God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1764: Guess and impossible is me

Shi Tiezhu and Li Tenglong saw Sun Mengyuan and Song Yun half an hour later. Unsurprisingly, Song Yun and Sun Mengyan in the crowd were also walking very slowly. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were next to them.

Sun Mengyan saw Li Tenglong walking in front of her with a look of surprise on her face. People like Li Tenglong who run an antiques market certainly know them and have had a lot of dealings, even every one or two years. Encountered at some dinners.

"Boss Li!"

"When you come to my antique market, why don't you call me in advance?"

While speaking, Sun Mengyan pointed at Song Yun who was standing beside her.

"Teacher Song Yunsong, I think you two should meet for the first time. This is Boss Li Tenglong and Li, a very famous buyer in our antique collection circle. For those of us who operate antique markets or open antique shops In other words, it is definitely the existence of God of Wealth."

Sun Mengyan could tell at a glance that Li Tenglong’s target was definitely not herself, it was definitely Song Yun next to her. If she wanted to find herself, she would have called herself a long time ago, and she would just introduce it immediately without saying anything.

"Ms. Song!"


"Long admiring the name!"

"I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Li Tenglong stretched out his hand while speaking.

"Boss Li!"

"You are so kind!"

"A few days will be the day when Jumbo Pavilion opens in the antique market here. If you are free, come over and have a look and meet some new friends. Maybe you can still meet some old friends."

Song Yun heard Sun Mengyan's introduction like this, knowing that it must be someone with a background, and immediately sent out the invitation.



"Ms. Song!"

"I've actually made up my mind. Even if you didn't invite me, I will definitely be an uninvited guest on the spot when Jumbo Pavilion opens."

Li Tenglong is indeed planning like this. The opening of Jumbo Pavilion in the antique collection circle is a very huge thing. He actually already knows that some old friends come uninvited. One of the main goals is of course to be able to take a look. The antiques that Song Yun had missed before, such as the large jars of stories about Yuan blue and white figures, etc. These antiques are definitely rare treasures in the eyes of collectors, especially now that Song Yun has decided not to display them publicly. I saw that I could only come to Jumbo Pavilion, and if it wasn't for the opening of Jumbo Pavilion, it would be impossible to see it.

Sun Mengyan, Song Yun and Li Tenglong were walking in front, and Shi Tiezhu, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were behind by five or six steps.

"Old man Shi!"

"Why did you get together with Li Tenglong?!"

Zhu Deyuan looked at Li Tenglong walking in front of it very strangely. If someone who doesn't understand the insider sees this matter, he will definitely think it's not a big deal. Li Tenglong is a collector of antiques, and Shi Tiezhu is the owner of a very famous antique shop. It is normal for two people to get together to go shopping in the ghost market. In fact, this matter is really very difficult.

"Is it impossible? Isn't Li Tenglong always looking for Zhang Wenhua to buy antiques or to identify antiques? If you want to visit an antique shop, you must look for Zhang Wenhua, not to mention that Zhang Wenhua is here at this time. The antique market in China, even if Zhang Wenhua is not here, as long as Li Tenglong makes a phone call, he will rush back from far away."

Xu Desheng was also very curious. He didn't know what happened in front of him. Shi Tiezhu and Li Tenglong were hooked up together. It was simply a shock or the sun rising from the west.

Shi Tiezhu told Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng of his guess.

"I guess Li Tenglong will have to replace his antique buyer. It will be impossible to find Zhang Wenhua to buy antiques, nor to find Zhang Wenhua to appraise antiques."

Shi Tiezhu looked forward as he spoke. Li Tenglong was following Song Yun and Sun Mengyan in the crowd. This was a speculation so far, but he felt that the speculation was probably true.

"No? If this thing is true, Zhang Wenhua will be hit hard, but he found all of it himself. Who told him to sell antiques to a big buyer like Li Tenglong would have to fudge Some fakes were not compliant in the first place, but they are now discovered by Li Tenglong when they are stabbed out. The consequences of this are absolutely self-inflicted."

Zhu Deyuan shook his head. Shi Tiezhu was a guess, but in his opinion, this guess is very likely to be true. Zhang Wenhua is now living in a hotel not far from the antique market at this time. Li Tenglong ignored it, and it definitely happened. event.


"Who is this weird?"

"Zhang Wenhua, this old man is really obsessed with ghosts, or think that the antiques he brought out are impossible for others to identify!"

"To put it bluntly, it means to bully Li Tenglong and fail to identify the authenticity of the gourd bottle."

"After this sort of thing is dismantled, even ordinary people are very angry, let alone Li Tenglong, a character who has to shake three times as long as he stomped his feet in a certain circle, how could he accept it, or endure it? This kind of deception?!"

Xu Desheng sneered. Zhang Wenhua clearly regarded everyone else in the world as fools. Big buyers like Li Tenglong wanted to bully. In the antique collection circle, the usual or correct approach is the face. For buyers like Li Tenglong, you have to sell genuine antiques and cannot sell fakes. No matter how high the price is, these people don’t care, because people like Li Tenglong have money, but if you sell fake antiques It was discovered that the consequences were really serious. Zhang Wenhua clearly wanted to make money and was crazy to do such a thing.

"Money is touching!"

"Selling real antiques is not easy to make money. A real antique of tens of millions can make millions of dollars. But if you sell fake antiques, you can make 30 million or even 50 million in an instant. Temptation, not everyone can resist."

Shi Tiezhu gently shook his head and sighed in his heart. Baoyutang or Shi Xiaozhu did such a thing before, in fact, it is the same mentality, it is not surprising that Zhang Wenhua would do such a thing.

"Old man Shi, if Li Tenglong wants to change to an antique shop, or another person to appraise antiques for him, maybe you have a chance, you have to grasp it."

Zhu Deyuan lowered his voice, raised his hand while speaking, and pointed to the back of Li Tenglong a few meters away. Everyone in the circle knows that Li Tenglong spends 200 million yuan or more on antique collection every year. More, a small part of the money was spent at auctions, and most of the money was bought from Zhang Wenhua for antiques. If it is really like guessing, the relationship between Li Tenglong and Zhang Wenhua has ended, Shi Tiezhu definitely has the opportunity to take advantage of it. If it can be recognized by Li Tenglong and replace Zhang Wenhua's role and status, Baoyutang will definitely be able to make a lot of money, the kind of mouthful.

"Old Man Zhu!"

"You are obviously fooling you!"

"This kind of good thing will never fall to my head!"

Shi Tiezhu shook his head. Shi Xiaozhu had mentioned this before and hoped to use some means to gain this opportunity, but he knew very well that such a thing would never happen to him. Baoyutang has no such thing now. The conditions and qualifications for Li Tenglong and the entire major customer.


"Why do you say that?"

Zhu Deyuan showed a confused look on his face, as if he really didn't understand why Shi Tiezhu said such words.


"Old Man Zhu!"

"Do you think I can't tell that you are acting like this?!"

"I am an experienced person like you. If you can't even see this, if you still think that Li Tenglong's pie can hit my head, it would really be a waste of many years!"

Shi Tiezhu glared fiercely, Zhu Deyuan was clearly pretending to be confused.



"Old man Shi, you are indeed a sensible person. If you were in the past, you might have a chance like this. But now in the antique collection circle, there is one more Song Yun and one more antique shop called Treasure. Pavilion."

"It's harder for you to get such an opportunity than to reach the sky, don't think so much!"

Zhu Deyuan couldn’t help laughing out loud. Even if Li Tenglong ended his relationship with Zhang Wenhua, he would find someone to find another antique shop. It’s impossible to find Shi Tiezhu to buy antiques. Song Yun and Zhenbao Geming pay. It's impossible for a big buyer like Li Tenglong to fail to see it.

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