God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1770: Can't sleep without buying it

"Why didn't I expect this possibility?"

"So there can't be two real antiques in those antique stalls?"

"For such a simple reason, why didn't I think of it, but instead felt that there was only one genuine antique in those antique stalls?"

Zhu Deyuan patted the back of his head vigorously, really a bit annoyed, such a simple thing, these people are actually preconceived and obsessed, thinking that there is only one real antique on those antique stalls, and only Shi Tiezhu bought it. In fact, everyone thought the red bowl was real.

"Teacher Song, how much is the little red bowl worth?!"

Li Tenglong stared at Song Yun with both eyes. Song Yun mentioned that when there were real antiques on the antique stalls passing by, he, Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, and Shi Tiezhu thought that there was only one, and they did not expect to have two at all. , It was beyond expectation. The only thought in his mind right now was to figure out how much the little red bowl was worth.

"The red bowl is a little bit higher than the antique that the owner of Shi holds in his hand. Under normal market prices, it should be between 3.5 million and 4 million. Under certain conditions, such as It is said that if you meet someone you like very much, you may be able to sell for 6 million. After all, red is a very festive color for China. If it goes to auction, it might be even higher."

Song Yun recalled the light from the little red net he saw, and immediately made an estimate.

Li Tenglong's two-eyed boss looked at Zhongyu, and didn't know what to say. If the antique Shi Tiezhu they bought was not worth about 3 million, the price of the red bowl has reached 5 million. , Even 6 million, maybe it could be a little higher, but Song Yun still didn't pay attention to passing by. Passing by was really just a miss.

"Song Yun!"

"You are too much. You don't want to get a small bowl of 5 million?!"

Sun Mengyan heard that the price of the small bowl reached 5 million yuan, possibly even higher, when Sun Mengyan heard Song Yun’s words. She was a little uncomfortable at once. Two or three million might be able to pretend to be invisible, but she felt a pain in her heart. When it reaches 5 million or even 6 million, the price of such a price is already very impressive. The antiques have risen by a level. Many antique shops will not sell such high-priced antiques. It can be said that they can be collected. The level passed on to future generations.

"That small red bowl looks very much like a handicraft. Many people are unlikely to buy it even if they see it. If there is a chance, I will buy the bowl again, or Find someone else to buy that bowl."

Song Yun glanced at Sun Mengyan, and felt that it didn’t matter if he said that the small bowl was bought or not. Maybe he would be scolded, so he simply explained that tomorrow or if there is a chance to buy the bowl again, Anyway, after today, whether the bowl is still there, no one knows. If it is really still there, you can find a way to buy it.

"How can you wait for this kind of thing? The ghost market is not over yet at this time, and that bowl must be bought right away."

When Li Tenglong heard Song Yun say this, he immediately became anxious. He stood up, absolutely cannot wait for this kind of thing. In the antique circle, no one knows what will happen next, and he has to think about something good. Do everything possible to succeed.

"Don’t worry, there is a small bowl. In fact, I’ve seen it the last two times when I was strolling in the ghost market. At least a week has passed. The bowl is well placed on the stall, which proves that There is no problem with the judgment, that is, many people think it is a handicraft. We are drinking tea and chatting for a while, and we can buy it tomorrow at the ghost market. No accidents can happen."

It was not the first time Song Yun saw the small bowl on the stall, no one cared about it, so he knew he didn't need to worry about it.

"Ms. Song!"

"I know that you, expert appraisers, look down on antiques at this price level, but for me, such antiques are already very impressive!"

"I have to buy the little red bowl now, otherwise I will definitely not sleep today, I don't think about tea and rice, and I won't feel the smell of any dragon meat."

Li Tenglong said, turning around and walking outside. Obviously, he had to buy the small bowl now. The matter of eating breakfast and drinking tea had already been thrown away.

"I'll go take a look!"

Shi Tiezhu put the antique he was holding in his hand on the table and stood up, then turned and chased Li Tenglong.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, take a look at me. Let me see if you two wanted to follow along, but eventually gave up. If the small red bowl is still on the antique stall, Shi Tiezhu and Li Tenglong have already passed by. There are no problems.

"Old man Zhu, when you bought this antique just now, was the movement a bit loud? I mean, would anyone have noticed the boss Shi Tie Zhu Shi, now it is very likely that he ran directly over like this Good things will be broken."

Tang Miaomiao was sitting next to him, drinking tea and eating breakfast. Song Yun had no idea how many times this happened, so he didn't care at all, but now he saw Shi Tiezhu chasing Li Tenglong and was a little worried.

Zhu Deyuan patted his knee vigorously. Apart from anything else, he immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call to Shi Tiezhu. This reminder was very timely. When the antique in front of him was picked up just now, there were a lot of people watching the excitement. If Shi Tiezhu When he appeared in front of that stall, even people with brain problems knew what was going on and they would definitely want to buy another antique. Shi Tiezhu would definitely not be able to pass. Li Tenglong alone was enough.

Zhu Deyuan finished calling Shi Tiezhu and he was relieved. Although Li Tenglong is a big buyer of antiques, very few people really know him, only the top in the agitation collection circle like himself and Zhang Wenhua. Characters, I know that such high-end buyers don’t have to worry about being recognized by the people at the antique stalls in the ghost market. If there is no accident, if the small red bowl is still at the antique stall, Li Tenglong can buy it. Come down.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng drank morning tea without a sip, absent-minded, as if the souls were not here.

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, Sun Mengyan, and Shen Xue, look at me and look at you. They couldn’t help but laugh. They knew exactly what was going on. It was clear that the small red bowl was not bought or When the dust hadn't settled, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng had no intention to do anything else.

"What does Boss Li Tenglong Li want to do when he comes to our antique market this time?"

Tang Miaomiao gently asked Sun Mengyan, who was sitting next to him. It is a bit strange that such a top antique buyer suddenly appeared here. Generally speaking, such a person would only show her antiques somewhere. The antique market here hasn’t heard of any extraordinary antiques appearing recently.

"Why Li Tenglong appeared here, I am very curious, and I have not received any news at all."

Sun Mengyan didn't even know that Li Tenglong came to her antique market. She and Song Yun met while visiting the ghost market. Not long ago, she received a call from Zhou Ling, saying that she met Li Tenglong.

"Song Yun, do you know what's going on?!"

When Tang Miaomiao saw Sun Mengyan like this, he knew that he didn't have any clue, or was confused, and could only ask Song Yun who was sitting opposite him.

Song Yun shook his head. It was the first time that Li Tenglong had met. No one could guess why he came. After thinking about it, he pointed to Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng. He felt that the two old men must have some clues.

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