God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 462: Fixed plan

"We can't manage this kind of thing!"

After thinking about it for a while, Zhu Deyuan shook his head directly.

Zhao Weijun and Xu Desheng sighed, there is really no good way.

Roy is now in the minds of those wealthy people, and he has become the king of collectors, with golden signs. Subconsciously, he will think that the antiques he brought out are 100% genuine, even if it is a little bit. The doubts will not be taken to heart.

It is already foreseeable that Roy must have dug a big hole, and this wave will definitely suffer heavy losses.

No one wants to see things like this, happening right before their eyes. The key to the problem is that there is no way to avoid it.

Zhao Weijun is different from Deyuan and Xu Desheng. He is not a native of Tianding City. He was born and raised. Roy knew quite a few of the people who wanted to pit. After dealing with them, he saw these people jumping into the fire pit but doing everything Nope, very depressed.

"In fact, it is not impossible!"

Song Yun had been thinking about how to deal with Roy. At the beginning, he had no clue, but he quickly enjoyed a way.

Song Yun said his thoughts. Zhao Weijun, Zhu Deyuan, and Xu Desheng laughed after listening. The method Song Yun said was actually very simple, but absolutely effective.

Zhao Weijun immediately patted the table and said that he would arrange this matter.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng did not dispute this matter. Zhao Weijun is from Tianding City. It is very convenient for him to do such things, not to mention his identity as the curator of the museum.

Song Yun sat aside and drank tea without interrupting. He knew very well that he might be fine with an idea, but how to perfect a plan depends on old foxes like Zhu Deyuan and others.

Three heads surpassed Zhuge Liang, not to mention three experienced old foxes. After discussing for a little half an hour, the whole plan has been dripping.

Roy didn't know that someone was trying to deal with him. He only returned to the hotel at three o'clock in the morning. He spent a whole evening socializing and didn't know how many people he had spoken to, but he was very energetic and could not see fatigue .

"Mr. Roy, it seems that this time our harvest will be very great!"

Standing behind Roy, Leo was also very excited. He witnessed everything and admired the five-body cast. It was just a simple participation in an antique carnival, and he was about to sell hundreds of millions or even a dozen. 100 million antiques, this is definitely an astronomical number. The important thing is that all the antiques that will be sold are fakes. In other words, this time, it is completely no business. Or more than a billion yuan is for nothing.

"Good luck this time, things went very well, far beyond my expectations!"

Roy held a bottle of champagne in his hand and poured two glasses after opening it. He was in a very good mood tonight and he had to drink a little.

"People are stupid and rich!"

"These people are talking about!"

Leo took the champagne, touched it lightly with Roy, and drank it in one breath. This time I came to China for the purpose of arbitrage. What I did was a fraud. I never thought that things would be so easy. .


"At this time, you can see the importance of my scholarship!"

Roy pointed to his head as he said. He knew very well that this time, if it weren’t because he had the title of an expert on Chinese culture, he would not have been invited to participate in the inspection during the day, let alone at night. It was these two events that guaranteed their own banquet, and these rich people in Tianding City believed in themselves so much.

"Roy, what you said is not wrong, it seems that reading more books is useful."

Leo had to admit that it was indeed like this. If Roy didn't have a name like a well-known scholar, it would be very difficult to gain the trust of others, but now it is easy.

"How are things prepared?"

"There will be no problem, right?"

Roy turned around, and after seeing it, everything is ready now, only the east wind is owed, and he can never lose the chain at this time. This is a big business of several hundred million or even more than one billion. Missing can definitely regret it. Half a lifetime.

"Do not worry!"

"Already ready!"

"There is no problem!"

Leo said as he pointed to a dozen large and small boxes placed in the corner.

"What are you going to do?"

"You can't take out everything at once, right?"

Leo was a little curious about what Roy would do next. The antiques were in hand and he had gained the trust of others, but how to sell is definitely a technical job. You must know that only when all the antiques are sold smoothly, the dust settles, the money will be Can really make money, although everything is going well now, it is still a castle in the sky, it doesn't matter.

"There will be a party tomorrow night. A very wealthy person has made an appointment with me when he just left. I plan to bring two antiques. The most important thing for us now is to successfully sell one or two antiques. "

"The next plan is that we have to get a private auction."

Roy had already planned it.

Leo gave Roy a thumbs up. If you sell one or two antiques and let out the wind, those who want to buy antiques will naturally come to your door. After all those people’s appetites are lifted, they can start a private auction. They have a very important feature: one The more people who want something, the higher the price under competition, and the more you earn.

"Do we need to bring real antiques to the party tomorrow night?"

Leo didn't know how Roy arranged this matter.

"Why should you take it?"

Roy smiled and picked up the champagne, poured himself a full glass, and poured another full glass for Leo.

"This is the first time. Wouldn't it be better to bring two of them?!"

Leo hesitated a little. In his opinion, the first time he sold antiques, it was natural to take it with him, so that he could guarantee no trouble.

"No, I know what you mean and what you are thinking."

"However, this is absolutely unnecessary!"

Roy shook his head.

"As I said earlier, these are all stupid people with a lot of money, and there is no need to be polite to them!"

"The two antiques we brought tomorrow night, they are for 20 million. If you get one real, what a loss?"

"Don't you think 20 million is not money?"

Leo froze for a moment, then laughed.

20 million is not money?

How could 20 million not be money?

This is a lot of money!

It is impossible to make so much money from selling a real antique, after all, is there a cost?

But selling a fake antique is different. The cost is very small. No matter what the price is, it is basically all profit. In Huaxia's words, it is a huge profit!

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