God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1878: The challenge is getting bigger

Shen Xue returned to the hotel and saw that Sun Mengyan and Tang Miaomiao had already arrived.

"How are things going?"

Tang Miaomiao asked what Shen Xue was doing just now.

"There is no problem, it has been arranged. I found a younger brother who I just entered this line before."

"In the past few years, he has not been in this industry, because at that time he felt that he had made enough money and wanted to live another life. Now I go to him for help. The other thing is that he will follow me next, and then in this Continue to mix in the business."

"One is that I can trust this person, and the other is that he hasn't been in this circle in recent years. Very few people know him. Then he can find a few other people to operate this matter, and it won't cause others. Attention."

Shen Xue sat down next to Tang Miaomiao and took a big sip from her teacup. This time she came to participate in a small auction. I really thought it was a simple thing. Big bosses like Li Tenglong have already come. , There is also money in hand. The normal process should be to spend money to buy something, but now it seems that things are not so simple, and even these measures arranged by yourself have become more complicated, and even have To operate this matter at the highest level.

Tang Miaomiao knew Shen Xue's abilities very well. He heard that it had been arranged, so he didn't continue to ask. Professional matters really have to be handled by professional people. Shen Xue is the top expert in this area.

Song Yun saw that the time was almost the same, so he simply proposed to find a place to eat outside, especially now that the people are all in order, it is necessary to have a good meal.

Li Tenglong is very familiar with this neighborhood, and immediately proposed to eat at a private restaurant not particularly far from the hotel. After getting everyone's approval, he immediately asked the secretary to set the location first, and set off together after booking.

Song Yun was the first to get out of the elevator and took a look forward. He found that the lobby of the hotel was very lively. There were a lot of people coming and going. Some of them were obviously people who were going to go out to play. Dragging the suitcase, is checking in.

"Why is it so lively at this time?"

Song Yun felt a little strange in his heart. The lobby of the entire hotel felt like he was in a supermarket. If there are more people who want to go out to play, you can still say the past. After all, this hotel is very popular. There is no problem for the people living here to go out for a meal, or to play in the sea, but now there are more people living in the lobby than people going out, people with suitcases in their hands, There was even a long queue.

Song Yun looked at it for a while and felt a little confused. He couldn't help but look back. Tang Miaomiao and Sun Mengyan behind him found that the expressions on their faces were a bit serious, and then he looked back at the next one. Li Tenglong found that Li Tenglong's face was also very serious and tight.

Song Yun didn't say a word, he knew something must be happening, and continued to move forward.

"What happened just now? Did you see any familiar people?"

Song Yun didn't ask this until he left the door of the hotel and there were no people around.


"Among the people who stayed in the hotel just now, a few are familiar people. They are all antique shops, or they are buyers of antique shops. I don't know why they are here."

Tang Miaomiao nodded. When walking in the lobby of the hotel just now, because there were a lot of people waiting in line to check in, he just glanced at it, but he did not expect to find a few people who had dealt with before. Not familiar, but you can recognize it at a glance.

"The same is true in my situation. The people in the collection circle are not very familiar, but having a meal together, attending some parties or something, can be regarded as a nodding acquaintance."

Li Tenglong shook his head. He already felt that this auction was not that simple. Now this feeling is getting stronger and stronger, and there is even a feeling beyond control.

Song Yun was not talking. The situation is now very obvious. The auction this time is by no means as simple as it seems. Even if the domestic auction is not every day, it is not enough to say that there will be one in a week. Odd, not to mention there are so many private auctions. Generally speaking, many small or even medium-sized auctions are not particularly attended by many people. In many larger auctions, they will auction in addition to publicity. Send relevant information to some buyers and invite these people to participate in the auction. If it is a small auction, usually you will not do such a thing, because even if you really do such a promotion, there will be no one Come, this time the auction is a small auction. The number of items sold is not particularly large. Under normal circumstances, not many people know the news, and not many people come to participate. But now this This situation changed rapidly, and more and more people came to participate.

Song Yun and Li Tenglong arrived at the place to eat. They originally planned to have a good meal, but what they saw in the lobby just now made everyone not think too much, and they returned after a hurried meal. The hotel got together again and continued to discuss.

"It seems that the antiques in this auction are definitely problematic, or the antiques I'm interested in are most likely to be genuine."

Song Yun knew that the only reason was this. Only for this reason, more and more people would come here. Their goal was to focus on the antiques, especially the antiques that he felt must be taken. , That is definitely the valuable item among the valuable items.

Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, Li Tenglong and others nodded their heads when Song Yun said this. This was the only reason.

"Whether those antiques are genuine or not, there is no way to be sure. After all, without this situation, we really can only wait until the auction site to make a decision. The only thing we have to do now is One thing is to prepare enough funds. The auction this time is estimated to be very fierce, and the final transaction price should be very high. We must be psychologically prepared for this, or we must set At a psychological price, we can sell within this price range, and we will stop if it exceeds this range."

Shen Xue felt that the atmosphere had become more and more solemn now. As a general dispatcher who controlled the auction on the spot, she had to make sure of this.

"It doesn't matter for other antiques. The price of each item is less than 50 million yuan, but I think if this one is true, it must be taken down. At present, the temporarily set price is 200 million yuan. As long as it is within the range of this price, you can make your own decision, what kind of method to take, if it exceeds this price, I will make the decision on the spot."

Song Yun stretched out his hand again while talking, and lightly nodded one of the antiques on the auction catalogue on the table.

When Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, Li Tenglong and others heard Song Yun say this, their eyelids jumped suddenly.

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