God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1801: tough

The bustling metropolis, late at night and early in the morning, is very lively, this is another world, another kind of life.

More than 80% of the seats in the coffee shop are filled with people. They are all dog-like and spirited. Some people are talking, some are whispering, and they are talking about a billion dollars in business and projects, whispering. Often it is a pair of men and women, no one knows what they are talking about, but they can guess what is likely to happen next.

Zhang Wenhua and Zhao Qiang walked directly into the box, and immediately saw Wang Hua, Xu Heng and Ma Dongliang sitting there waiting. There was no smile on their faces, or even standing up to say hello. The atmosphere was very solemn. It is an experienced person, who immediately understood what was going on, didn't talk nonsense, and sat down directly on the sofa opposite.

"Xu Heng!"

"When I called in the middle of the night, there must be something, and it is not a good thing. I originally wanted to drink morning tea and then talk about it when it dawned. Since you disagree, just tell me directly and see if If it can be solved, it will be solved, and if it can't be solved, it will be shot in two!"

Zhang Wenhua is now very sure that Xu Heng has seen Sun Mengyan and under great pressure. He is definitely a Hongmenyan. With such an idea, he is not at all polite and just kicks off all the circles.


"Everyone is an old friend for many years, and we have cooperated many times. It's better to spread things out directly."

Xu Heng nodded. Now that the matter has come, there really isn't much to say about it, so it's better to just spread it out and talk about the conditions.

"A few hours ago, Zhou Ling called us and met in person, directly threatening us not to open a shop here, or that if we have to open an antique shop here, we must do business honestly. , Otherwise you are not welcome to us."

"Zhou Ling is Sun Mengyan's representative. Such a threat is actually Sun Mengyan's threat to us."

"What kind of person Zhou Ling is, we all know very well that her threat is definitely not verbal. What kind of person Sun Mengyan is like, we are also very clear about what Zhou Ling meant or Zhou Ling's threat, in fact It is Sun Mengyan’s threat. The main thing is that Zhou Ling and Sun Mengyan are both capable of realizing their threat. What we want to know is what we should do next?!"

Xu Heng was very straightforward. A few hours ago, everyone spoke very carefully when they were eating together. First, it was because at that time they still thought about it or said that they were determined to make a lot of money with Zhang Wenhua. Now they found that this possibility has been It's very coincidental. Naturally, there is no need to be cautious. After all, no one wants to serve others, doesn't want to be inferior, let alone pretends to be a grandson.

The expression on Zhang Wenhua’s face has not changed at all, but he knows in his heart that this matter is not so easy to handle tonight. It is impossible to fool Xu Heng and others like before. Xu Heng’s current tone and attitude are enough. problem.

"Zhou Ling is Sun Mengyan’s dog, and also a dog watching the door. Her threat does not need to be threatened in her heart, but it is a threat. She dare not really want to do it like this. We are not jealous. Soldiers will stop the water. You don’t need to worry about this. If something happens, I will deal with me. What kind of person you are also very clear. I have enough means and ability to protect you from Zhou Ling and Sun Mengyan. The influence of those unconventional means is absolutely impossible to suffer losses because of such things."

Zhang Wenhua waved his hand without hesitation.

"Zhang Wenhua!"

"We are all friends who have known each other for many years, and we know exactly what it is like between each other."

"It's better for everyone to be more honest tonight. I think this will solve the problem."

Ma Dongliang was unmoved. If Zhang Wenhua said this way, there would be no problem. He even believed that Zhang Wenhua could do this. But today is different, especially Zhang Wenhua. Now he is facing Sun Mengyan. With Zhou Ling, she was not her previous opponent at all. With such a sentence, it is absolutely impossible to gain her own trust.

Zhang Wenhua could no longer control the expression on his face, his face became gloomy, and the anger in his heart began to appear.

"What's the matter?!"

"Listen to what you mean, now my old face is no longer useful, isn't it that what Zhang Wenhua said is not counted anymore? We have cooperated many times before, which time I lied to you, or Does it mean when what I said didn’t count?"

Zhang Wenhua knows or that he is now very sure of Ma Dongliang tonight, or Xu Heng and Wang Hua’s attitude has undergone a fundamental change. It is impossible to persuade them with just one mouth as before, but now At this time, I definitely can't lower my body, otherwise, I will have to pay a higher price for a while, and I must agree to worse conditions.

"Big Brother Zhang!"

"We are all business people, or to put it more straightforwardly. Everyone has a family to support. If the situation is the same as before, if it is the old antique market, we will believe in whatever you say, but The current situation has changed a lot. As Xu Heng said just now, Zhou Ling directly found us on behalf of Sun Mengyan and threatened us severely. This matter must be resolved. Otherwise, we are really worried. We have invested a huge cost and opened an antique shop. In the end, the bamboo basket was wiped out."

"What you just said, no matter what happens, it will be handled by you. Zhou Ling and Sun Mengyan have absolutely nothing to do with us. If this is the case, or your proposal, it has no effect at all. Neither Zhou Ling nor Sun Mengyan are the opponents we have faced before. These two people are definitely more difficult than our previous opponents. They are even more powerful. Zhou Ling’s threat is Sun Mengyan’s threat, as just said. These two people have enough strength and ability to turn this threat into reality, and we must fully consider this."

Ma Dongliang straightened his waist, his two eyes directly met Zhang Wenhua’s gaze that wanted to kill, and he did not dodge at all. Today, this matter must be explained clearly, and Zhang Wenhua must show greater sincerity. Real conditions must be provided. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to continue cooperating. The risks that he and Xu Heng and Wang Hua bear are too great. The anger of Sun Mengyan and Zhou Ling is not that they can afford them. of.



"They are all old friends for many years. The most important thing is that we work together to make a fortune and make money. There is no need to be so tense."

"No matter what happens, everyone can talk about it and discuss how to solve it."

Zhao Qiang’s face showed the Maitreya Buddha-like smile, but he was very worried. The attitudes of Ma Dongliang, Wang Hua and Xu Heng have undergone a very big change. They have never been tough. You can see from this point. When they came out, Xu Heng and their mentality had undergone earth-shaking changes. Zhang Wenhua was tough just now. If it were in the past, Ma Dongliang and the others have bowed their heads, but now they are not letting go. What worries Zhang Wenhua and himself is already occur.

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