festival.

"There is nothing wrong with this statement. I opened an antique shop here, and all the changes here are very clear in my eyes. It is true."

Shi Tiezhu nodded. It is not surprising that Li Tenglong is curious about this matter. In fact, everyone in the antique collection circle is curious about this matter. Sun Mengyan’s antique market is developing too fast. This matter has something to do with Song Yun alone. How to say it will make people feel very shocked.

"Isn't it possible? Although I know that everyone now thinks so, and they all think that Sun Mengyan's antique market has such a development speed that it is directly and closely related to Song Yun, but I still think this kind of thing is a bit incredible."

When Li Tenglong saw Shi Tiezhu nodding, he was more curious in his heart and looked down on his peers. Not to mention that Shi Tiezhu is not an ordinary person. In the antique collection circle, he is a real senior, and one of the masters. Song Yun is just one. Young juniors, unless their strength is astonishing to an extent, it is impossible for Shi Tiezhu to recognize it.

"Our antique market here hasn't changed much in the past five or even ten years. Song Yun came here to pick up a few leaks. It immediately aroused the interest of people in the antique collection circle, and more people thought. If you want to come to the ghost market to pick up leaks, there will be more people visiting the ghost market, and more people will come to the ghost market to set up stalls. After these people have visited the ghost market, they will come to the antique shop here on the antique street. The entire antique market in China has developed. If the entire antique market is as it is today, it is entirely the credit of Song Yun alone. This is not accurate. Many people have contributed their own strength in this matter, but if It is said that the entire antique market was originally developed because of Song Yun’s leaks. There is no problem. This must be admitted. Song Yun is the driving force for the development of the antique market here. If the development of the entire antique market is like It’s like a snowball that is getting bigger and bigger, so Song Yun’s picking up the leak is the force that brings this snowball together.

Shi Tiezhu slowly expressed the thoughts in his heart. The development of Sun Mengyan's antique market to the present situation has undoubtedly aroused great interest in the circle. After careful study, he found that Song Yun could not be separated from it anyway.

"Boss Stone!"

"How do I think you admire Song Yun so much?"

Li Tenglong was even more curious. Shi Tiezhu expressed sincere admiration when talking about Song Yun. Considering Shi Tiezhu's identity and status in the antique collection circle, it was very shocking.

"Boss Li!"

"If you can see Song Yun's ability in person, I'm talking about his ability to identify antiques and pick up missing antiques, you will have the same admiration as I do."

Shi Tiezhu recalled all the things that had happened since he first met Song Yun until later, and Jing sighed lightly.

"Although Song Yun is young, he is a junior in our antique collection circle, but his ability to appraise antiques and the ability to pick up and leak antiques is absolutely shocking. I have been in this circle for decades. He is an expert in appraisal. Besides, I have seen experts in all circles and seen them appraising antiques, but no one can compare with Song Yun. It is hard to say that there will be no one after all. After all, the world keeps moving forward. Development, our antique collection circle, there is a possibility that another genius will appear in the future, but there is no one in the past. There is no doubt about this. Song Yun has this ability, no matter how you doubt it at the beginning, but in the end or Say that as long as you have seen his ability, you can only admire him."

Shi Tiezhu was no different from Li Tenglong when he first started. Although it has long been said that Song Yun was very powerful, he felt that this kind of thing could not be true at all, or that only three points were true and seven points were fooled. There are many such things in the antique collection circle. Many people have so-so skills, but they have become masters through various hype.

"I even have an idea in my heart. Song Yun's ability to let us see now is just the tip of the iceberg. I am afraid that no one other than himself can know how powerful he is."

Shi Tiezhu scratched his hair.

"Isn't it impossible? Boss Shi, this is not to doubt what you said, I just feel too shocked. Is this Song Yun really so powerful?"

Li Tenglong was stunned, and Shi Tiezhu's words were beyond expectation. The seniors in a circle would use such a tone and tone to describe or praise a junior, it was really unexpected.

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