God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1784: Trouble

Zhang Ping followed Zhang Wenhua and Zhao Qiang to the lobby. To be precise, it should be called the lobby in ancient times. He found that there were already a lot of people here. In addition to Ma Dongliang who had just come out to greet him, there were seven or eight people, except for some of them. Except for the very big ones, the rest are young people. If you count them carefully, you will find that almost every old man or old lady brought a young man to the dinner tonight.

Zhang Wenhua's face was a bit unsightly. Just now I saw Ma Dongliang's smile squeezed out at the door, and now it has long since disappeared without a trace.

"What's going on here?"

"Why are there so many people here tonight?"

Zhang Wenhua was not at all polite, and directly asked Ma Dongliang what was going on.

"Big Brother!"

"These are the second or third generations of brothers and sisters. They have been learning all kinds of antique appraisal skills at home. Now that we old men and old ladies have come out to open antique shops, we just take them all. Come out to see the world and learn, otherwise, after all of us are dead, don't they know how to identify it or how to buy and sell antiques?"

Ma Dongliang had a smile on his face, as if he hadn't heard the anger in Zhang Wenhua's tone at all.

Zhang Wenhua felt that a mouthful of old phlegm was directly blocked in his throat. When he saw so many people here, he wanted to speak up. He didn’t expect Ma Dongliang to give such a reason. Bringing Zhang Ping, seeing and knowing, I did something like this by myself, there is no reason why others should not be allowed to do it.


"There are so many people, don't you even understand things like this? How can we let these boys know about the things we discussed tonight?"

Zhang Wenhua is not particularly emboldened, so he can only find another excuse.

"There is no problem. Tonight we have packed the entire yard. After dinner, if we have to talk about other things, we can change to another place. There are places here. I have prepared them. I got some good tea, and everyone can taste it. We old guys have not seen each other for a long time, or even though we met in a hurry, we have a rare opportunity tonight. But you have to have a good chat, it doesn't matter if you talk until dawn."

The smile on Ma Dongliang's face has never been less, Zhang Wenhua's words are mixed with anger, but it seems that he really didn't hear anything.

Zhang Wenhua and Zhao Qiang couldn't help but glance at each other. After working together for so many years, people like Ma Dongliang have a very clear personality. Now that there are smiles on their fat faces, you can see that there is something to be desired or early. I have already made enough preparations. If there is no other thought, even if there is no anger on the face at this time, there will be no smile. All this is very abnormal. It can only show that these people must have taken it long ago. Got the idea.

Both Zhang Wenhua and Zhao Qiang are real old foxes. Although they have noticed that things are not particularly right, they will not tell them directly. They also pretend that nothing happened. They talked and laughed even more when eating. They talked about some recent antique collectors. The things, and the characters, have fun.

No matter how happy the meal is, there will always be some things to face when the meal is over.

Zhang Wenhua looked around and found that everyone had eaten almost the same amount, and even some people had already shown absent-minded expressions on their faces, all waiting for the big show that was about to begin for a while.

"It seems that everyone has eaten almost. Just now Ma Dongliang said that he brought some good tea, so let's change the place and have tea and chat."

After Zhang Wenhua finished speaking, he stood up and looked at Ma Dongliang who was sitting next to him.

Ma Dongliang nodded, stood up, did not speak, turned and left.

"Everyone please!"

After Zhang Wenhua said this, he walked into the door of another box and closed it. No matter what happened inside, or no matter what was said, unless the noise was very loud, it was absolutely impossible for people outside to detect it.

Zhang Ping sits on a chair, and what is in front of him is a bowl of soup. It must be said that the food in such a place is very delicious, but he does not know the taste, especially when you see Zhang Wenhua and Zhao Qiang. Even more so after leaving.


"Brother Zhang Ping Zhang!"

"I don't know how you are doing recently?!"

In Zhang Ping's mind, he was still wondering what Zhang Wenhua and Zhao Qiang would say after they entered, or if there would be a violent conflict, suddenly there was a strange voice around him.


"How am I doing, have a relationship with you?!"

"What kind of thoughts, what kind of things, and what you want to say, directly tell Lao Tzu. I don't think it's practical for you. It's nothing more than trying to tell me that I went to Song Yun’s Treasure Pavilion. On the contrary, it’s nothing more than being slapped. Today, are you waiting for this opportunity very impatiently and want to make fun of me in person?

Zhang Ping looked at him coldly. Xu Chenglong, who was talking just now, is about the same age as himself. He is definitely a real idiot in the antique collection circle. People only look at his grandfather's face to make him feel better. , But felt that he was an incredible master. He had always been firmly suppressed by himself. Now that he has such a good opportunity, it is not strange to make fun of himself.

Zhang Ping’s recognition in front of Song Yun does not mean that he will now withdraw in front of people like Xu Chenglong. In fact, in the antique collection circle, to be precise, in the circle of Zhang Wenhua and Zhao Qiang, he has always been one. The real boss, no matter who he is, doesn't give face, very strong.



"Brother Zhang, what you said is not wrong at all. We are indeed very curious. We must know that in our circle, you have always been known for being good at identifying antiques. All of us are inferior to you. A little finger, why did it run into Song Yun's Treasure Pavilion this time and get a gray head and gray face? This is really not your style, and it is not a demonstration of your strength."

"Those words in the circle are actually false, right? It's impossible for something like this to happen?!"

Xu Chenglong's face was serious, but he had already laughed in his heart so that his belly had to be broken. Zhang Ping has always been the leader in the antique collection circle of his younger generation, and he has a very good appraisal skills. It's amazing, people like me are completely incomparable, and they are not rarely despised. Now it is hard to have such an opportunity to let it go. In fact, he did not expect Zhang Ping to be here tonight.


"Xu Chenglong!"

"Do you mean that you look down on me? Or do you think you are much better at identifying antiques than me?"

"If you really have such confidence, it would be better for the two of us to sign in front of everyone now."

"I don't know what you think?!"

Zhang Ping was unmoved. He knew that Xu Chenglong wanted to irritate himself with such words. As long as he was not angry, as long as he was not angry, Xu Chenglong could do nothing about himself.

Xu Chenglong was stunned for a moment. He thought Zhang Ping would be very angry, and roared directly at himself. What he didn't expect was that he would be so calm. In this way, the next rounds or pits dug would be completely useless. .



"How is this possible?"

"Brother Zhang, you are appraising antiques in our circle of people. That is first-class, and no one can compare it."

Xu Chenglong had no way. He didn't dare to compare with Zhang Ping to identify antiques. This was absolutely self-inflicted.

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