God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 812: Anger and forgiveness are two times

"Song Yun, you said that you are not angry, but you also said that you will not forgive Xie Feng. Why do I hear this a bit inconsistent?!"

Zhu Deyuan pondered for a while, but really didn't understand what Song Yun meant.

"Isn't it easy?"

"Actually, this matter is very simple."

"Xie Feng is an adult. He has his own opinions. He runs his own auction company. He wants to invite Yamaguchi Yuki to participate in the auction tonight. That is his own business. Of course, his company's business He decides for himself, and he does what he wants. There is no way for others to stop it, and there is no reason to stop it."

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were silent. Song said these words are very correct, there is no problem, it is indeed the case. This auction tonight is an auction organized by Xie Feng’s company. Who would Xie Feng want to invite? Just whoever is invited, others really can't control it. The truth is indeed the truth, but the two people always feel that something is not right, so they just stop talking and listen to Song Yun continue.

"Xie Feng invited Yamaguchi Youhui to come here, it is his business, I have no reason to be angry, and there is no need to be angry."

"Elder Zhu and Elder Xu, do you think I am right?!"

Song Yun looked at Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng in a very sincere tone.


"you're right!"

"This is indeed the truth, there is nothing wrong, but if you really think so, why do you say that you won't forgive Xie Feng?!"

Zhu Deyuan couldn't help being curious.

"If I am not angry about this incident, it does not mean that I will forgive it. Xie Feng can decide who to invite to his auction. Of course I can decide what I do."

"Isn't this a logical thing?"

Song Yun looked a little strangely at Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng. The two old men were usually shrewd. Why were they confused about this matter, as if they still didn't quite understand what they meant.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng really understood it at this time. They were not angry about this matter, but they did not forgive this matter. It turned out that it meant that Xie Feng could invite Yamaguchi Yugui. It was his own business, but Song Yun could decide what to do. To deal with Xie Feng, for example, no longer appraising antiques for Xie Feng’s auction company, or there are other methods. If this is the case, then Xie Feng must have lost his big due to small mistakes. In fact, what is Song Yun? You don't need to do anything, just don't appraise antiques for Xie Feng's auction company. Just such a thing can cause Xie Feng's auction company to lose a lot, and it is likely to be the kind of heartbreaking.

"You kid is too cruel!"

Xu Desheng shook his head.

"I'm too cruel about this?!"

"Where does this start?"

"I don't think so. Like what I said earlier, Xie Feng can decide what he wants to do, and I can decide what I want to do. This is fair and there is no problem."

Song Yun shook his head, disapproving what Xu Desheng said.

What can Xu Desheng say?

Song Yun said that there was nothing wrong with doing it this way. The reason was on Song Yun's side.

"Xie Feng, this kid did things, he didn't leak water before, but now he didn't expect it to be like this. It seems that the company really started to float after it got bigger."

Zhu Deyuan shook his head. No matter what industry he was in, when he reached the top, he was more about being a man than doing business. Xie Feng didn't want to understand this, or even though he knew, he didn't care , Which directly led to this ending.

"It's going to rain Niang to marry someone. No one can care about this kind of thing. Originally, I wanted to keep my hand. Now that something like this happens, it seems that there is really no need to be merciful."

"Shen Xue, it's up to you tonight, let's play hard!"

Song Yun looked at Shen Xue who was standing beside him.

"no problem!"

"You know, I'm so eager to do this, what's the point of being shy?!"

Shen Xue laughed, very bright and moving. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng saw this scene beside them, shaking their heads in their hearts. Xie Feng really found this by herself and could not blame others.

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