God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 762: Shenxue Certification

"Mr. Song, it is really unfair for you to be like this. How could you directly deprive me of the opportunity to bid?"

When XCMG heard Song Yun say this, he became anxious. He was an agent. If he could not buy the gold and silver coins for Yamaguchi Yuki, he would not receive any commission at all. The most important thing is this time. The transaction amount is very high and the commission is very considerable. I am absolutely unwilling to give up such an opportunity.


"What's so unfair?"

"I just said that I have the final say on the antiques in the Treasure Pavilion. I decide who I want to sell to or not."

"I really don't have any evidence to prove that you are related to Yamaguchi Yuki, and I cannot prove that you bought an antique for Yamaguchi Yuki."

"What's the problem with this?"

"I'm unhappy, so I won't sell it to you. It's that simple."

Song Yun waved his hand. He knew that the person in front of him called Xugong was 100% related to Yamaguchi Yuki, but he really had no evidence, but the crux of the problem was that he didn’t need evidence at all. He would rather kill the mistake than let it go. Xugong didn't know his origin, so he would not give him a chance at all. To deal with such things, he had to be simple, straightforward and rude.

"Is this bad?"

"After the incident goes out, it will have a great impact on your reputation for Tang Miaomiao, Miss Tang, and Zhenbao Pavilion. You are the person who opens the door to do business. As I said earlier, I will take out real gold Silver, you have no reason to reject me thousands of miles away."

XCMG is a little anxious. If Song Yun really did this, he would have no chance.

"Will it affect the reputation of Jumbo Pavilion?"

"You take yourself too high, right?"

"You are just a person who is nothing. If you don't buy you these gold coins and silver coins, where will the impact be?"

"Don't look up to yourself!"

Song Yun thought it was a little funny.

Xugong was anxious and angry, but he had to admit that what Song Yun said was not wrong at all. It was indeed the case. If he said this, there was no reason at all. Jumbo Pavilion is not an ordinary shop, and he refuses himself. There will be no impact. The business of Jumbo Pavilion is too good, and the antiques are too popular, so there is no worry about buying and selling.

"Mr. Song, I still think you should give me a chance."

"I have nothing to do with the Yamaguchi Yuki you said. I came here today just to buy antiques for myself."

Xugong took a deep breath, and abruptly suppressed his anger. For that expensive commission, he knew that he would never turn his head and leave at this time, even if there was only a chance, he had to take it. Strive for.

"Song Yun, this person is an agent, he buys antiques for others, and has nothing to do with him."

Tang Miaomiao has already seen XCMG’s identity at this time. There is no doubt that he is an agent who specializes in collecting commissions for buying antiques for others. Such people never want to reveal the identity of the buyer. Yamaguchi Tomoki clearly knows that if he personally Come, this will be rejected, and an agent is found as a last resort.


"So it is!"

Song Yun nodded. He had heard of such things before. In fact, Shen Xue was also such an agent in a sense.

"How could I be an agent?"

"I came here today to buy antiques for myself!"

XCMG heard that Tang Miaomiao broke his identity. After taking a big jump, he immediately denied it. I just said that I was buying antiques for myself. I can't admit it at this time. Once I admit it, Song Yun directly Will drive himself out of the Treasure Pavilion.


"It seems that it is really a hard-boiled duck!"

"Or it can't be said that the Yellow River is not dead!"

Tang Miaomiao is now 100% sure that the XCMG in front of him is an agent. It is very simple to prove this point. He immediately took out his mobile phone and came to a video with Shen Xue. After connecting, he said a few words and pointed the camera. XCMG.

XCMG was shocked when she saw Shen Xue in the video on her mobile phone, and her face turned black.


"I didn't expect that we would have a video call under such a situation. I am really embarrassed, but it is definitely not me, but you.

Shen Xue smiled and waved at XCMG.

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