God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 2056: Frightened

The middle-aged fat man's face changed drastically. He never thought that so many people would have the same opinion. There are many fake things in this world, especially in the antique collection and stone gambling circles, there are various games, but If a person or a thing has been recognized by a lot of people, no matter how hydrated this thing is, a considerable part of it must be true, which means that I just bought it in front of my own stall. The young man who has bought so many stones is very good at identifying antiques.

"Even if he is very good at antique appraisal, so what? After all, this is stone gambling. Stone gambling is fundamentally different from antique appraisal. Many people who are very good at antique appraisal basically play stone gambling. Everything is lost."

The middle-aged fat man settled down. Even though he was 100% sure that the young man named Song Yun in front of his stall was very good at antique appraisal, he felt that even if it was true, the man named Song Yun was from It's really hard to tell whether there are jade in the stones I bought from my stall.

"The mouth is so hard when you die. This is the legendary dead duck whose mouth is hard. I have to tell you that if it is someone else, it is really hard to say. Even if the antique appraisal is very powerful, the gambling stone may not be able to find I got a stone with emeralds, but the problem is still the sentence just said. The person who bought the stone from your stall is called Song Yun. This Song Yun is the owner of the treasure pavilion. He is a master at picking up leaks. A true master who can distinguish the authenticity of antiques. If such a person buys stones from your stall, if he is not sure, how could he have such a thing?"

"Fat man, I know you don't want to believe it at all, because if there are jadeites in those stones, you will definitely be at a loss, but I also have to tell you that this thing is really very likely to happen. ."

"You won’t believe anything I say at this time, because you know very well that if there are emeralds in those stones, you will definitely regret it, but is it true or is it in your stones? It’s easy to prove whether there are jadeites. Song Yun said in front of everyone just now that he will set up a high platform to cut the jadeite in front of the treasure pavilion at nine o’clock tomorrow morning. If there is anything in it, I can see clearly by then. Chu."

"If Song Yun hadn't had great certainty, how could he agree to do something like this? You know that this is cutting the stone in front of everyone. If there is no jade in it, it would be too embarrassing. It can be seen that Song Yun is very sure about this stone bet, very confident."


The old man said words after words, like a hammer, hitting the middle-aged fat man's heart one by one, making him feel dizzy.

"Impossible! It is impossible for anyone to have such an ability. Even if the antique appraisal is very powerful, if it comes to gambling on stones, it is definitely a layman."


"Could it be said that this person named Song Yun really has this kind of ability? Can it be said that all the stones he picked are really all emerald? How can this be possible? There can be no one in the world. Such an ability."


"How come I feel like a panic? Is it true that what this old man said is true? Could it be that the man named Song Yun can tell at a glance whether there is jade in the stone?!"


The middle-aged fat man was roaring in his head, and he kept trying to convince himself that the man named Song Yun who bought the stones could not really tell which stone on his stall had jade and which one did not. But he didn't know why, he always felt that this matter was not at all certain, he always felt that what the old man just said was true, and he always felt that every stone picked out by the person named Song Yun contained jade.

The middle-aged fat man smoked several cigarettes fiercely and finally calmed down slowly.

"I must go there at nine o'clock tomorrow morning to see what's going on, and I must see if it's true that the stones are all emeralds!"

The middle-aged fat man made up his mind. No matter what, he must go to the antique shop called Zhenbaoge at nine o'clock tomorrow morning to see what is going on, and see what the person named Song Yun is. It's not really that powerful.

"Will you go to see the excitement in front of Jumbo Pavilion at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning? This kind of thing has never happened before in our antique market!"


"Aren't you talking nonsense? How can you miss this chance to watch the show? I must be there on time at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Even if you don't set up a stall, this kind of show has to be Let’s take a look, I’m really curious about whether Mr. Song Yunsong’s gambling on stones is as good as he is on antiques. If it’s really such a good one, it’s really rare in a century. Master."


"Who said no? This kind of excitement really has never been encountered before, and now it has finally appeared once, I must go there to see it."


"I just want to know now, if jade is cut out of those stones, how big is the psychological shadow of this middle-aged fat man who sells stones? This is really a terrible thing. You must know that Song Yun is in this stall. I bought seven or eight stones, the smaller ones are the size of a fist, and the largest one is as high as half a person. If the jade is really cut out of it, it is impossible to imagine how much jade is worth in it. It is amazing."


"Who said no? If there are emeralds in these stones, this is the most shocking thing in the world. Teacher Song Yunsong must have picked up a big leak, the legendary one is rich, but middle-aged Fatty will definitely regret wanting to jump into the sea."


"You must get there on time at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. This kind of excitement is definitely not to be missed! It is a once in a hundred years!"



"I said there is a problem with your brain?"

"Are you the only people who are going to see the excitement tomorrow morning? The entire antique collection market, I guess, is not only the ghost market, but also the owners of the antique shops, including many people in the antique collection circle. It is already at this time. After receiving the news, there must be a lot of people in front of the treasure pavilion early tomorrow morning. If you arrive in front of the treasure pavilion at nine o'clock, you will no longer know where to go. I guess you will even have shadows. Invisible, if you want to see the excitement, you have to be in front of the Jumbo Pavilion at six o'clock tomorrow morning, otherwise, you can only wait to see the back of the heads of those watching the excitement!"


The middle-aged fat man soon found out that the antique shop owners around him had no intention to greet the business at his stall. They were all saying that tomorrow Song Yun would cut stones in front of the treasure pavilion. What happened, the shadow in his heart suddenly grew a bit bigger.

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