God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1818: Tensions

Shen Xue was a little worried, but after Tang Miaomiao said this, he didn't continue walking over, and directly handed the matter over to Song Yun.

"Boss Song!"

"Today is a good day for your Jumbo Pavilion to open. An old man like me brought a few people over to you to see and celebrate."

Zhang Wenhua stopped when he walked in front of Song Yun and said something like this.



"Boss Zhang!"

"To be honest, I really didn't expect to see you here, or it's not surprising to see you here."


"Please come in!"

Song Yun laughed and said, turning around and leading Zhang Wenhua into the treasure pavilion, and several people disappeared in no time.


"This is how the same thing?"


"This scene is really weird, right?"

"Didn't Zhang Wenhua come here to find fault?"


"Is this an enemy or a long-time friend?!"


"Who can tell me what happened?"


The people watching the excitement at the gate of Treasure Pavilion were all dumbfounded. They thought that Zhang Wenhua came to Treasure Pavilion just to make trouble with Song Yun. They were ready to see Zhang Wenhua swearing at Song Yun. The important thing is that Song Yun even took Zhang Wenhua into the Treasure Pavilion.

"This is how the same thing?"

Shen Xue was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. The scene just now was beyond his expectation. It felt like Song Yun and Zhang Wenhua were old friends for many years.

"What's so strange about this?"

"No matter what the purpose of his coming here or what he wants to do, Zhang Wenhua is unlikely to be right here in front of the antique shop. On the surface, many people are looking to expand their influence, but he is in The qualifications in the antique collection circle are much older than those of us, not to mention that Zhang Ping has been to the museum before. If he does some trouble-making things directly in front of everyone, I am afraid he will be caught. His saliva was flooded."

Tang Miaomiao shook her head. At the beginning, she also thought this scene was a bit strange, but she quickly understood what was going on.

"Zhang Wenhua must be holding back when he came to our place today. He hasn't been going well during this period of time. Needless to say, who is the antique who is forced to leave this place now must be a fire in his heart."

"Song Yun must be careful."

Tang Miaomiao didn't worry at all when he saw Zhang Wenhua at first, but now he is starting to worry. If Zhang Wenhua splashed directly in front of the antique shop, there would be no problem. Under the eyes of everyone, Zhang Wenhua would suffer in the end, but now it is really Preparing to come to celebrate the opening of Jumbo Pavilion to do business is even more worrying, which means that Zhang Wenhua must have prepared some insidious tricks and waited for a suitable time to make trouble.

"What should we do? Do you want to remind Song Yun!"

Shen Xue turned around very anxiously and immediately wanted to walk towards the antique shop.

"There is no need for this. One is that Song Yun must have been mentally prepared. The other is that Sun Mengyan is in the antique shop. Zhang Wenhua's appearance will definitely attract attention. She and Song Yun are enough to deal with any situation. If we can’t handle both, it’s really useless for us to go in."

Although Tang Miaomiao was worried in his heart, he was very calm. Old fried dough sticks like Zhang Wenhua were really not easy to deal with, but Song Yun and Sun Mengyan were also not simple characters. Zhang Wenhua wanted to take advantage of it not so easy.

Shen Xue thought for a while and found that it is really like this. Although Zhang Wenhua is very powerful in the antique collection circle, it is really not easy to take advantage of Song Yun, not to mention, there is another image Sun Mengyan, who is like a fox, doesn't have to worry about these two people in the antique shop.

Song Yun took Zhang Wenhua and others into the antique shop. Sun Mengyan noticed at the first time that she had been speaking with the seniors in the circles who had come to participate in the opening ceremony of the Jumbo Pavilion. After a few polite words, she stood up and walked directly to it. In front of Song Yun and Zhang Wenhua.

There were actually quite a few people in the Jumbo Pavilion at this time. Everyone was a heavyweight in the circle. They were not seniors, buyers or even big buyers. They were all well-informed people. They all knew Zhang Wenhua and Song Yun and The grievances between Sun Mengyan, and now I see Zhang Wenhua appearing in Zhenbao Pavilion. Although he didn’t speak, he still knew what was going on. People who have a close relationship with Song Yun and Sun Mengyan, such as Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, are very much For those people who come here to attend the opening ceremony of Song Yun’s Treasure Pavilion only for the sake of face, for example, some highly respected people in the antique collection circle, the most important thing is to watch the excitement at this time.

"Boss Zhang, I didn't expect you to appear here. It was really unexpected."

Sun Mengyan’s face was full of spring breeze smiles. When she saw Zhang Wenhua, she was like seeing an old friend, and she was an old friend with a very good relationship. She couldn’t tell that the two sides had actually had a very intense conflict. But Sun Mengyan also forced Zhang Wenhua and the group out of the antique market.


"How is this possible? Whether it is Miss Sun, or Teacher Song Yunsong, or Boss Song, you are actually very clear in your heart, I will definitely be here today."

Zhang Wenhua didn't smile, he knew that what he said was right, Song Yun and Sun Mengyan were definitely ready to appear here.



"Why don't I know about this?"

Sun Mengyan showed a very shocked look on her face, as if she had heard something she had never heard of before, and when she spoke, she turned her head to look at Song Yun standing next to her.

"Song Yun!"

"I didn't expect Zhang Wenhua, boss Zhang to be here, I don't know if you thought about it yet?!"

Sun Mengyan asked Song Yun.

"Miss Sun, to tell you, I'm really prepared for it. Zhang Wenhua, Boss Zhang, will definitely show up. I have made all the preparations, but I don't know what kind of situation I will face."

Song Yun nodded very seriously.

"Boss Zhang!"

"You have heard Song Yun's words. Although I am not mentally prepared for you to appear here, Song Yun just said that he is ready for everything. I don't know what you want to do here today?"

The smile on Sun Mengyan's face was even brighter. While speaking, she looked at Zhang Wenhua right in front of her. Her tone was very calm. If she listened carefully, she could even hear a biting chill.

Zhang Ping stood beside Zhang Wenhua. From the moment he walked into the antique shop, his eyes were always looking for Sun Mengyan. Sun Mengyan stood in front of him, not knowing why, and was very nervous. He could hear his grandfather Zhang Wenhua, Sun Mengyan and Song Yunzhi. The violent smell was so strong that it almost dripped water.

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