God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 807: Two hands ready

"Han Xue!"

"There is no way, we can only prepare with two hands."

Xie Feng pondered for ten minutes, and finally made up his mind.

Shen Xue raised her own ears, knowing that this matter must be handled very seriously, and there must be no mistakes, otherwise it will be a devastating blow to the auction company.

"There are two ways to deal with this matter right now. You will arrange them for me. No mistakes can be made."

If Xie Feng had other options, he would definitely not want to do such a thing, but now he is really forced to reach Liangshan, and there is no other way.

"The first one is that you arrange for someone to auction this antique later, and you have to buy it regardless of the amount of money."

Xie Feng said his first idea right away, now that time is running out, he must deal with it immediately.

Han Xue was stunned for a moment. There was such a simple method that she hadn't thought of just now. This is definitely the legendary care and chaos.

The person Xie Feng said is the trustee in the legend. Many auction companies and even treasure owners will arrange one or more people to be the trustee during the auction process. Such people have two tasks, one is If the price of the auction item is too low, it will immediately participate in the bidding, creating an illusion that a certain antique is very popular, enticing other buyers to buy it, and the other is a certain antique. If the auction price is too low, it will not reach When you reach the ideal point, you can just buy it yourself. In addition, there are other reasons. In any case, it is a very common thing to trust an auction company.

"Xie Feng, you have to think carefully about this matter. You must know that if you do it this way, it is very likely that the company's reputation will also be fatally hit."

Han Xue carefully pondered for a few minutes, and after the initial excitement passed, she felt that this matter was not as wonderful as she had imagined.

Auction companies have a good reputation in the circle that they never use trustees.

Xie Feng now clearly wants to do something like this. Perhaps some inexperienced people can’t see it, but for those who have participated in many auctions, this kind of support can almost be seen at a glance, once it exists. If you jump into the Yellow River, the auction company has maintained a good reputation for several years, and it is very likely that it will fall to the bottom.

"How could I not know the risks like this?"

"If there are other choices, I certainly don't want to do something like this, but now there is really no other possibility. Both things are harmful. We can only choose the one that hurts us less."

Xie Feng knows very well that what Han Xue said is not wrong. If he really arranged a trust and was discovered by others, it would definitely be a disappointing event. It’s just that there is nothing better for him now. select.

Han Xue silently accepted Xie Feng's statement.

"Another preparation is that no matter who bought this antique, you have to keep it in mind. When we turn back, we will ask him to tell the story, and then use the original price or even a higher price. He bought the antiques in his hands."

Xie Feng knew that these two methods might be the only options for handling this matter by himself.

Han Xue didn't say anything more, turned around and left. Both of the two methods that Xie Feng arranged must be fully prepared, and there must be no accidents, or the consequences will not be for everyone. Can carry it.

"I hope nothing goes wrong!"

"I hope I can get through this difficult time smoothly."

Xie Feng looked at the antique room not far from him, muttered a few words, shook his head, and started chatting and socializing with the people who came here tonight.

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