God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1777: The confidence of Jumbo Pavilion

Li Tenglong thought for a while, and he understood what Song Yun meant. The main antiques at Jumbo Pavilion are now concentrated in the range of 5 million yuan. The more expensive people buy less, for example, antiques worth more than 10 million yuan. The number of people who want to buy is greatly reduced. This price or the antiques above this price is the scope of his own collection of antiques. Song Yun has actually promised that if no one else makes an appointment, he can let himself choose the antiques first. To be honest, this method is not what I want to see most, but considering the specific situation of the treasure pavilion, it is indeed the maximum that Song Yun can promise.


"Teacher Song, if this is enough, I already think it's very good."

After thinking about it for a while, Li Tenglong nodded and agreed. If other antique shops would like to bring all the antiques to choose for themselves, but Jumbo Pavilion really won’t do such a thing, there is no need to do such a thing To put it simply, Jumbo Pavilion has no antiques that cannot be sold. It is already because I am one of the largest buyers in the entire antique collection circle that I can win such rights.

"Boss Li!"

"Many people who play antique collection actually have their own direction, or they have their own specific antiques they want to buy. They will not buy other categories that they do not collect."

Tang Miaomiao knew that Li Tenglong would definitely want him to pick all the antiques first, but this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to happen. In fact, this solution has been able to meet Li Tenglong's requirements to a large extent.

Li Tenglong froze for a moment, and indeed ignored this question. Antiques with a value of more than 10 million are already at the real collectible level. At this level, every collector will only collect the antiques he likes. In this sense It is said that there is a good chance that someone would not want an antique that Song Yun got. It is already very good to be able to choose first.


"no problem!"

"Teacher Song, that's all about it!"

Li Tenglong really nodded his head with satisfaction. Then there are some details that need to be discussed and coordinated. For example, Jumbo Pavilion has got a big buyer like himself, can he tell the news publicly? Going out, for example, how much money you have to give to Zhenbao Pavilion each year. These things have to be discussed in detail, but there is no need to do this in the current environment. Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, including Shi Tiezhu and others are actually Outsiders, these details are not convenient to know, Song Yun will not do this, and find time to communicate with Sun Mengyan.

Li Tenglong drank tea for a while in the treasure pavilion, and left contentedly with the small carmine bowl. He wanted to pay, but Song Yun was the one who made the decision to pick up this antique. Song Yun didn't accept it, he was not particularly polite, so he looked back and found another place to find some time, and then made up the money.

Soon after Li Tenglong left, Shi Tiezhu left. He was holding the jade pot spring bottle in his hand. Although this antique was bought by him, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, Song Yun must also play a decisive role. He had to meet in half, but he did not discuss the matter in front of Song Ming in the treasure pavilion. He returned the money to Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, and Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng would transfer it to Song Yun. It is more appropriate. Baoyutang needs this Jade Lake Spring. Now the matter of picking up and leaking has spread throughout the antique collection circle. This antique is placed in an antique shop, which will surely play a good role in publicity.

"Song Yun!"

"You are really awesome!"

"A big customer like Li Tenglong begged to sign an agreement with you and Jumbo Pavilion. You are not happy to make money every year. I think there are only you and Jumbo Pavilion in the entire antique collection circle. I can do it!"

Zhu Deyuan knows why Song Yun chose this way, and this choice is absolutely correct, but he still feels very sigh in his heart, this kind of thing is really only Song Yun and Zhenbaoge in the antique collection circle can do get.

"I really can't do this thing, it has nothing to do with being awesome or not."

Song Yun shook his head very seriously.

"Believe you, big-headed ghost!"

"Do you think we will believe it if this is the case?"

Zhu Deyuan is really angry and funny. Song Yun's words like this are not convincing at all. Niubi is awesome. This is undeniable. Big clients like Li Tenglong are all antique shops in the entire antique collection circle. None of all the antique sellers would refuse, but Song Yun abruptly refused. After a long time, he said that the only benefit that could be provided was that Li Tenglong could choose more than 10 million antiques. There was another condition, that is It may sound very good if there is no other reservation, but if you think about it, the conditions are already very large. Li Tenglong must have not thought about it, or he thought that there are not many people who will compete with him for antiques with more than 10 million. This is definitely not the case. Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion are very famous. No matter what kind of antique they are, there are many people who want to buy them. Although the number of people who want more than tens of millions of antiques is indeed a little less, but It's a little bit relatively speaking.

"This is really no way!"

"There are so many people in Jumbo Pavilion who want to buy antiques. We can't do our best. Why do we have to make other people's money but Lee Tenglong's money?"

"We will not increase the price of the antiques we sell to Li Tenglong. It is also an increase of a certain percentage of the service fee on the basis of the reservation. The conditions that promised him would be great. If it is not for a big customer like him to treat us Jumbo Pavilion has a boost to the entire antique market, and after he comes to our antique market, it’s impossible to be treated like this because of its attractiveness to other major customers."

Song Yun treats Li Tenglong the same. The antiques sold to Li Tenglong are charged exactly the same as the antiques sold to others. This alone can save Li Tenglong a lot of money, let alone guarantee that the antiques are absolutely genuine, no matter what. It is said that Li Tenglong made a big bargain. If it weren't for a big buyer like Li Tenglong to improve the reputation of Sun Mengyan's antique market, including Jumbo Pavilion, it would never be possible to give it away.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were both stunned. They didn't expect Song Yun to say something like this. Many people, including many antique shops, hope to do business with big buyers like Li Tenglong. The most important thing is that such people will do business. Very generous, 1 million antiques often cost 1.2 million.

"Song Yun, what you said is not true?"

"Are you really going to do it like this?!"

Xu Desheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Song Yun to plan to do this.

"Why don't we do it like this? Our Jumbo Pavilion does business like this. Whether it is a big buyer like Li Tenglong or an ordinary antique buyer, we all follow the same rules. We will not be because of Li Tenglong. Such big buyers will break our rules if they have money, and the same will not be because they just bought an antique of one hundred and hundreds of thousands in our antique shop, which broke our rules, Li Tenglong and goodbye Everyone who buys antiques in our Jumbo Pavilion is the same. In our eyes, they are just a buyer. As long as the buyer is a buyer, the same rules apply."

Tang Miaomiao knew why Xu Desheng was so surprised. Ordinary antique shops or 99.99% of antique shops would not do this. If they could get a customer like Li Tenglong, they would like to become a blood-sucking ant. Like the locusts, they tried every means to draw more blood and make more money from people like Li Tenglong. Jumbo Pavilion would never do such a thing, and there is no need to do such a thing.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng became silent. They knew that neither Song Yun nor Tang Miaomiao, including Shen Xue, really didn’t need to make money with Li Tenglong. They never thought of making a fortune on Li Tenglong and rejected Li. Tamron's proposal or request just now was because he had enough confidence.

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