God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1843: Talk in detail

The night is quiet.

Sun Mengyan and the others left. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, two old men, were relatively old and could no longer hold them. They returned to the room to rest. Only Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, Gong Yangqiu and Shen Xue remained in the hall.

"Song Yun, if you have time another day, if you have a chance, help me find a good antique tea set."

Gong Yangqiu put down the small cup of Gu Jingzhou's tea set in his hand, and turned his head to look at Song Yun next to him.

When Tang Miaomiao heard what Gong Yangqiu said, she immediately laughed. She knew very well what she was thinking in her heart.

"Do you think that making tea with tens of millions of antique tea sets is much better than ordinary tea sets?"

Tang Miaomiao and Ramqiu are not very polite.


"Although I know that this is probably just a psychological effect, I really have to admit that when I drink it or say it in the mouth, it is really much better than ordinary tea sets."

Gong Yangqiu is not sure if this is her own psychological effect, but in her opinion, this matter is actually very simple. Since it can really bring a good taste and enjoyment to herself, there is nothing else to say, buy it A good tea set like this is placed in your office or in your own home. You can drink a few cups when you have time. Your money has been spent more than ten or even a hundred lifetimes. Tens of millions let one's own life, or oneself be able to relax in the tense work, provide some enjoyment, there is no reason not to do such a thing.

"Okay, no problem. If there is such a chance to come across such a tea set in the future, I will definitely buy it for you."

Song Yun nodded immediately. To Gong Yangqiu, tens of millions of antiques are really nothing. The only problem is that such an antique is not that you can buy it if you want to buy it. A tea set, but it took a long time and a lot of work, and in the end it was a coincidence that I could only buy it.

"Anyway, you just need to pay attention to it. This kind of thing does not mean that you can buy it if you want.

Ramqiu nodded gently. He has bought a lot of antiques. He knows the situation in it. When you reach a certain level of antiques, you can't solve it with money. Sometimes money is really not a panacea. There are such levels in your hands. People of antique antiques usually don’t lack money. If they want to sell the antique they like in their hands, the possibility is too low. The simplest example is if someone wants to buy Song Yun’s This set of Gu Jingzhou’s tea sets, no matter how much money he pays, will not be sold, because Song Yun has no shortage of money at all. If he wants to make money, some are other ways, and some are other ways, such as going to the antique market. If you go around a few times in a place like that, if you pick up an antique and sell it, you don't have to sell the antique you like or can use.

"Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, Shen Xue, what do you think of Sun Mengyan's plan?!"

In fact, the main purpose of Gong Yangqiu staying is to have a good conversation with Song Yun and others about this matter. Just now everyone was in front of them. Some things are not particularly convenient to do, but these few people are now in front of you. Individuals are the closest to each other, and we must carefully ponder this matter, especially when the big principles have been determined, how to perfect the small details, or what must be paid attention to.

"Sun Mengyan’s plan has been prepared for many years, or that this is actually the ultimate goal for her to spend so much effort in operating the antique market. The whole plan is not particularly problematic, or that he does this thing, I am Yes, we lost a lot of antiques abroad in the early years. If we can take back some of them by taking this opportunity, someone must do this kind of thing."

Song Yun really agrees with Sun Mengyan doing such a thing. Some of the antiques that have been lost abroad are really high-quality goods and must be recovered by all means. This kind of thing really requires professionalism. After people do it, they can’t really be passionate about it. No matter what kind of antiques they are, they have to be bought back. If they are not particularly valuable in art, or they are not important in the history of antique collections. The antiques of status are actually not particularly necessary, or there is no need to buy them urgently. Now there are some antiques with strong emotions, but their artistic value is not particularly high. This is not an antique. Don't buy it back, but you can put it off for a while. What you really need to do is to buy back those antiques with very high artistic value. To do this well, you must have professional people.

"Song Yun is right. This kind of thing really needs someone to do it. I agree with the whole plan. I have such an idea when I heard Sun Mengyan's plan during the day. I definitely support it, but how should it work? It must be carefully considered. The biggest problem has now been solved. The method proposed by Song Yun has no problems. When it comes to a certain antique, a certain person will pay for the purchase, and the antique will be bought back. This person keeps it, so that there will be no differences in the future, and there will be no problems. If it is bought in the previous way and donated to some institutions, or if it is simply that everyone gathers together to open a museum, it will definitely be When problems occur, as time goes by, such problems will become more and more serious, directly causing the entire plan to fail."

Tang Miaomiao supports Sun Mengyan’s plan. There is no doubt about this. Her only concern is that many people have done such things before, but in the end it all disappeared. After buying it back, who should belong to and whom. Preservation is not clear at all. In the final analysis, the crux of the problem is that the money for buying antiques comes from all directions. In the end, it is not clear who the antiques are bought. Song Yun’s proposal is very good, and it will be solved at once. After solving the most critical problem, after having such a method or handling method, Sun Mengyan's plan has no loopholes and no risks. You can really think about how to proceed.

"Song Yun's method is really very good!"

Gong Yangqiu looked at Song Yun next to him. He didn’t expect such a complicated problem. In fact, he would use the simplest method to solve it all at once. In fact, if the problem cannot be solved, Sun Mengyan’s plan is likely to fail to start. Even if it doesn't take much time after it is turned on, various dissonant sounds will appear. Sun Mengyan is likely to end up in a thankless situation, which will eventually lead to the failure of the entire plan.

"Our ultimate goal is to let those antiques lost abroad return to our hands. It doesn't really matter who owns those antiques."

Song Yun knew that neither he nor Sun Mengyan or even Gong Yangqiu could own all the antiques in the world. The number of antiques is too large, no matter how rich they are, they seem too small compared to antiques. So, I and Sun Mengyan are responsible for finding antiques, and those who are interested in the rich are responsible for buying antiques. After the antiques are bought, they will be their things. This is the most appropriate solution to the problem.

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