God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 809: You know? !

Song Yun frowned and saw three people who had never expected to see him here, Yuki Yamaguchi and Kim Sung-soo, and the other was Junichiro Kitano.

Tang Miaomiao soon discovered that Song Yun's face was very ugly, and he followed his gaze, and immediately saw Yamaguchi Yugui and others.

"This is how the same thing?"

"Why do these people appear here?"

Tang Miaomiao was very upset. He really didn't expect that Yamaguchi Yougui would be here. The auction tonight uses an invitation system. In other words, these people were invited by Xie Feng.

"Go and ask?"

Song Yun looked at Tang Miaomiao and said something like this.

"it is good!"

Tang Miaomiao agreed without hesitation.

Shen Xue did not speak, but the expression on her face explained everything. She followed Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao and walked towards Xie Feng not far away.

"Did you invite Yuki Yamaguchi?"

When Song Yun walked in front of Xie Feng, he asked directly.


"Song Yun, what do you mean by this?"

Xie Feng was having a headache for the fake antique that appeared at the auction. Song Yun came over and asked such a sentence. He didn't expect to understand what it meant for a while.

"I mean to say that Tomoki Yamaguchi, that Junichiro Kitano, and Kim Sung-soo, come to participate in this auction tonight, do you know about this?!"

Song Yun's tone was very calm, he couldn't see anything special at all. If he had to say something, it would be too calm, even without any expression on his face.

"I know about this. All the guests in the auction tonight have been selected by me."

Xie Feng felt a little bit in his heart. He always felt that he had forgotten something, and he didn't have any clues for a while.


"Then do you know what happened between me and him?"

"What I'm talking about is that Yuki Yamaguchi tried everything to buy the Yuan Qinghua from me."

Song Yun continued to ask.

Xie Feng's face immediately became very ugly, and at this time he already understood why Song Yun would ask himself like this.

"I know about this."

Xie Feng sighed. Although the matter of Yamaguchi Yuki did not make a big noise, it is not a secret in the circle. There are many people who know it. There is no way to deny or deny such things.


"Then I understand!"

Song Yun nodded, didn't say anything, turned around and left.

"Mr. Song, I didn't expect you to care about this so much."

Xie Feng saw that Song Yun didn't say anything, he turned around and left, a little anxiously speaking.


"It's ok!"

"I just came to ask clearly. Now that I know the answer, I don't think there is any problem."

Song Yun did not stop and continued to move forward.

"Mr. Song, I am a business man, and in this circle, I often have no alternative."

Xie Feng was even more anxious. He walked towards Song Yun and wanted to stop him. He explained clearly. What he didn't expect was that as soon as he walked forward, Shen Xue stood in front of him.

"Mr. Xie! Please stay!"

"There is no need for this!"

"I can tell you for sure, there is really no need for this, you can't stop Song Yun."

Shen Shui looked at Xie Feng, his eyes as cold as an iceberg.

Xie Feng opened his mouth to explain clearly, but couldn't speak.

"Let's go!"

Tang Miaomiao took a deep look at Xie Feng and beckoned to Shen Xue, turning around like Song Yun walked over.


"I don't know something good or bad!"

"Businessman? I have never seen anyone doing business like you."

Shen Xue put down such a sentence and turned around to follow Tang Miaomiao and walk towards Song Yun.

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