God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 2024: Things are hard to say

Situ Kong nodded clearly, but after a few seconds, he immediately shook his head hesitantly.


"Situ Kongming, what do you mean? Why do you nod and shook your head? Do you think such an analysis, or such an approach, is wrong?"

Yan Guohua was at a loss, wondering why Situ Kongming behaved like this.

"After the increase in antique shops, the competition is very fierce. The simplest and direct means of competition is that everyone reduces the price of antiques to a relatively low level. As just said, it is very likely to suppress antique suppliers. They put forward the price, but no one can tell what will happen to this kind of thing. One of course is the situation we most want to see. The price of the entire antique has to be lowered a bit. The current price is really high. , But maybe because of the increase in competitors, more people take antiques, and the price of antiques may start to rise further."

Situ Kong smiled bitterly. Once the opposite situation occurs, it is definitely a loss-making decision to take the antiques not earlier.

Yan Guohua was a little dumbfounded.

"If this is the case, then whether we should hurry up and get antiques now becomes a huge question, and it is a question for which we don't know the answer at all."

Yan Guohua laughed bitterly. This situation is really terrible. It is a slash to stretch the head and a stab to shrink the head. Business people are not afraid of all kinds of situations, but if there is no way to judge the market situation clearly, This is the most troublesome thing.

"There is only one thing we have to figure out now, and that is whether these new antique shops have more influence on the whole antique market for good or bad, or for us who sell antiques. For the antique shop owner, there are more advantages or more disadvantages."

Situ Kong waved his hand clearly. It is meaningless to discuss whether to seize the time to get antiques. To solve this problem, we must first figure out the appearance of these antique shops. What are the advantages besides the disadvantages? Are the advantages greater than the disadvantages?

Strict Hua immediately shook his head, it was very difficult to judge.

Will these antique shops be beneficial to the entire antique market after opening for business?

There is no problem! It must be good!

The reason is simple. More antique shops appear, which will definitely attract more people to the antique market to buy antiques.

Anyone who does business understands that the more peers gather in a place, the more buyers will be attracted.

The same is true for the antique market. If there are more and more antique shops in a place, more and more people will come here to visit antique shops and buy antiques here. But how big this benefit is, or how big it benefits people who have opened antique shops here, is simply impossible to describe with accurate numbers.


"I don't know how to measure this kind of thing at all. Whether the benefits are greater or the disadvantages are greater, the only thing that is certain is that it must be good! The bigger and stronger the whole market, the cake will become Bigger, more people will come here to buy antiques."

Yan Guohua grabbed the hair on the back of his head again. There was no way to judge this kind of thing accurately.

The master and apprentice nodded silently. That's true. Everyone can see that these newly added antique shops are definitely good for the entire antique market. The bigger the entire basic cake market, the more it will be beneficial, but For people with vested interests like Yan Guohua and himself, it is absolutely impossible to use accurate data to describe whether the benefits are greater or the disadvantages are greater.

"Anyway, our challenges will only be greater in the future, and our competition will only be more intense. If we want to make money, we want to make more money. There are indeed good opportunities and many opportunities, but can we It’s really hard to say that it’s harder to make money. It’s more difficult than before. It’s very likely that although there are a lot of people buying antiques, they can eventually fight it out and sell the antiques in the store. There won’t be as many people going out as before or everyone has to rack their brains to think of various ways to sell antiques in order to make money.”

Situ Kongming also has no way to judge whether this change is more beneficial or harmful, but he knows that the next competition will become more intense, and he wants to make more money. , The difficulty will definitely be higher.

"Our current antique shops are basically all real antiques. Next, we want to make a deal in this fierce competition and sell the antiques in the store. This basic principle is absolutely not It is easy to make a breakthrough. If the fake antiques sold in our shop are discovered by others and have a bad reputation, after they spread out, it will be very difficult to sell antiques in such a fiercely competitive market."

Yan Guohua sighed softly. The fiercely competitive market forces the owner of an antique shop like himself to have to improve the quality of the antiques in the entire antique shop. It must have a good reputation. If it is really out. What's wrong, this invisible influence will be very terrible. The biggest difference between Sun Mengyan's antique market and other antique markets is that basically all antique shop owners voluntarily put more truth in their shops. Antiques, every owner of an antique shop spontaneously does it this way. The reason is simple, that is, if you don’t do it like this, there will be very few people coming to buy antiques in the antique shop, and the next competition will become even greater Fierce, the requirements in this area will be even higher.

"Situ Kongming, if this continues, perhaps our antique shop here will be the only antique market in the entire industry that sells real antiques as much as possible!"

When Yan Guohua said this, he just said it casually, even with a little complaint, but after he finished speaking, he found out, or just woke up, that this kind of thing might actually happen.

"This is a certain thing. The proportion of antiques on the shelves of our antique shop here is really very high now. If the next competition becomes more intense, every antique shop owner must work hard to improve the real antiques. If you don’t do it this way, the antiques in the store will not be sold at all, and you will not be able to make money. It is not surprising that all the antiques in the store are real."

Situ Kongming knew very well that what Yan Guohua said would happen. In fact, this kind of thing has already appeared in the antique market.

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