God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1896: Unreasonable

"Mr. Zhu, what do you mean by Mr. Xu?"

Li Tenglong looked confused, and could not understand the meaning of what Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng said.

"Teacher Zhu and Teacher Xu, don't play dumb riddles anymore."

"Both of us are dying of anxiety."

Luo Hu was even more anxious. Of course, the clearest thing he knew about this incident was Song Yun who ran to the side to drink tea. But at this time, Song Yun would never come back to explain this kind of thing. Song Yun knew what was going on, and he could still endure the problem. The key is that Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng have clearly seen what is wrong with the painting in front of them. This is what really makes people anxious. Things.


"It must be said that Song Yun's luck is so good, how can he pick up the leak every time he just goes out for a stroll?!"

"If this happened in the antique street, in the authentic antique market, I can still accept it, but it is just a tourist area for play, how can we find another good thing?"

Zhu Deyuan shook his head and sighed. He felt that since getting to know Song Yun, the whole world had begun to subvert. It seemed that where Song Yun appeared, there were leaks to pick up. This was really terrifying, and it was really unacceptable.

"Who said no? Until today, I really can't understand why Song Yun is so awesome?"

Xu Desheng's tone was very helpless. He stretched out his hand while speaking and patted the ancient painting on the table gently. No matter what, if it happens again and again, it will really make people feel that Very headache, very depressed, it is simply unacceptable.

"Old Zhu, Old Xu, do I say you two need this? I just had better luck today, and suddenly I missed an antique."

Song Yun heard these words from Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng not far away, and couldn't help refuting them.


"In this case, you are embarrassed to say?"

"If it's like what you said, but occasionally picking up and missing, do we need it?"

"It’s not a long time to know you, but you count how many times you have picked it up. If each time is a small antique of one hundred and hundreds of thousands, we can still accept a little bit, but the key to the problem is every time you It's a big problem. We think that this picture is also like this. Have you ever thought about our mood?"

When Zhu Deyuan heard that Song Yun even dared to be awkward, he immediately criticized him outrageously.

"Old man Zhu, I really appreciate what you said! Song Yun, this kid, really never cared about other people's feelings!"

Xu Desheng nodded vigorously. Although it is still uncertain what is hidden in this painting, it is already 100% sure that it is definitely good.

Luo Hu and Li Tenglong saw Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, patronizing the quarrel with Song Yun, and their hearts became even more anxious.

"Miss Tang!"

"I don't know if you can see what is wrong with this painting?"

Li Tenglong couldn't help it. Except for Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, Tang Miaomiao was the one who identified the most antiques. Song Yunna was not included.

"This painting is really problematic."

Tang Miaomiao nodded. At this time, she had already seen what was wrong with the painting. Song Yun had already drawn a line on the drawing paper. If she couldn't see it, it was really white mixing in this circle. After so many years, not to mention that he is really a master of antiques, but the light is covered by Song Yun's side.

"Why can't we see it? In our eyes, this painting really has no problem at all. The place that Teacher Song Yunsong drew with his fingers just now does not see anything special, right?"

Luo Hu brushed the hair on his head.

"Boss Li, Boss Luo doesn't know if you have any basic understanding of mounting?!"

Tang Miaomiao didn’t sell offenses. Not only Li Tenglong and Luo Hu wanted to know what was going on. Sun Mengyan and Shen Xue who stood next to him were also very curious at this time. They really wanted to know what happened. thing.

"We just have some basic understanding, such as what is used to make the mounting, such as which parts of the mounting are divided, etc., the very detailed kind, it is not clear at all."

Li Tenglong shook his head. Of course, he knows a little bit about mounting these things, but it's just a very superficial thing. If you want to use it for identification, it's definitely impossible.

"It is enough to have a basic understanding. If you take a closer look at this painting, you will find that the framed work of this painting is very impressive. It is absolutely that only real masters can make such a frame. ."

"Across the country, there will be no more than ten people with this ability, and probably no more than five people."

Tang Miaomiao said while looking at the ancient painting on the table. Song Yun didn't notice it when he didn't point it out, but the more he looked at it at this time, the more he felt that there was a problem with the painting.

"If this painting is really worthless, it is impossible for such a master to frame it."

"If you can't see this, you can take a closer look at some of the materials used when mounting this picture, for example, the materials used for the head and feet, such as the sky stem and the earth axis. ."

"As long as you take a closer look, this alone is enough to prove that this painting is not as simple as it seems."

As soon as Tang Miaomiao finished saying this, Li Tenglong and Luo Hu were about to lower their heads, staring at the places they had just said carefully.

Although Li Tenglong and Luo Hu are not masters of antique appraisal, they have collected a lot of antiques after all. They have rich experience in this area, and they soon discovered that the painting in front of them was really problematic.


"The head and foot of this painting are the best materials. They are definitely the finest silk. I once saw this silk on a very famous ancient painting. It is exactly the same."

Li Tenglong looked at the ancient painting in front of him, and was shocked in his heart. When it came to such a thing, he finally saw what was wrong with this painting, if it was just a common old saying. It’s impossible to use this top-quality silk when mounting. It’s really unreasonable, especially when the object of mounting is this very ordinary ancient painting. The value of this ancient painting as the heart of the painting is much higher. This kind of thing is really incredible and contrary to common sense. From this, it can be seen that the ancient painting in front of me must be unique.

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