God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1828: Ten million levels appeared?

Li Tenglong followed Song Yun and Sun Mengyan closely.

"Why is the weather so hot today?"

Li Tenglong attended the opening ceremony of Song Yun’s Treasure Pavilion today. He wore a suit and tie to show that he was cautious. At this time, sweat beaded all over his forehead. He knew that hot weather was one thing, but the real reason It was because he heard Song Yun's constant price of antiques everywhere. He felt that his heartbeat was accelerating. Although the prices of antiques that appeared before were not particularly high, they have reached a range of three million and five million. There will definitely be higher-priced antiques in the future. If this is the case, then you can buy these antiques for collection.

"More monks and less porridge!"

"There must be fierce competition for a while."

Li Tenglong looked around him and found that many people, like him, were staring and pricking their ears. They stared at Song Yun and listened to what Song Yun said, obviously playing the same idea as himself.

"I really didn't expect something like this to happen today."

Li Tenglong simply tore off his tie, took off the jacket he was wearing and threw it to a bodyguard who had been following him, wiped a handful of sweat beads on his forehead, and laughed bitterly. I thought about it today. Participate in the opening ceremony of Song Yunzhen Treasure Pavilion, and walk around the scene. In fact, I want to meet and chat with some old friends in the antique collection circle, and at the same time maintain the relationship with Song Yun, whether it is to identify antiques in the future, or It’s easier to buy antiques. This is a human society. You have to do something like this. It has long been known that there will be an on-site antique appraisal when the Jumbo Pavilion opens, but these appraisals are mainly for some ordinary Antique lovers, generally speaking, it is unlikely that there will be so many relatively high-value antiques, but today there are more people who come to the scene to appraise antiques. The number of antiques exceeds 5,000, and the number of real antiques found in it is increasing. more.

"Who would think of this kind of thing?"

"No one would think of such a thing."

Li Tenglong murmured and shook his head, and continued to follow Song Yun and Sun Mengyan closely. He had already made up his mind to put those five million-level antiques aside first. If there are tens of millions of antiques, he must get You should contact the treasure owner as early as possible to see if you can buy it in the first time. The only luck is that you are not alone here today not only with the bodyguard, but also the secretary. If you really decide to ask for an antique, you can let your secretary and bodyguard handle it.

Song Yun didn't seem to notice that the people around him were already very quiet. He walked forward slowly with the microphone inside, showing no signs of anxiety.


"It must be said, perhaps only Song Yun has such an aura."

Sun Mengyan walked by Song Yun's side, a small step behind, and saw that everyone around him was silent and his eyes were all staring at Song Yun. Song Yun is now the only protagonist of the whole scene, the focus of everyone's eyes. , It feels like the king in the antique world is patrolling his domain.


"That's the case with capable people!"

Sun Mengyan knows very well that the people who came here today to watch the lively scene have been conquered by Song Yun’s ability to appraise antiques. After today’s event is over, Song Yun’s identity and status in the antique collection circle will be established, and no one can shake it. The older generations in the antique collection circle, such as Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, can only rank behind Song Yun from now on, and Zhang Wenhua and others are no exception.

"Perhaps there should be some other plans?"

Suddenly something that had been planned for many years popped up in Sun Mengyan's mind. She had always wanted to do it before, but she lacked someone like Song Yun and couldn't help it. Now it seems that the time is ripe.

Sun Mengyan shook her head and focused her efforts on the things in front of her. The plan in her heart must be carefully considered. Only when she is really mature can she talk to Song Yun and start the implementation. Put things aside first, now the most important thing is the opening ceremony of Jumbo Pavilion.

Song Yun stood at a table, stopped, and took a serious look at the antiques on the table.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Sun Mengyan has been by Song Yun's side all the time. Seeing Song Yun stop, she knew that something must have happened. She immediately stepped forward next to Song Yun and asked in a low voice.

There are more and more people watching the excitement around this time. The whole antique street is full of sun. Their eyes have been focused on Song Yun. At this time, they suddenly noticed that Song Yun’s actions were different from the previous ones. same.

"Did something happen?"


"Could it be said that Teacher Song Yunsong has discovered an amazing antique?!"


"It is very likely that this is the case, otherwise it is impossible for Song Yunsong teacher to stop. You must know that the previous Song Yunsong teachers walked directly. Unless a real antique is found, it is impossible to stop. Now this table has stopped actively in front of it and it has not been said whether the antiques on it are genuine or not. The only possibility is that there are real antiques on this table and the price is very high."


"Look forward to it! I look forward to it!"


"I think at this time, the hearts of those people who Antique put on the table have to jump out crazy!"




"I think if you have a heart attack, you should feel like an attack at this time!"


At this time, the people around could not help but start talking loudly. They could already see that it is very likely that Song Yun really found an amazing antique in the antique on this table, and it will definitely not be the same as before. Several million.

The people watching the excitement around them started talking very loudly, but after a while, they all became very quiet. They all wanted to hear what Song Yun said. They were afraid of speaking too loudly, causing everyone to be unable to listen. clear.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng including Shi Tiezhu stopped, looked at Song Yun five or six meters away, and the antiques on the table. They were very curious to know what kind of antique Song Yun had discovered.

"It seems that for our guess just now to become a reality, tens of millions of antiques should have to appear."

Zhu Deyuan knows that this is definitely the case. There are many levels of antiques. Even if they are the same real antiques, they are likely to vary greatly in price. The antiques in front are one hundred, hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. Ten thousand. Simply put, there are more antiques under five million. Most of these antiques will be used as gifts or for other purposes. Those who really collect collectors will not focus on antiques in this price range, such as It is said that an antique collector like Li Tenglong might buy antiques at such a price when he first started collecting antiques, but now it is absolutely impossible to buy any more. Ten million is a very important watershed in antique collection. Real collectors will concentrate their main objects on antiques above this price. From this, you can actually see the importance of tens of millions of antiques. Song Yun really does not have millions of antiques now. Keep it in your eyes.


"It's not wrong, it must be a tens of millions of antiques. The only thing I am curious about now is that I don't know what kind of antique it is."

Xu Desheng nodded, Song Yun definitely found something.


"Today's antique appraisal at the scene is really stunned, with surprises!"

Shi Tiezhu had to shoot the back of his head. The scene before him was really beyond expectation. The millions of antiques are already incredible, and now there are already tens of millions of antiques. If you don’t know it, I think the scene is a one Antique auction.

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