God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1813: beware

"Song Yun, there is one thing you have to be enthusiastic about, that is, Zhang Wenhua, the old man, is definitely a very powerful person. When the treasure pavilion opens tomorrow, I am worried that this old man will come to you for trouble. "

Zhu Deyuan originally didn't want to mention this, but he finally said something like this. Zhang Wenhua's status in the antique collection circle is really too high, his qualifications are very old, and the most important thing is that this person has a very big heart. This time I came out to open an antique shop again, and the place I chose was Sun Mengyan’s antique market. I never thought that Song Yun would eventually be beaten in the face and Sun Mengyan did not give Zhang Wenhua even a little face. With such a personality, it is really very likely that he will come to trouble on the day that Jumbo Pavilion opens.


"Song Yun, you really have to pay attention to Zhang Wenhua, this old man. What kind of tricks this man really looks like has been made. There were too many people to participate on the day of the opening of Jumbo Pavilion. If something happens, it will have a great impact. Great, this must be fully prepared."

Xu Desheng nodded, Zhu Deyuan's reminder is very important, or the most important thing about the opening of the Jumbo Pavilion is that Zhang Wenhua must beware of trouble.


"Lao Zhu and Lao Xu, don’t worry, I’m already prepared without any problems. People like Zhang Wenhua want to deal with him very simply. I have a way. Don’t look at others, who can be majestic. But in front of me, he really didn't look enough."

Song Yun knew that Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were doing their own good. Judging from the current situation, he and Sun Mengyan severely offended Zhang Wenhua. This old man will come to ask for trouble when the treasure pavilion opens tomorrow, which is very normal.

When Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng saw Song Yun so confident, they were even more worried.

"Old man Zhu, old man Xu, you don't need to worry too much. Zhang Wenhua is of course a very powerful person, but if he thinks that our Jumbo Pavilion is a soft persimmon that can be handled casually, then he really thinks too much."

Tang Miaomiao saw Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng very worried and comforted them.


"This sentence is correct. Zheng Baoge is indeed not a soft persimmon that anyone can handle. In fact, your Jumbo Pavilion is like a stone. Whoever wants to rush to take a bite will have to break his big teeth in the end."

Zhu Deyuan thought about it carefully, and found that Tang Miaomiao was actually very accurate. Jumbo Pavilion is definitely not a simple antique shop. Not to mention a master such as Song Yun, the Ramqiu and others behind are very terrible. The characters, those who used to fight the treasure pavilionism in the end are very miserable. Although Zhang Wenhua is very powerful, but no matter what, he is just a former antique shop owner, even if the antiques are sold well in this collecting circle No matter how high the status inside, if you want to completely confront someone like Sun Mengyan, it is impossible to say that behind Zhenbaoge there is a big Buddha like Gongyangqiu, a hundred times more powerful than Zhang Wenhua. Can't deal with Ram Qiu.

"Old Zhu!"

"Old Xu!"

"On the opening day, there is one thing that has to trouble you all."

Song Yun suddenly remembered a very important thing, something that he almost forgot.

"whats the matter?"

Zhu Deyuan looked at Song Yun a little strangely. It seemed that this was still a very important matter. He said that he would try to mention it now as much as possible.

"When Treasure Pavilion opens, many people will show up. Quite a few of them are the old seniors in our antique collection circle. Tang Miaomiao, I, and Shen Xue, especially I am not particularly familiar with the old seniors in this circle. , And at the same time, after all, the difference in age and seniority, it is estimated that I will trouble you two to help greet."

Song Yun said his request. On the surface, this matter seems very simple, but it is very important. The most suitable thing for ordinary people to do this thing is to greet such people. Of course, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng are not only The status and status in the antique collection circle are high enough, and at the same time I know more people.

When Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng heard that this was the case, they nodded and agreed. Their relationship with Song Yun and Zhenbaoge is extraordinary. Such a thing is just a trivial matter. It’s a matter of two people. It is most appropriate to be responsible.

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, Shen Xue, Zhu Deyuan, and Xu Desheng discussed some details that should be paid attention to. Tomorrow is the day when Treasure Pavilion officially opens for business. It must be an instant success and success in one fell swoop.

The hotel room, although it is daytime, the thick curtains are tightly drawn, and the outside sunlight cannot penetrate at all. It is very dark and the atmosphere is very depressing.

Zhang Wenhua was sitting on the sofa, with a cup of steaming tea in the teacup in front of him, and Zhang Ping and Zhao Qiang sitting on the sofa next to him.

"Zhang Wenhua!"

"Tomorrow is the opening time of Jumbo Pavilion, shall we go there to see it?"

Zhao Qiang lowered his head to drink tea, and couldn't see clearly the expression on his face.

"Jumbo Pavilion opened?"

"This is a great event in our antique collection circle. It is said that many antique collectors and buyers have come to participate, and even some old people in the antique collection circle will appear. If we are not here, There is no need to make a special trip, but since you are here, how can you miss the excitement?"

"Must go and see!"

Zhang Wenhua halted every word, and everyone who knew him knew that this was definitely the tone and way of speaking that would come when angered.


"I think I really have to go and see."

Zhao Qiang nodded gently. This time he came back out of the rivers and lakes. He originally wanted to make a lot of money and came to the antique market in Sun Mengyan ambitiously, but now he can only leave desperately. It is all because of Song Yun Or to say that since Zhang Ping went to Song Yun’s antique shop to promote, now Song Yun’s antique shop will open for business immediately, if you don’t check it out, it would be a shame to miss this opportunity.

"Zhang Wenhua!"

"We have to be prepared."

As Zhao Qiang said, he lightly patted the back of his head. Whether it was himself or Zhang Wenhua, attending the opening ceremony of Jumbo Pavilion, it was impossible for him to just watch the excitement.

"of course!"

"We have to make some preparations. You are a real expert in this aspect. Just like what we have played before, just prepare for it. Even if we can’t really give Song Yun’s kid and his The treasure box caused a devastating blow. At least it has to make them troublesome. It is very good for him to learn from him how to respect the seniors in the circle in the future."

Zhang Wenhua showed no expression on his face.


"I understand this. I will handle this tonight. When I arrive at the Jumbo Pavilion tomorrow, I must let him drink a pot."

Zhao Qiang did not speak any more, drinking tea in silence.

Zhang Ping looked at his grandfather Zhang Wenhua and then at Zhao Qiang next to him. It was clear that there was a plan for Song Yun, but he didn't know what the plan looked like. He wanted to ask, but at this time, The atmosphere in the room was too depressing, and I didn't dare to speak at all. The only thing I could do was to sit and drink tea in silence without saying a word.

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