God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1781: Depressed person

Zhang Wenhua suddenly had nothing to say. Over one-third of the antiques sold to Li Tenglong over the years are fake. The amount of money earned is indeed an astonishing amount. If this situation is taken into account, Li Tenglong does it. Such a thing is very reasonable, and I really have nothing to complain about.

"Li Tenglong did something like this, or that he appeared in the ghost market with Shi Tiezhu today and saw so many people. Everyone in the circle already knows that Li Tenglong has now terminated his relationship with us. The cooperation of antique shops in China is a very huge impact, and this impact has just begun. We still have a few customers like Li Tenglong. It will not take much time, and it is estimated that they will all leave us. ."

Zhang Wenhua knows that the impact of Li Tenglong’s incident has just begun, and there is still a long time to be cut, and there is still a big loss waiting for him. The terrible thing is that he has no way at all. Can change this situation.

"We no longer think about this matter. No matter what Li Tenglong does, we have no way to influence. What kind of impact this matter will have in the end, we can't estimate now. Since there is no way to solve it, there is no way to change, only Accept this situation."

Zhao Qiang is also very depressed. A big customer like Zhang Wenhua, even if he doesn't sell fake antiques, can make a lot of money every year. Now such a God of Wealth just leaves and the annual loss is tangible. It’s really heartbreaking, but whether he or Zhang Wenhua is just an antique seller, a billionaire like Li Tenglong can’t listen to himself and Zhang Wenhua. If he wants to leave, he is definitely not able to control him. The only thing that can really be done is acceptance.

"Shi Tiezhu!"

"You dare to pry my corner, don't blame me for being polite. Next, if you have a chance, you must deal with it ruthlessly. If it's not because of Shi Tiezhu, Li Tenglong would even want to leave us and terminate the relationship between us. The cooperation will not be so fast, or it will never be so obvious."

Zhang Wenhua gritted his teeth, he knew very well that he could not deal with Li Tenglong, and could only vent all his anger on Shi Tiezhu.

"If we have the opportunity, of course we have to do something like this, otherwise, people in the entire antique collection circle are watching jokes, which is absolutely very ugly to us."

Zhao Qiang nodded. There is nothing wrong with Zhang Wenhua's statement. If there is a chance, he really must teach Shi Tiezhu.

"But Shi Tiezhu is not a simple character. His son is nothing but a business man. There is a big flaw in identifying antiques. However, Shi Tiezhu is an old man who can live so well. The only meaning in the collection circle is that it’s awesome to the sky."

Zhao Qiang knows that Shi Tiezhu is also not a good person to deal with. He is also a real old fox. Although he and Zhang Wenhua have a higher qualification and status in the antique collection circle than Shi Tiezhu, but if you want to forcefully suppress Shi Tiezhu or you want to deal with it Shi Tiezhu, it is definitely not easy. Killing one thousand enemies will hurt oneself eight hundred. This matter must be considered long-term.

Zhang Wenhua is very reluctant. He very much hopes that he can plan and take action against Shi Tiezhu now, but Zhao Qiang is right. People like Shi Tiezhu are not able to deal with if they want to deal with it. In fact, Shi Tiezhu is very clear about his relationship with Li Tenglong. Dare to appear in the ghost market with Li Tenglong. In fact, he is ready to pry the corner. He has considered all the consequences, including his own action. They are all experienced old foxes. They dare not go to Liangshan without three points, Shi Tiezhu. Must be ready for everything.

"This time I came out of the mountain to open an antique shop, how do I feel that everything is very unsuccessful, and no one who wants to deal with it can deal with it."

Zhang Wenhua is now depressed and wants to hit the wall with his head. In the past two or three years, the transaction in the antique collection circle has been very hot, especially during this period of time, Sun Mengyan's antique market has developed very fast. Before he came out again, he wanted to rely on his own ability. As well as your identity and status in the antique collection circle, you can easily beat your competitors and make a lot of money easily. It’s not the same thing where you want to come to Sun Mengyan’s antique market. At the beginning, For the sake of an antique shop, I finally spent 1.3 million yuan in transfer fees exceeding the market price to take down the shop. I thought it would be very good. Then Zhang Ping went to Song Yun’s Treasure Pavilion and kicked it back. After the bottle incident broke out, Li Tenglong's relationship with himself broke down. Song Yun couldn't deal with it, Li Tenglong couldn't deal with it even more. Now even Shi Tiezhu can't deal with it. This feeling is simply very bad, unacceptable, but it has to be. accept.

"Let’s stop thinking about the things we have and don’t have anymore. If we think about them, they are useless. There are only two things we have to do now. One of course is to concentrate. Hurry up and decorate the antique shop and open the door to do business. The market is very prosperous, and we can sell a lot of antiques every day. We absolutely cannot give up such an opportunity. Another more important thing is that the second phase of the antique market expansion project is almost complete, although there is no further progress. The news came out, but I think Sun Mengyan will soon be renting out. We must be fully prepared and must win enough antique shops. Those of us must all open their doors here to do business. Only when you form a group can you make a lot of money together."

Zhao Qiang’s mind is very clear. He knows what has happened, whether it’s Zhang Ping’s rush to Song Yun’s Zhenbao Pavilion or Li Tenglong’s incident, there is no room for recovery. The only thing he can do now is to say The most important thing is to win as many shops as possible, so that more of your own people can open antique shops here, and everyone can keep warm and make a fortune together.

Zhang Wenhua’s face looks a little better. The old fox with many years of experience is very clear. Zhao Qiang is right. If he is entangled with Song Yun's affairs, if he is entangled with Li Tenglong's affairs, if he is entangled with Shi Tiezhu's affairs, he can only help. More time is wasted, more opportunities are lost, and greater losses are caused.

"There is a big problem. It is a huge price to win the store now, and the price is much greater than we imagined. Those old men and old ladies are not necessarily willing to do such things. ."

Zhang Wenhua shook his head and sighed when he talked about this. Besides himself and Zhao Qiang, there are quite a few people who want to come here to open antique shops. In the original plan, he should be able to convince Sun Mengyan to get more cheap shops. , But this kind of thing did not happen. Sun Mengyan realised her intention and refused the request directly. Those of her people who want to take down the antique shop and open an antique shop here must have to compete with others with real swords and guns. If you come, the whole price will be steadily high for sesame blossoms. How much will it cost in the end. Now there is no spectrum in my heart. The most important thing is that the extra money exceeded the original plan, and I followed my own to open an antique shop here. People, I am afraid that they are unwilling to accept this additional loss.

"Tonight I made an appointment with a few of them for dinner, and we talked about it.

When Zhao Qiang heard Zhang Wenhua talk about this, he was also very uneasy in his heart. He knew what kind of virtue the group of people looked like. When making money, each of them was more ferocious, like a wolf like a tiger, but now he finds that it is very likely to have to It is certainly not happy to pay a higher price.


"It's a big deal. They are willing to open an antique shop here. If they don't want to, they will simply pull it down. Without Zhang Butcher, do they have to eat a pig with fur?"

Zhang Wenhua slapped the table fiercely, full of anger.

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