God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 729: Nervous Ma Hengzhi

Zuo Ming is standing next to Ma Hengzhi. He is very nervous now and will soon be photographing the bronze.

"calm down!"

"Except for us, no one will know that bronze ware is valuable!"

Ma Hengzhi gave Zuo Ming a look. In fact, he was very nervous in his heart, but he didn't show it.

"Young Ma!"

"This is an antique worth 20 million yuan. That way, you can buy it for 20,000 or 30,000 yuan. At most it will not exceed 100,000 yuan. This is definitely a good thing. To be honest, I have been dealing in antiques for so many years. This is the first time I have encountered something like this."

Zuo Ming swallowed a sip of water. He kept telling himself not to be nervous, but he couldn't help it. He could take down the bronze as soon as he thought of it. His heart was beating like a drum, and his palms were full of sweat. .

"The guy who hasn't seen the big scene, can't hold back such a small thing."

Ma Hengzhi scolded Zuo Ming. He knew that the bronze ware must never be known to others before he bought it. He deliberately found a corner, and he didn't have to worry about others discovering it when he spoke.


"Ma Shao, what you said is not wrong, it is true. I really haven't seen any big scenes, but I hope you will join us in the future!"

Zuo Ming took another sip of water and looked at the bronze ware placed on the table not far away. His eyes showed a greedy look. He really wanted to buy it by himself, but at this charity auction tonight I really didn't have the qualifications to make a bid. I had a huge opportunity to make money and slipped away from my eyes, like a knife cut in my heart.

"Do not worry!"

"I told you before that as long as this matter is done, I will never treat you badly. I am the one who speaks, and those who follow me have no meat to eat, but they definitely have soup!"

Ma Hengzhi glanced at Zuo Ming, very clear what he was thinking.

"thank you very much!"

"thank you very much!"

Zuo Ming immediately started flattering. He knew very well that people like Ma Hengzhi came from very big people, and all he knew were rich owners. This type of people like to buy antiques very much, and they are the best business partners, and most importantly, These people don't have much insight, and they are perfect targets for fooling around.

After Zuo Ming wanted to understand this, he suddenly became excited. Although this bronze ware tonight has no fate with him, there will be opportunities to make a lot of money in the future. From this point of view, it is definitely not a bad thing that there is no way to buy a bronze ware. , Maybe you can earn more.

Ma Hengzhi didn't know that Zuo Lin's heart had regarded himself as a water fish. He now had the bronze ware in his mind and the scene of Feng Kaiyang slapped in the face after buying the bronze ware.

"Hurry up!"

"Hurry up and shoot faster!"

"The bronzes are mine!"

"That piece of bronze is definitely mine!"

Ma Hengzhi kept muttering like a demon, staring at the auctioneer in charge of the auction from time to time. After a while, he glanced at the bronze ware placed on the table. He really wanted to rush up and put it directly. The bronze ware was held in his hand and declared that it was his own.

Gong Yangqiu has been paying attention to Ma Hengzhi. At this time, he has already noticed the strangeness. He sneered, knowing that Ma Hengzhi must be thinking of ghosts in his heart, but when he encounters himself, there is no way. Waiting here, it is impossible to hit Feng Kaiyang in the face.

Suddenly, Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao glanced at the bronze ware together, and it was the next one.

"Will Ma Hengzhi bid?!"

Song Yun looked at Ma Hengzhi. Although they were a little far apart, he could still see that Ma Hengzhi's hands were clenched into fists, and he looked very nervous. Needless to say, he would definitely speak.

Song Yun looked at Gong Yangqiu again and laughed. Ma Hengzhi, the little sheep, would have never thought that there was a big hungry wolf waiting behind him.

"How do I think you look like you are watching a good show?"

Tang Miaomiao stabbed Song Yun in the shoulder.


"Is it so obvious?!"

"There is nothing wrong with what you said, I am really waiting for a good show."

Song Yun nodded seriously, he was indeed waiting for a good show.

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