God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1907: Two hearts

"Guo Dehua wouldn't do such a thing, right?"

Yang Wenbin wiped a handful of sweat beads and shook his head, swallowing a mouthful of water while speaking.

"No one knows this kind of thing, and it's even more unclear what it is. If there is a choice, Guo Dehua may not do such a thing, but in many cases he has no choice at all. He can only do it and die. Isn’t it a normal thing for Daoists to die and be poor?!"

Liao Dongshan didn’t know if Guo Dehua would do something like this, but he didn’t want to put his fate in the hands of others. Under normal circumstances, Guo Dehua would not sell himself and Yang Wenbin, but if Guo Dehua had to take responsibility, When the people above him make trouble for him, the simplest, direct and effective way is to push all of this to himself and Yang Wenbin. Although this will not be able to get away completely, it will definitely not cause big problems. .

Yang Wenbin did not speak for more than ten minutes. After he calmed down, he had to admit that Liao Dongshan's words made sense. It is really hard to say what Guo Dehua would choose in the end in this situation.

"what should we do?"

After Yang Wenbin thought about the stakes, he stretched out his hand and gently patted with Liao Dongshan on the shoulder. The two have worked together for many years, and the relationship is very good. The most important thing is that he knows that since Liao Dongshan said things like this, he must be in his mind. Have an idea, or already have a plan that can be acted upon.

"We are not sure what Guo Dehua will do to us now, and what is even more uncertain is what the people above Guo Dehua will do. The only way is that we must protect ourselves. The best way to protect ourselves is There is money in the pocket."

"In other words, we have to do everything we can to get a sum of money in our hands."

Liao Dongshan did not conceal this matter. Without Yang Wenbin’s cooperation, there was no way to continue. He could only speak out his own ideas. At the same time, the two people are now grasshoppers on the same line. It is very likely that Yang Wenbin will agree to his approach. .

"You mean we took the money for antiques and went so far?!"

When Yang Wenbin's mind turned, he immediately thought of Liao Dongshan's purpose.

Liao Dongshan nodded, but then shook his head again.


"When is the time of Liao Dongshan? You are still selling off, hurry up and express your thoughts directly. If there is no problem, we will start to execute. Now time is life. After this auction is over, I guess Guo Dehua will definitely If we are in trouble, or the people behind Guo Dehua will definitely take action, we must act immediately."

Yang Wenbin became anxious. He knew that no matter what the plan was, the time left would not go anywhere. After the auction was over, he would most likely come to the door. At that time, no matter what the plan was, he could not implement it. Every minute and every second matter now.

Liao Dongshan explained his thoughts in detail.

"What do you think of my approach?!"

Liao Dongshan began to ponder this matter last night, and finally thought of a way. He felt that there was no good problem. Now the key is how Yang Wenbin thinks about this problem. If Yang Wenbin feels that there is no problem, then immediately implement it.

Yang Wenbin didn't speak immediately, he carefully calculated the plan that Liao Dongshan just said before and after several times.

"I don't think there is a problem. By surprise, we will be able to succeed."

Yang Wenbin nodded his head. His expression of thumbs up at this moment is very serious, and his mouth is tight. Liao Dongshan's plan sounds very simple, but it can definitely be implemented.

"After we get the things, we leave here immediately. With our connections in this circle, we can easily sell the things in our hands, cash transactions, and then go far and high."

Yang Wenbin gritted his teeth, and he and Liao Dongshan were just plain desperadoes in sheep's clothing. They weren't doing anything honest. Guo Dehua or the people above him, if you want to trouble yourself and Liao Dongshan Simply start first.

"If you have no opinion, then we will do it like this."

Liao Dongshan had made up his mind a long time ago, but Yang Wenbin had no objection and hit it off.



"Liao Dongshan, it must be said that your brain is better than mine. Not only do you realize that we are likely to be in trouble, but more importantly, come up with such a good idea. It is impossible for them to have enough ability to find us out. It is not a momentary loss of money. As long as things are in our hands and there is no problem at all, the things we have in our hands are definitely hard currency. People are willing to pay, it’s so simple."

Yang Wenbin was very worried when he first heard Liao Dongshan say that Guo Dehua and even the people behind Guo Dehua would make trouble for the two of them, but now that there is a way to go, everything is not in his mind, even he feels that it is not for him For Liao Dongshan, it may not be a good thing. People die for money and birds die for food. He and Liao Dongshan do such things without conscience for the sake of money. Now if the plan can be implemented, flying far away is actually making money, and It’s a lot of money, which is more than if I followed Guo Dehua. It’s really hard to say which risk is bigger.

"If these things done by the two of us are really exposed, they will face the entire department. At that time, with the strength of the two of us, there must be no way. To put it bluntly, we must go in and accept punishment. The method and plan I mentioned earlier, once successful, we will only face the anger of Guo Dehua or those behind Guo Dehua. Although very rich and powerful, it is not a little bit worse than the relevant departments. If I said that the antiques we sent to the auction this time did not attract the attention of others. Everything is easy to say, but now it has attracted the attention of many people, including Song Yun. We simply don’t do it, and our two brothers are simply ruthless. Earn a lot of money."

Liao Dongshan had a hideous look on his face.

"Who says no? If this time the plan can be carried out smoothly, if Guo Dehua, including those behind him, will not cause us trouble, everything is easy to say, but now in this situation, we really have to protect ourselves. Otherwise, it will definitely be the two of us who will suffer in the end. Guo Dehua can treat the two of us as backing us, and no one can be the backing. In the end, the one who endures the monstrous anger of everyone will become the two of us. Question, it is impossible to do such a thing."

Yang Wenbin's eyes widened, Liao Dongshan's plan was no problem, and now all that was left was waiting for the right time to come.

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